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August 11th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 11, 2024

The trouble with people who habitually suffer from random anxiety is that it's fantastically dull for the rest of the population who have to reassure them. Too much seeking of reassurance and you won't find.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 1, 2

August 11th Birthday Love Astrology

If August 11 isn't careful, the streak of anxiety murmuring through this psycheology, will grow into a torrent. It is something that can be controlled. Spot it first when the child is more than usually nervous about cuts and bruises, stinging nettles and wasps. So nervous they refuse to go out to play unless covered from head to toe. The male of the species is not quite so prey to ‘what-iffery' as the female, possibly because male colleagues and friends would find it odder than women do. However, at work, men who were born on this day may be amusing bosses and funny colleagues to work with, but this is the guy who worries and worries about the effect on his eyes of working with a computer. It's worth worrying about, of course, because nobody is really informed about the possibly bad effects. But it's not worth days of upset.

August 11 worries about his car. What if it's stolen? Will the company insurance pay? Will he get another one now they are doing away with perks? He writes a brilliant memo. What if, he asks himself, the boss thinks it's too strong? He worries about a friend's drinking habits at lunchtime, and, what if somebody important thinks that he is encouraging it?

Women can be much worse. Money plays an important part in their Leo star sign, but with August 11 females it can assume a negative dominance. Bills terrify them so much that they sometimes leave them unopened. Although they can afford to splash out, they will choose cheap clothes from a market stall. Redundancy is particularly hard for this day because it seems that every nightmare may come true. In truth, this situation often brings out the best in people and in the face of any mishap both sexes show extraordinary resources of imagination and courage, and in changing their lives, lose their fears.

In Love

The individual born on this date is idealistic yet also practical and realistic.

Materially and emotionally you are a person who wants everything that life has to offer. You crave beauty and order and enjoy living in a pleasant atmosphere of comfort and luxury. Inherently generous and loving but also somewhat controlling, in an intimate union you are both giving and demanding. You tend to think in pairs, and the urge to merge with your beloved is one of your strongest motivations. You willingly share all you have with your mate, and you expect an equal measure of consideration in return.

In Bed

A loving relationship brings out the noble aspects of your leonine character.

Under the right circumstances and with the right person, the passionate lion is always prepared to pounce and play. You love showing off in the privacy of the bedroom, and your ideal partner is the lover who not only encourages your sexual creativity but also applauds the results. The person who holds the key to your heart is capable of stimulating your mind along with your body.


Rescue Remedy may be the answer to August lVs prayer. You can buy it in most health food stores and a lot of people swear by it. Just a few drops in a glass of water can calm the fevered brow. Put together by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, Rescue Remedy contains impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera) for impatience and agitation accompanying stress; clematis (Clematis vitalba) for spaciness, rock rose(Helianthemum nummularium) for terror and panic; cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) for fear of losing mental and physical control; Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)for mental and physical trauma. You can use it for animals, plants and children too.


Behind closed doors, you enjoy indulging your theatrical flair and proclivity for provocative exhibitionism. With a lover who also adores performing, you are a rapturous audience of one for bedroom antics such as a tantalizing striptease. Props like sex toys and fun novelties get your juices flowing and add spice to your playful, erotic frolicking.


The trouble with people who habitually suffer from random anxiety is that it's fantastically dull for the rest of the population who have to reassure them. Too much seeking of reassurance and you won't find.

Reality Check

You turn dreams into realities by powerhousing your way through obstacles, often without considering the possible ramifications. Because your character is shaped by your ideals, you honestly believe in everything you say and do.

The problem is that your fixed nature makes you proud and stubborn, and you can be totally unaware of your own errors in judgment.

August 11 Date Share

Claus von Bülow, businessman with wife in coma, murder conviction overturned. Arlene Dahl, film actress, in cosmetics business. Angus Wilson, British writer, satirist. Enid Blyton, British childrens' writer, creator of Noddy and Famous Five.Alex Haley, African-American writer, Roots. Hulk Hogan, TV wrestler, icon.

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