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April 15th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onApril 15, 2024

To discover if you and a lover are suited, both must place a nut on the glowing embers of a fire. If they merely glow and smoulder, you will be happy together. If they burst or crackle, it will be all quarrels.

Sun Sign: Aries/Mars

Decanate: Aries/Jupiter; Numbers: 1, 6

April 15th Birthday Love Astrology

Airhead Aries encourages flibbertigibbet April 15 to chase the silliest ideas. This creature is like an adorable lamb, springing about in the meadow, racing after a dragon fly j here and then getting lost and crying for its mama. There's always a tomorrow’ for April 15 and it's always going to be big. Today is just j a preparation for tomorrow and we don't bother with yesterday j because we've forgotten all about it.

This is the person at work who has marvellous ideas which I make everybody else squirm because they are impossible to get j done. Should the heavens want a bit of fun, April 15 is promoted j and then everything is hither and thither. Chasing the craziest of j ideas, there's nobody left back at the coal face to get anything done, and 15 certainly isn't there because she's gone to Ascot to show off j her new hat.

Some are inspirational, cutting through old ideas and j traditional office ‘no-manship', to revolutionise a business. But this j almond-eyed creature, the windows to its soul, causes others many j sleepless night and weary days. When 15 comes in the room and says, ‘Why don't we?'other star signs; attempt to lemming it out of the window.

Amorous 15 loves to love and attracts Partners as a row of lavender attracts late July bees. With much the same effect, Drunk on honey, the bees fall sated into surrounding grass, and dream of pleasure, until somebody treads on them. This person does best making a late marriage, when the racing blood has cooled and their airstrip Aries brain has ceased to; accommodate so many landings and departures. Some make steady I parents in youth. Parent-love concentrates the brain, and those who have to handle the single parent role do so admirably.

Perfume is their passion and birds bring out their tenderness, Find an almost pet robin in their day garden and at night a nightingale sings in the rosy perfumed darkness.

In Love

Although as ardent and strongly sexed as other Aries natives, you’re more sensitive and tactful than the typical ram. Relationships are central to your life, and you rarely lack for potential lovers. You admire individuals who choose to live a freewheeling lifestyle, but you want the companionship of a fulfilling union more than independence. Because passion is not as important to you as intellectual rapport, you don’t expect the initial sexual fireworks to last forever. However, if the romantic spark and sense of intimacy should fade, you could begin searching for a new soul mate.

In Bed

A desirable and considerate lover, you enjoy everything about the stylized rituals of love and romance. Behind closed doors, lovemaking takes on mystical dimensions as you abandon yourself to the joy of merging and becoming one with your partner. Highly sensitive to your surroundings, you like making love in a beautiful setting enhanced by soft lighting, mood music, and the scent of flowers. You’re happy to take the lead in bed, but you also enjoy being seduced into sweet submission.


April 15 is very breast conscious, always worrying that her bosoms are either too small, or too large or in some way not quite right, like most other women in the universe in fact. Before you resort to more serious medical devices, why not try these aromatherapy recipes for enlarging and reducing the bosom? To tone and enlarge: 2 drops geranium, 2 drops clary sage, 2 drops ylang-ylang, 2tsp camellia oil. This makes enough for about a week. Massage on at night. To tone and reduce: I drop rose, Itsp jojoba. Jojoba emulsifies fat tissue, while rose is astringent.


Whether it’s a game of strip poker or a teasing, sensuous striptease, having your partner undress for you (or undress you) is a surefire turn-on. You like being enticed into sex with kissing and touching designed to inflame your desire. You love the feeling of being pursued and particularly enjoy allowing your lover to wear down your resistance.


To discover if you and a lover are suited, both must place a nut on the glowing embers of a fire. If they merely glow and smoulder, you will be happy together. If they burst or crackle, it will be all quarrels.

Reality Check

The impulsiveness and aggression of your Aries Sun is held in check by your good manners and refined ways. Your internal impatience and need for action is often in conflict with your innate courtesy and a desire to please everyone. As a result, you can be hesitant and indecisive one moment and erratic and impetuous the next.

April 15 Date Share

Died: in New York, Greta Garbo. Born: Jeffery Archer, Tory party pillar, novelist wheeler-dealer, charmer. Samantha Fox, Page Three girl, actress, singer, religious convert. Sir Neville Marriner, British chamber conductor. Henry James, American novelist, wrote much in England and Paris, What Maisie Knew. Kim ll-Sung, North Korean dictator. Claudia Cardinale, Italian film actress.

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