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April 14th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onApril 14, 2024

The April 14 starlet has so much fun being creative. Give an oblong table the Rennaissance look. Drape it with a blanket. Cover with dark chenille, an Indian print or rug. This gets rid of legs, and looks painterly with still life-style fruit, dead hare and violin heaped on top!

Sun Sign: Aries/Mars

Decanate: Aries/Jupiter; Numbers: 5, 9

April 14th Birthday Love Astrology

If it could reach the sky, this decorative, decorating-mad lambkin would hang the firmament with fairy lights and bind the moon with silver balloons. Both sexes are the natural landscape gardeners, architects and interior decorators of the universe. Quite often they go into some aspect of this as a career. But even if they work in a shop, theirs is the best-wrapped parcel. Nurses born on this day can make the most frightening hospital ward a welcoming place.

April 14 doesn't need money to create beauty. In their hands the barest winter twigs and golden autumn leaves make an arrangement you'd spend £40 on in the local posh florist. What they do need is encouragement. Other less sensitive dates may get impatient with April 14's ideas, even dismissing them, instantly quenching the creative sparkle.

This individual likes to please others. They'll dress a new baby's crib so beautifully, the child won't want to grow out of it. Find them in tourism and retail, where pleasing is what you pay for. Find them also as style gurus, hob-nobbing with international snobnobs when they may become exceedingly precioso.

Gaiety is always pleasing and theirs is infectious. Many of them have the fetching slenderness and aquamarine eyes of the true Arian and of course they can run up a little something out of a length of material in a sale bin and look as if they've just come back from Bond Street. What's even more galling for the stouter occupants of the universe is that flirtatious April 14 can eat until the lambs come home and not put on an ounce. In fact food occupies them almost as much as sparkly things to tie on the Christmas tree. Our Marsipan sweetheart's favourite galaxy is the Milky Way, which is made of chocolate and of course we all know that the moon is made of her favourite brand of cream cheese.

In Love

Not content with the status quo, you surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you. Fun loving and sociable by nature, you want a vibrant romantic partner who keeps your interest alive. Because you view communication as essential in a love union, you need to be with someone who appeals to your mind as well as your body. Your ideal lover is bright, witty, and intellectually stimulating. Basically a free spirit, you’re not overly concerned with traditional social roles or other people’s expectations. You do what you believe is right, and let the chips fall where they may.

In Bed

To your way of thinking, the biggest sin is to let your love life become dull and boring. You’ll do whatever possible to keep the spark between you and your partner glowing. However, for the fires to keep burning, your lover needs to be as imaginative and adventurous as you are. You crave excitement and enjoy attempting new things, and your penchant for experimentation also applies to your sex life. Nothing is too unusual or far out for you to consider trying.


It's particularly vital that April 14 is matched with the right partner, or unhappiness will ensue. Aries perfectly understands Aries. Taurus can he befuddled (too slow). Gemini, too sharp tongued and edgy. Cancer, too timorous and not quite smart enough. Leo will adore and financially back April 14. Virgo finds her embarrassingly unconventional. Laissez-faire, laid back Libra will delight in fantastic 14. Sensuous Scorpio, another Mars sign, will idolise 14. Mutable Sagittarius will throw money at the Decorator and probably go bankrupt. Acutely sensitive, allegretto brained Aquarius will adore 14's beribboned arabesques in the sky. Aries will break Pisces heart.


Your main requirement is that lovemaking be playful and exciting. The more fun it is, and the more challenging, the better you like it. You may think you like calling the shots in the bedroom, yet nothing turns you on faster than a sex partner who takes charge. You discover that you can’t resist a lover who pursues you with passion and conviction.


The April 14 starlet has so much fun being creative. Give an oblong table the Rennaissance look. Drape it with a blanket. Cover with dark chenille, an Indian print or rug. This gets rid of legs, and looks painterly with still life-style fruit, dead hare and violin heaped on top!

Reality Check

You tend to jump in and out of romantic relationships. You won’t admit to being fickle, yet there is a definite fear of intimacy in your makeup. When you do settle down, you’ll choose someone who shares your interests and is a friend as well as a lover.

April 14 Date Share

Sir John Gielgud, British actor, film and TV star, icon. Julie Christie, film star, stage actress, 1960s icon. Arnold Toynbee, British historian. Loretta Lynn, country singer. François Duvalier, Haitian dictator, known as Papa Doc. Rod Steiger, film and stage actor.

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