August 10th Expressive Charm Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 10, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with rejection

☆The way forward is to try to find out why things didn’t work out. The answer could help you change your approach and improve your chances of success.

The Birthday Of Expressive Charm, The Day Of The Velvet Voice

August 10th Expressive Charm Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 10th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune (change)

Favorable numbers: 1, 9

Lucky day: Sunday, especially when it falls on 1 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, orange, gold

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 10 like nothing better than to please others or to win their approval. As a result they are often highly appreciated and admired, both at home and at work. They understand the importance of communication, utilizing their impressive vocal skills to persuade and influence others. In fact, their charming and energetic public persona is often cultivated with the sole purpose of impressing and delighting others.

Orientated toward others, these people seek to communicate their ideas to as many people as they can and, because their greatest desire is to be of benefit to others, their ideas are often progressive and original. Once they have convinced themselves of the merit of a course of action, they will pursue it with tenacity and courage. Determined to make their voice heard and to draw the attention of others to what they have to say, they are hard to ignore.

However, because they put such a high priority on what others think of them they will often put on a happy face, regardless of how they are feeling. Although this makes them very popular, it can deny others the chance to get to know the real person behind the mask. They spend very little time getting to know themselves and what they really want out of life, and their lack of self-awareness can make them place unrealistic expectations on themselves.

Until the age of forty-two they will often place great emphasis on order, work and efficiency. These are years when they are most likely to focus on how much they are appreciated and, because of this, they can suffer greatly when they encounter rejection or setbacks. Discovering what their strengths and weaknesses are will help them gain in confidence and resilience. After the age of forty-three there is a turning point which places more emphasis on relationships and creativity and, if they can learn to open up emotionally to themselves and others, these are the years when they are likely to develop the necessary self-confidence and conviction to ensure that their message becomes an effective instrument of progress.

☆ On the dark side:Unaware, vulnerable, confused

☆ At your best:Charming, convincing, attractive

August 10 people project their image forcefully on the world around them. Theirs is a voice that literally must be heard. It is noteworthy that their mode of expression often assumes equal importance with the content of their statement. Thus, matters of style and technique figure prominently in their communication.

August 10 people are often sought out by others for their liveliness and good humor.

Highly dependable, there is nothing flighty about them, but they have a great capacity for making people feel good, and thus make excellent entertainers. When they feel appreciated, the ability of those born on this day to give of themselves—not only to loved ones, but to many with whom they come in contact in daily life—seems unlimited. Yet, even giving can be an escape for avoiding the difficult but important introspective work that needs to be done in order to bring their personality to full bloom.

Those more highly evolved individuals born on this day come to recognize the value of spending time alone, a realization that often emerges in their late thirties and early forties.

Getting to know themselves can become an important priority and often it is not until this point in life that they develop the capacity to make thorough preparations to meet approaching challenges. Such practical planning will keep them from overreaching themselves or allowing unrealistic expectations to dominate their thinking.

Professions in which August 10 people can display their verbal talents are best suited for them. If they work within a company, it is preferable that their job involve either customer contact or interaction with co-workers and not too much time behind a desk. Getting constant feedback from others, whether in the marketplace or at home, will be of great importance in their growth, particularly if they can use such criticism constructively. A media-oriented career or a business in which their work is continually being evaluated fits these criteria. However, since August 10 people tend to be ambitious they must beware of elitism as they move up the social ladder.

August 10 people are sometimes difficult to reach emotionally. Although many born on this day have a strong need for an audience, they do not open up easily at a personal level.

Thus they may come to put too much emphasis on how they are treated in their public life.

Those born on this day suffer greatly when their work is not appreciated. Repeated rejection can lead to a cynical attitude which only undercuts their efforts. Therefore, it is not only important that August 10 people develop the toughness and conviction about themselves which will make them less dependent on the approval of others, but also deepen their capacity to trust and share.

Generally August 10 people care less for money than the satisfaction they gain from a job well done. The virtues of.such an attitude are apparent, but the downside is that they may not demand a proper return for their work.

Power Thought:My harmonious and creative thoughts create my harmonious and creative life,The TV is a gun. pointed at the viewer

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 10th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 0+0=10). and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 generally have well-defined views and are eager to rise to the top. August 10 people must of course beware of going too far on this road, being overcome by their power drives, demanding too much attention and overwhelming everyone with their tremendous energy. The Sun (also ruler of Leo) carries in its symbolism strong creative energy and fire, which should be kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to flare out of control.

