August 12th Historian Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 12, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to relax

☆The way forward is to understand that time out from your frantic pace is not time wasted but time gained; you recharge your batteries so no longer run on empty.

The Birthday Of The Historian, The Day Of Convention

August 12th Historian Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 12th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Hanged Man (reflection)

Favorable numbers: 2, 3

Lucky days: Sunday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, yellow, green

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 12 have a strong desire to make progress by leading others along an innovative path. At the same time they respect and value existing knowledge and convention. In some respects, they are like a historian in that they gather as much information as they can and subject it to logical evaluation before deciding on the best way to proceed.

When their intelligence and clarity of purpose are combined with their resourcefulness and tenacity, they often impress others with their abilities. They can often be virtuosos in their chosen field, whether that is conducting orchestras, writing books, raising a family, or designing a building. Not afraid of hard work and able to toil at a frenetic pace, they draw on both the latest research and traditional knowledge to create spectacular results. Not surprisingly, they have high expectations of themselves and the knowledge that they have thoroughly investigated every aspect of their belief gives them almost unshakable self-belief. Despite the potential success that such personality traits appear to offer, these people can, however, run the risk of alienating those they seek to influence by their inflated ego or harsh words of criticism. Although they should not compromise on their self-belief, learning to share will encourage others to listen to and support them more.

Until the age of forty there is an emphasis on efficiency and practicality, and they need to be especially careful during this period not to become too strict or emotionally detached from others. After the age of forty-one they may focus on relationships and a need to bring more beauty, harmony, creativity, and balance into their lives. This can draw them toward such activities as writing, art, music, or any of the creative arts.

Throughout their lives, if they can learn to assess the potentially damaging effect their forceful approach can have on others and develop greater tolerance and patience, this will not only help them achieve their aims more successfully, it will add an additional and infinitely more rewarding dimension to their lives.

☆ On the dark side:Tyrannical, overly serious, judgmental

☆ At your best:Energetic, innovative, knowledgeable

Those born on August 12 are keepers of tradition, and intent on asserting themselves in their particular field of expertise. Theirs is the task of preserving old wisdom, laws and techniques essential to the mastery of their craft. Highly successful people born on this day recognize few equals but remain hungry for any new information hitherto unknown to them, and will spare no trouble or expense to acquire such knowledge. That knowledge to them is power is clearly evidenced in their attitude and lifestyle.

August 12 people are also aware of the power inherent in timeless rules and laws. Yet only the less highly evolved types born on this day stubbornly insist on following tradition blindly. More highly evolved August 12 people build on tradition and culture in order to blaze new trails, innovate, make technical improvements and generally advance themselves and those close to them. For them, tradition is a living entity. It lives in them and in their work. But although they embody conventions they must not be assumed to be conservative or reactionary. Those born on this day know that understanding history, ritual, family background and cultural tradition frees one to make choices, to keep what is desirable and discard what is not. Ignorance dooms one to repeat mistakes.

The lives of August 12 people are often lived at a frenetic pace. Undeniably drawn to precarious situations, their energy can easily get out of balance. Thus they run the risk of health breakdowns and of wearing others out, particularly mates, family and friends. Their colleagues may begin to resent their assumed infallibility; indeed, August 12 people are capable of arousing jealousy and animosity of all sorts, and even may come to be regarded as snobs or tyrants.

With a deeper understanding of their own power, and a tempering of their dominant and sometimes intolerant attitudes, those born on this day can be even more successful in their work. In diminishing tyrannical tendencies in their personality, August 12 people engender a healthier respect and reduce resentments in others. For many born on this day, becoming less aloof and dropping a hierarchy of values concerning people will be a major step in their evolution toward higher spiritual values and true humanity. Evaluative terms in particular must be carefully examined by them and periodically redefined in a new light or scrapped altogether.

Power Thought:I close my eyes and feel the happiness of being alive this moment,Perhaps there are no accidents

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 12th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (1+2=3), and by the planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 often seek to rise to the highest position within their sphere and August 12 people are no exception. Those ruled by the number 3 also love their independence, a quality enhanced in fiery Leos. Jupiter lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook (enhanced for August 12 people by the Sun's influence as Leo's ruler), and therefore increases the self-confidence and positive orientation of those born on this day.

