April 18th Dignity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onApril 18, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to let down your guard

☆The way forward is to understand that being yourself is the best and only way to earn the respect of others, even if that means appearing ungainly or vulnerable.

The Birthday Of Dignity, The Day Of Vigorous Defense

April 18th Dignity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of April 18th Birthdays

Sun sign: Aries

Ruling planet: Mars, the warrior

Symbol: The Ram

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Moon (imagination)

Favorable numbers: 4, 9

Lucky day: Tuesday, especially when it falls on 4 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Scarlet, crimson, orange

Birthstone: Diamond

People born on April 18 are powerful, strong, dependable and influential. They stand firm in their beliefs, possessing boundless energy and conviction. Often taking the lead in conversations or projects, they like to think of themselves as confident and dignified; this is exactly how they come across to others.

In some ways similar to a comic-book superhero, they are bold, hardworking and dignified, and also like to defend the underdog. Sometimes, though, their views are so lofty and their standards so high that they set themselves up for frustration and disappointment. This can manifest itself in sudden and unexpected outbursts of temper or, even worse, disdain.

The respect of others is extremely important for them and they take great care how they present themselves to others. They are particularly vulnerable to attacks on their dignity or performance but, because they are so well prepared, these rarely occur. Generally, they have an extremely positive effect on others, their main problem being recognition of their own and others’ limits. They need to be careful that they don’t become extreme or fanatical, especially before the age of thirty-two. During this period, the influence of either their mother or father over their choice of career may be strong. After the age of thirty-three they may develop a desire to become more knowledgeable and communicative, and therefore more flexible and independent. Around the age of sixty-two there is another important shift, which accentuates their emotional needs, home and friends.

Despite the seriousness of their ideals, most people born on this day understand the importance of relaxation, and this can help them avoid becoming obsessive. They may even have a slightly mischievous streak and they should never seek to repress that positive energy. This is because when they are able to become more spontaneous in their words and deeds, they have the potential to earn both the respect of others, and their loyalty, admiration and affection.

☆ On the dark side:Proud, unrealistic, uncontrolled

☆ At your best:Loyal, dignified, influential

Those born on April 18 are vigorous defenders of the faith. They are protectors not only of their own interests but of those of the less fortunate as well. Often the causes they champion and the new ideas they seek to implement are right at the forefront of the times in which they live. Those born on this day are often known as progressive thinkers who fight for their beliefs. Yet they are not radicals: at heart they are traditionalists who wish to apply their experience and thorough knowledge of what has gone before to the present situation.

April 18 people are aware of their appearance and their public image; how others see them in daily life is very important to them. Consequently, they will rarely if ever be caught making fools of themselves in public. In like manner, they are extremely careful to present themselves to their business associates or co-workers in a sober and reasonable light. It is also important to them that their families not only love them but respect them as well.

All April 18 people carry a certain nobility about them. If this aura of nobility and honor is in any way besmirched, they will suffer very deeply and will stop at nothing to put it right.

However, during this period of suffering they may get quite deeply depressed and it can be quite some time before they have regained the energy and composure needed to take action.

Those born on this day have a strong sense of loyalty and their defensive instincts extend not only to friends and family but to professional colleagues or clients as well.

They should beware of making enemies in this way. and sometimes must allow others to fight their own battles.

April 18 people often have an emotionally deep and complex bond with one of their parents (usually a boy with his mother or a girl with her father). They may indeed depend very heavily on the moral support and approval of this parent . It is on the basis of this very important bond that the child will form his/her ideas of morality as well as how to behave in society while growing up. It is therefore of the greatest importance that problems (for it is often a difficult and stormy relationship with this parent) be worked out by adolescence so that those born on this day can get on with their lives and not get stuck psychologically.

A crucial area of growth for April 18 people lies in fully unlocking intimate affection and love. If love is bottled up. an embittered personality may result that will always feel a victim of the blows of the world. If. on the other hand, love and affection are free-flowing, there is no limit to the positive energy- April 18 people can bestow on those around them.

Power Thought:I can change my life by changing how I think about it,Never take anything too seriously

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 18th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (8+1=9), and by the forceful planet Mars. Since the sign of Aries is also ruled by Mars, April 18 people have to beware of their aggressiveness getting the better of them, and since quarreling can make enemies, they should avoid conflict when possible. In addition, the excess martian energy of those born on this day means that they may be apt to lead themselves and their companions off in a wrong direction. Perhaps they can somehow keep a handle on impulsive urges, yet find healthy outlets for their considerable energies.