August 10th Birthday Tarot Card

The 10th card of the Major Arcana is The Wheel of Fortune, which signifies a reversal in fortune and suggests that there is nothing permanent except change. Those ruled by the numbers 1 and 10 seem to focus on seizing opportunities: indeed, acting at just the right moment is the key to their success. Again. The Wheel of Fortune teaches that no success in life is permanent, nor any failure.

☆Luck maker:(Be your own hero)As you start to imagine this winning side of your personality, you begin to change your ideas about the uncertainty of luck. You don’t hope for it any more. You expect it.

Love Striking a balance

You’re drawn to people born on July 23 to August 22:You are both expressive and creative individuals, and this can be a passionate and intense union.

Although the popular and attractive people born on August 10 have no problems attracting admirers, they can have problems opening up emotionally to others and they need to understand that others will still care about them even when they are feeling low. In a close relationship their willingness to please can make them lose touch with who they are, so striking a balance between giving and taking is crucial for their success.

Health Let your stress out

To appear strong, people born on this day will often try to hide their struggles. The less willing they are to share their problems with loved ones, however, the more these problems are likely to overwhelm them, with a negative impact on their life and health. It is therefore important for them to cope with stress by talking more about their problems and frustrations. They also need to pay a little less attention to how they look; it is their internal rather than external health that should be their main concern. They can best take care of their internal health by opening up emotionally and also by making sure that they eat healthily and exercise regularly. This will help them cope better with stress and help them keep their weight down, so that they aren’t at risk of heart disease or circulatory problems. Wearing, meditation on and surrounding themselves with the color green will help boost their self-esteem.

Those born on August 10 may put too much emphasis on how they look. Consequently, they can tend to their physique, teeth, hair and skin at the expense of their internal health. Typically, those born on this day can look very good while actually being in less than top shape. August 10 people should, of course, take particular care with their voice (throat and larynx). They must also avoid all unnecessary stress to their heart, spine, and circulators' and nervous systems in general. In addition, they should take care that social drinking and smoking are kept under control. Finally, they should put their social instincts to work in some forms of exercise—tennis, rollerskating. skiing, for example. Later in life they must beware of putting on excess weight and becoming vegetative.

Career Born speakers

The natural sense of justice and desire to help others that are characteristic of these people may draw them to political or social campaigning or to charity work, but their considerable creativity and fine communication skills will also lead them toward acting, writing, music, or art. Whatever career they choose, their creativity, sharp intelligence, fine people skills, and capacity for hard work give them the potential to rise to the top of their careers.

Destiny To make their voice and message heard

The life path of people born on this day is to strike a balance between their own and others’ needs. Once they have strengthened their self-awareness and self-esteem, their destiny is to make their voice and progressive message heard.

Question your attachment to external values. Develop self-confidence so that you are not so dependent on the opinion and approval of others Cultivate awareness, acceptance, unselfish love and unconditional giving.

Celebrities Born On August 10th

Antonio Banderas(Spanish actor), Rosanna Arquette(American actress), Leo Fender(American inventor and guitar-maker),

Patti Austin (jazz-popular singer), Ian Anderson (rock singer, flutist, songwriter, Jethro Tull), Ashley Putnam (coloratura soprano), Eddie Fisher (popular singer), Jimmy Dean (popular singer), Herbert Hoover (US president, refused to finance employment after stock market crash of 1929, international relief director, founder Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace), Norma Shearer (film actress), Rosanna Arquette (TV, film actress), Rhonda Fleming (film actress), Martha Hyer (film actress), Jane Wyatt (film actress), Camillo Benso di Cavour (Italian count, statesman, political leader, premier of Sardinia, assisted in unification of Italy), Wolfgang Paul (Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Paul trap), Red Holzman (basketball player, coach, Coach of Year, took NY Knicks to two NBA titles, ninth in all-time wins), Raffaello Di Nola (Italian business executive, Pirelli, Alpha Romeo director), Benjamin Ward (New York police commissioner), A.A. Schechter (NBC broadcasting executive),Hugo Eckner (zepp' developer. Hindenberg commander). Alexander Glazunov (Russian compos- Michael Mantler (avante-garde jazz composer, trumps founding member Jazz Composer's Orchestra)

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