August 12th Birthday Tarot Card

The 12th card of the Major Arcana is The Hanged Man, who dangles by his foot in a headdown position. Though such a position seems helpless, The Hanged Man is nevertheless spiritually powerful and deeply thoughtful. The positive attributes of this card are recognizing limitations and overcoming them, as well as simply being human; negative aspects are spiritual myopia and restrictedness.

☆Luck maker:(Learn to share)Lucky people understand that gathering a team of motivated people around them who can focus on what they are good at is the key to success, harmony and, of course, good luck.

Love Magnet for romantic attention

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:You can both take the world by storm if you remember to give each other plenty of room to breathe.

People born on August 12 often attract admirers effortlessly but their tendency to put work before their relationships can limit their chances of happiness in love. They thrive best with a partner who can appreciate their brilliance and does not mind them stealing the limelight, but who can also equal them in intelligence and determination.

Health Hostility hurts you

People born on this day need to understand that positive connections between people are a source of mental and physical well-being. They need to realize that their resentment and negativity will hurt them more than it hurts the target of their anger. Learning to accept, understand and relax when people around them disobey, rebel or question is therefore crucial to their health. Having more fun and spending more time with friends and loved ones should definitely be a priority. As far as diet is concerned, they need to ensure they don’t get so wrapped up in work that they forget to eat healthily. They should also exercise for at least thirty minutes every day, however busy their life gets, as this will not only boost their health and keep their weight down; it will give them much-needed time out. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to have fun and love life.

August 12 people must beware of psychological conflicts with family members, particularly with their children. If those born on this day play the role of strict authoritarian they can certainly expect their children to rebel against them or, even worse, see their children submit to being crushed in spirit. If they demand obedience from their mate, they will only succeed in obtaining it for a finite period of time (even if for years); in the end. they will feel the heat of repressed, frustrated aggression breaking out against them. Consequently, it is essential to their good health and that of those around them that they learn the lessons of acceptance, understanding and above all how to relax. Having fun is the best medicine for August 12 people, coupled with a varied diet; all sorts of family and social gatherings can afford such opportunities.

Career Born historians

These people may be drawn to careers in which logic and information gathering are essential, such as history and science, but they may also be drawn to education, business, or the world of art, writing and entertainment. Whatever career they choose, they will want the freedom to work in their own unique way, and a dislike of taking orders may encourage them to seek leadership positions or to work for themselves.

Destiny To benefit humankind as a whole

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to get the right balance between work and play. Once they have learned to share and relax more, their destiny is to unite the wisdom of tradition and the creativity of innovation and, by so doing, benefit humanity as a whole.

Come down occasionally from your ivory tower and mix a bit with your fellow human beings. Learn to share and to accept, and most importantly, to relax, laugh and have fun. Be aware of the strength of your disapproval.

Celebrities Born On August 12th

Mark Knopfler(British guitarist and singer-songwriter), Helena Blavatsky(Russian philosopher and writer), Cara Delevingne(British model and actress),

Madame Helena Blavatsky (Russian theosophist, writer, The Secret Doctrine, co-founder Theosophical Society), Cecil B. De Mille (Hollywood director, The Ten Commandments— 1923, 1956 versions, producer), Edith Hamilton (classicist, writer, The Greek Way), Ross McWhirter (co-writer, co-creator, Guinness Book of Records, shot by IRA, twin of Norris), Norris McWhirter (co-writer, co-creator, Guinness Book of Records), Pat Metheny (jazz-fusion guitarist, composer), Mark Knopfler (British lead guitarist, singer, songwnter, Dtre Straits), "Diamond Jim" Brady (New York financier, gourmet), Samuel Fuller (film director, The Big Red One, producer, writer, WWII hero, bronze star, silver star, Purple Heart), William Goldman (writer, Hollywood screenwriter, Marathon Man), Mary Roberts Rinehart (thriller writer, The Circular Staircase), George Bellows (New York artist, sports painter), Fernando Collor de Mello (impeached Brazilian president, resigned), John Poindexter (US Navy admiral, National Security adviser, Iran-Contra figure), Tsarevitch Alexis (heir to Russian throne, son of Nicholas, executed by Bolsheviks), George IV (British king), George Hamilton (film actor), John George Gmelin (German 1 8 th c. naturalist, Siberian traveler), Mohammed Hatta (Indonesian statesman), Robert Southey (British Romantic poet, associate of Wordsworth and Coleridge)

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