August 11th Commentator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 11, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being considered in your words and behavior

☆The way forward is to understand that just because you feel or think something does not mean you have to act on it.

The Birthday Of The Commentator, The Day Of Validation

August 11th Commentator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 11th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Justice (discernment)

Favorable numbers: 1, 2

Lucky days: Sunday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 2 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, silver, white

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 11 are astute observers and communicators with a powerful desire to uncover the truth or hidden but essential knowledge or insight. In any situation they are in, both at home and at work, they have the ability to go directly to the root causes of the issues.

These people seek clarity and are always quick to detect manipulative behavior in those around them. They aren’t shy about confronting others with their version of the truth either, even it if hurts. In fact, they like nothing more than to reveal to others the insights they have uncovered and are often at their happiest and their best in front of an audience. Not surprisingly, they can be harsh and judgmental at times and their sharp criticism can distance them from others; but they are also quick to point out the good in people and are as lavish in their praise as they are with their criticism, winning themselves many admirers in the process.

The clear-sighted observation with which they are blessed, when combined with their resourcefulness, courage and determination, augurs well for success, but their love of exposing hypocrisy, although refreshing, can lead them into confrontation with those who seek to maintain the status quo. In addition, their inability to accept others at face value can lead to relationship problems. Until the age of forty-one there is an emphasis in their lives on practicality and efficiency, and they need to be careful that they don’t become too discriminating or critical of those around them. After the age of forty-two, however, there is a turning point when they may want to become more involved in personal matters and may move from concentrating on practical considerations to more creative, esthetic ones.

Throughout their lives if they can learn to moderate their tendency toward brutal honesty and develop greater tolerance of others’ imperfections, they will not only retain the affection of those closest to them, they will also gain the attention, affection, approval, and respect of the wider audience that they crave.

☆ On the dark side:Argumentative, hurtful, attention seeking

☆ At your best:Insightful, powerful, intelligent

Those born on August 11 have a strong desire to reveal the truth. They also have a feeling for the dark side of life and for topics that others may be uncomfortable with.

It is their job, they feel, to courageously bring what is hidden to light: to test, to probe, and if necessary expose those who pretend to be what they are not. In this last activity they can be quite merciless. Substantiation and documentation of the truth, no matter how unpleasant, can amount to a mania with them and even become their life's work.

More highly-evolved August 1 1 people can deal with such subjects in a positive and creative fashion, enlightening and teaching others. The less highly evolved born on this day may come to embody those unpleasant truths in themselves and be driven to antisocial activities.

These latter individuals may. however, raise their level of consciousness through becoming aware of what they have done, commenting on it and seeking to move to a higher plane of existence. In this respect they have a chance to undergo great personal evolutionary change within a single lifetime.

August 11 people possess a subtle understanding of human nature and are difficult to fool. If money-oriented they will invest wisely. However, in their emotional life they may be very difficult to reach, since they are not overly trusting. Nor do they necessarily believe that sharing and acceptance will take them very far. Many born on this day deliberately make themselves imulnerable to sentiment in order to travel unencumbered along their chosen path.

It is extremely important for August 11 people to have an audience for their challenging, sometimes disturbing views and unusual behavior. What they know has to be exhibited, put on public display. If they are critics, their views must be published and examined; if athletes, their feats of skill or strength must be at least acknowledged, whether or not they are admired. Those born on this day seek respect, but do not live for the approval of others. In fact, the opposition or antagonism which they often raise only acts as a tonic on them and strengthens their life force and resolve to succeed. They must, however, beware of raising so much opposition that negativity and destruction follow them through life.

August 1 1 people can be highly successful once they learn to present their insights at the right time and in the most productive manner possible. In family situations they must beware of being at the center of trouble. Catalytic by nature, those born on this day tend to arouse controversy in whatever social sphere they find themselves. Violence, dissension, strife and struggle seem to swirl around them. Yet more highly evolved August 11 people manage to integrate such wilder energies in their conversation, work or creative projects while keeping them from disturbing their personal lives. Growing older, and hopefully wiser, generally tempers the rebellious side of August 11 people.

Power Thought:I can pause and reflect before I speak,Why is it that madmen are so often perceptive?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 11th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (1+1=2), and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 generally make good co-workers and partners, an asset that helps August 11 people relate to others constructively. The forceful, illuminative energy of the Sun (ruler of Leo) combined with the Moon's reflective qualities can grant great powers of insight to those born on this day. The number 11 imparts a grounding in the physical plane (enhanced by robust Sun influences) as well as a possible interest in coincidences, twins or other doubles.

