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August 10th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 10, 2024

For those August 10 people who take their clothes off as they walk in the front door and leave them in a scattered trail through different rooms. You're not at work now, babe. Who's picking up after you?

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 1, 9

August 10th Birthday Love Astrology

August 10 is domestically creative, likes to spend hours decorating the home and further hours reading about exotic ideas. Either sex may have a brilliant career, probably in something that involves current trends and technology, but what they like to spend their hard earned money on is a designer chair, or new lace for the windows.

The men may be tough at work, masters in memo land. But when they get home, they throw their clothes on the floor, change into a tracksuit and take out a paintbrush. Most Leos like bright colours which reflect the sun, oranges, pinkish browns and sunflower yellow. August 10 experiments further with rich, dark and flashing colours. He will create a bathroom study, with boot-black or dark-green on the walls traced with a sliver of silver or gold, set off with books and Victorian china. A writing desk and chair complete the feel. Then our man in the heavenly bathroom locks the door and stays put for hours.

If not a dark-green bathroom, it will be a lipstick-red hall with so many coats of high gloss varnish that it looks like a Chinese lacquered box. Or perhaps, for a bedroom, that shade of lavender which looks grey, blue and even pink depending on the light and the time of day.

Although August 10 aims to earn pots of money, he won't be spending it on decorations. This guy squanders his money on designer clothes (his own) and sometimes for a girlfriend. Sometimes he dreams of a flash car, but this is not gadget man. He's more Degas than Daimler.

While Ms August 10 is not so hot on do-it-yourself paint effects about the house, she has a good eye. If she can manipulate it, this creature would prefer to be sitting on a stool directing somebody else's efforts with multiple praise and cups of tea.

In Love

Up front regarding your affections, when you find your soul mate you give yourself over completely. Your romantic idealism is intense, and you view your love relationships as somewhat larger than life. Because you thrive on approval and praise, you’re easily offended by real or imagined slights. It’s so hard for you to accept second place, you become extremely jealous at the hint of a potential rival for your lover’s attention. When disillusioned by your partner, your initial impulse is to try to work things out. However, once convinced the relationship cannot be saved, you’ll leave without a backward glance.

In Bed

A vibrantly alive lover, you eagerly make the most of every exciting bedroom encounter. Your ardent approach to sensual pleasure is augmented by your confidence and sexual prowess. Your innate generosity comes through loud and clear in your style of lovemaking, and your passionate enthusiasm brings ecstatic delight to you and your bedmate. However, you crave more than mere physical satisfaction in bed. Your true aim is to turn your union into a transcendent experience for both of you.


August 10 dreams vividly and is concerned about their meaning. The slightly superstitious nature of this psycheology makes both sexes nervous in case these dreams foretell future events. Although some psychic characters may experience foretelling dreams, even these are only metaphors of what is to come. One of the commonest dreams for either sex, happy with their partner, is of parting and divorce. This is not an indication of anything about to happen. It's probably your subconscious reminding you how fortunate you are. Such a dream could, however, indicate concern about the delicate nature of another partnership, perhaps at work.


The spontaneous lover who initiates impromptu, devil-may-care lovemaking really knows how to turn you on. Quickly bored by dull routine, you respond ardently to unanticipated moments of wild abandon. Provocative language, sexy attire, and dramatic gestures of love and affection stimulate your body and arouse your lusty sexual appetites.


For those August 10 people who take their clothes off as they walk in the front door and leave them in a scattered trail through different rooms. You're not at work now, babe. Who's picking up after you?

Reality Check

You adore playing generous benefactor but can’t stand being the recipient of anyone else’s munificence. You consider it your obligation, as a regal lion, to aid those in need. It doesn’t matter to you if your help puts them in a position of owing you something in return. However, you detest the idea of being emotionally indebted to another, instead of the other way around.

August 10 Date Share

Rosanna Arquette, Hollywood comedienne, Desperately Seeking Susan. Ian Anderson, rock singer, flautist, songwriter, Jethro Tull.Norma Shearer, film actress. Eddie Fisher, popular singer.

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