April 18th Birthday Tarot Card

The 18th card of the Major Arcana is The Moon, which primarily represents the world of dreams, emotions and the unconscious. The Moon is traditionally the symbol of feminine forces, as well as of emotions. Positive attributes include sensitivity, empathy and emotional understanding. Negative qualities include emotional malleability, passivity and lack of ego. The highly imaginative influences of the Moon can create illusions and set all kinds of traps, ambushes and deceptions for those born on April 18.

☆Luck maker:(Age doesn’t matter)Don’t let anyone convince you that age is a handicap. You are never too old or too young to get lucky—unless you think you are.

Love Hearts, flowers and violins

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 20:You are both strong-willed and highly romantic individuals, and this can create a passionate and stimulating union.

In love, all the toughness that defines people born on April 18 completely disappears when they find a suitably challenging partner. They need someone who is an individual but also highly romantic, as they love to indulge the softer side of their personality. They also enjoy the thrill of the chase and are not excited by people who make things too easy for them.

Health Structure is key

People born on this day are at their happiest and healthiest when their life is structured and ordered. They need to make sure their lifestyle routines are regular and that their time is used constructively. Sleep is important for them as they are so mentally active, and they should go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time, even at the weekends. As far as diet is concerned, they should make sure that they eat healthily, avoiding saturated fat and ensuring that their main meal is before 8 p.m.; otherwise the quality of their sleep may be compromised. Daily exercise should be scheduled into their routine, even if it gets them sweaty and a little disheveled. Mental stimulation is vital and they get great satisfaction from studying, in particular from learning new languages. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color green will restore their energies, inspiring harmony in themselves and others.

Mental balance should be of the utmost concern to April 18 people. Since their strengths lie in the areas of forcefulness, will and imagination, rather than reason, their willingness to submit to a rigorous mental training of some kind is essential. In order to keep in good health, those born on this day would do well to order and structure their lives so that energy can be put to use constructively, rather than dissipating itself in idle pursuits and wasted energies. In the same way that regular work habits and exercise patterns can structure the will and imagination of April 18 people, so can regular meals of a well-balanced nature produce beneficial effects. If the wilder energies of April 18 people are not channeled they can lead to fights and accidents; at particular risk are the head and face. Moderate exercise, on a fixed schedule. will do wonders to keep those born on this day relaxed.

Career Born philanthropists

These people will thrive in careers where they can affect tangible benefits or improvements from their concerns: politics, for example, or the military, the judiciary, public services, or the healing or caring professions. They may also choose to share their original and gifted ideas in the arts. A philosophical leaning may draw them toward humanitarian causes and philanthropy.

Destiny To achieve their humanitarian and personal ambitions

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to recognize their own limits and not to take on too much. Once they have learned not to become obsessive about their ideals, their destiny is to achieve their humanitarian and personal ambitions.

Don't be too defensive or eager to sort things out. Allow yourself to be more trusting and relaxed. Be as accepting of others as possible, and if they don't bother you just let them be.Keep a lid on your anger.

Celebrities Born On April 18th

Kourtney Kardashian(American media personality and businesswoman), David Tennant(Scottish actor), Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley(British model and actress),

Tadeusz Mazowiecki (Polish prime minister, lawyer, journalist, Solidarity leader), Clarence Darrow (lawyer, Scopes Trial defense attorney), Leopold Stokowski (conductor), Queen Frederika (Greek monarch), Mildred Bailey (US Army brigadeer general, Women's Army Corps head), George Hitchings (US Nobel Prizewinning biochemist, chemotherapy), Abdrto Desio (Italian geologist explorer, first to climb K-2: world's second highest peak), James Woods (film actor), Eric Roberts (film actor), Miklos Rozsa (Hungarian-born film com- poser). Robert Hooks stage, TV, film actor, I Negro Ensemble cofounder), Huntington Hartford (financier, art partron, A&P heir), Joseph Goldstein (US Nobel Prize-winning molecular geneticist), Giuseppe Pella (Italian economist), Ludwig Meidner (German expressionist, realist painter), Max Weber (expressionist, cubist painter), Little Brother Montgomery (blues pianist, singer), Hayley Mills (film actress), Henry Hyde (US congressman, Illinois), Malcolm Marshall (Barbadian cncket fast bowler)

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