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April 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onApril 16, 2024

In Tarot's Major Arcana, the 16th card is The Tower, indicating sudden rises to and obsessional preoccupation with success, but also awareness of impermanence and the need to change. Tarot is a signposter not a dictator.

Sun Sign: Aries/Mars

Decanate: Aries/Jupiter; Numbers: 2, 7

April 16th Birthday Love Astrology

April 16 likes a quiet time and would prefer to stay in the house where he was born all the days of his long life. Many live in the country and have the deepest love for every hedgerow, and old rosebush in the village. This determined creature achieves her ambition, resists temptation to depart, except to study and train so that she can make a living on her return.

April 16 may choose the law, medicine, teaching or master plastering, but all fit with life where the first roots were put down and the last will be lifted. Sexy, agreeable Aries is the prized partner of the county, losing its virginity somewhere along the mid-teens in sun-baked local fields and woods where couples have gone to romance for hundreds of years. But adventurous 16 will probably lure a permanent partner from far away, brook no resistance and block any urgings to move elsewhere. Just a smidgeonette of a bully here, maybe? They're readers and thinkers, good farmers and gardeners. They understand animals, ride to the hunt, know every inch of the river and can handle a boat with their eyes closed. And a good Arian's cooking is second to none in the county, country or galaxy. Expect delicate stews, with fresh herbs, tarts to tempt the toughest tastebuds, cheeses from France, sun dried tomatoes from Italy, finest Spanish olives and Turkish delight made with rosewater, so fine it kills the eater with pleasure, presented in scented boxes straight from the soukhs of Asia Minor.

Both sexes are excellent travellers, keen to see how other people live and many will take the trouble to learn the language if they are to visit often. They have a powerful appreciation of other people's national identity as well as their own. Many will become village or town ‘elders', respected for their sagacity, honesty and in many cases, loved for the music they play on the church organ on Sunday morning.

In Love

You project an air of aggressive determination, yet you are extremely sensitive and feel things very deeply. Basically independent and self-contained, you are close to relatively few people. You have your own ideas of what a loving relationship entails. For you, spiritual and emotional bonding matter most in a romantic union. You’re looking for a partner who accepts you as you are, despite your ever-changing moods. You don’t favor casual alliances; your relationships are generally serious and long lasting. Because of high expectations, you can be severely disappointed when real life does not conform to your ideals.

In Bed

At times you require periods of solitude, but never when your mate is in the mood for lovemaking. In the bedroom, you are an unusual combination of cuddly sensuality and passionate curiosity. You tend to be cautious about making the first move because you loathe rejection, yet you’re impulsive and direct when you know that your feelings are returned. You like the idea of sexual experimentation, but only with a lover who makes you feel completely safe and secure.


When you've got too many strawberries and they're going off, here's a refreshing and new way to use them up. Strawberry Ice: Take 450g strawberries, washed and hulled, 175ml orange juice, 225g sugar, 4tbsp lemon juice, 2tbsp curaçao or any fruit cordial. Blend or beat until smooth, then sieve. Freeze in plastic container until nearly frozen but still soft. Take from freezer, empty into a bowl and beat hard, until smooth. Return to freezer container, cover and freeze again until firm. Serve in large glasses decorated with strawberries, or fresh sprigs of mint. Accompany with plain yoghurt.


The innovative partner who understands the importance of imaginative foreplay sustains your interest, because you are always eager to see what is going to come next. You love the thrill of the chase and seduction. However, once you’ve been caught you expect your lover to quit all the teasing and deliver the erotic goods as promised.


In Tarot's Major Arcana, the 16th card is The Tower, indicating sudden rises to and obsessional preoccupation with success, but also awareness of impermanence and the need to change. Tarot is a signposter not a dictator.

Reality Check

Given to brooding over slights and setbacks, you are likely to go off in secret to lick your wounds. You never truly get over hurt feelings, yet you usually manage to bounce back and pick up where you left off. Although mysterious and solitary, you’re intensely loyal. When you allow yourself to get deeply involved in a relationship, you make a loving, steadfast, and reliable partner.

April 16 Date Share

Died: Sammy Davis Jr, comedian, member of Hollywood rat pack. David Lean, producer, director. Born: Ellen Barkin, film actress. Kingsley Amis, British author, father of Martin, Lucky Jim. Spike Milligan, comic, member of The Goons. Merce Cunningham, choreographer, dancer. Charlie Chaplin, British comic, silent films and then speaking, famous for trilby and walking stick, Modern Times, The Great Dictator.

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