August 11th Birthday Tarot Card

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice, a serene seated woman holding the scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She reminds us of the order of the universe and that balance and harmony will be maintained in our lives as long as we continue on our path. The positive aspects of this card are integrity, fairness, honesty and discipline; the negative aspects are low initiative, impersonality, fear of innovation and grievances.

☆Luck maker:(Consider your impact on others)Lucky people always consider the impact their words or actions will have on others because putting yourself in someone else’s shoes shows you are prepared and less likely to attract bad luck.

Love Powerful and intelligent

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 21:This relationship has explosive potential but it can also be incredible fun.

People born on August 11 can be reluctant to open up emotionally to others, but once they find someone they feel comfortable with they can be loyal, generous and romantic partners. They are especially drawn toward powerful and intelligent individuals like themselves, but they need to make sure that they don’t get involved in too many conflicts or arguments with loved ones.

Health It’s never too late

People born on this day tend to think that their habits are set, and even if they could change them it would make little difference. They need to understand that improving their habits can improve their health at any age. There is no point lamenting what they did not do for themselves in the past, but there is tremendous value in thinking about what they can do for themselves in the future. Because their nature is impulsive and they are attracted to conflict, they tend to be accident prone, so they need to learn to think before they act, rather than after. As far as diet is concerned, they could have problems with red meat and dairy products; a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean meat is recommended. Regular exercise is also essential, as it will encourage them to release pent-up tension and boost their body image. Carrying a green agate crystal with them will help resolve conflicts, as will wearing or meditating on the color green.

Because of their physical nature and their attraction to conflict, August 11 people may be in danger of accidents of every type and need to beware of injuring others as well as themselves. Strongly "yang" diets based on meat and dairy products should be moderated, perhaps grains substituted whenever possible. The highly assertive born on this day must avoid the dark side of life, as they face a danger of psychological instability. Overly passive August 11 people sooner or later have to face up to their more combative side and deal with it; conflicts in their lives may be a product of repressed aggression. For most born on this day, sexual and sensual activities are best guided by temperance and kept proportionate to other activities, though certainly an important part of the expressive life of the individual.

Career Born critics

These people may be drawn toward careers within such academic disciplines as science and philosophy, or they may be found working as journalists, critics and law enforcement agents. In business they have a flair for sales, promotion and negotiation, and can also excel as financial and business leaders or advisors. They could also do well in the entertainment world, in writing or in music.

Destiny To uncover and present essential truths to others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to think before they speak and act. Once they have learned to manage their impulses positively, their destiny is to uncover and present to others essential truths.

Keep your instincts and impulses under control. The truth can teach, but it can hurt too.Remember that your success may be in direct proportion to your diplomatic skills. Cultivate your affectionate and accepting side, and remember the importance of small acts of personal kindness

Celebrities Born On August 11th

Alyson Stoner(American actress, singer and dancer), Viola Davis(American actress), Chris Hemsworth(Australian actor),

Alex Haley (African-American writer, Roots), David Henry Hwang (innovative playwright, best known for M. I Butterfly), Jerzy Grotowski (Polish theater methodologist, Polish Laboratory Theater creator), Fernando Arrabal (Spanish-French surrealist playwnght, wrote forty-nine plays, essayist), Louise Bogan (poet critic), Angus Wilson (British writer, critic, satinc novelist Setting the World on Fire), Enid Blyton (British children's books writer, Noddy creator), Jerry Falwell (TV evangelist, Old Time Gospel Hour host, writer, The Fundamentalist Phenomenon), Hulk Hogan (TV wrestler, icon), Mavis Gallant (expatriate writer, Home Truths), M. Sadi- Camot (French president assassinated), Phil Ochs (folk songwriter, protest singer), Claus von Bulow (businessman, murder conviction, later overturned), Robert Ludwig Strack (German murderer, rapist, The Beast of Cologne, activities described in Diary of a Criminal), Carrie Jacobs Bond (19—20th c. songwriter of ballads), Mike Douglas (singer, TV talk-show host), Richard Mead (British 1 7- 1 8th c. physician, preventive medicine pioneer), Arlene Dahl (film actress, cosmetics businesswoman), Allegra Kent (ballet dancer), Hugh McDiarmid (Scottish National Party founder, dialect poet)

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