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August 12th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 12, 2024

Only those who really love you willfully share your interests, so treasure them even if they reject bits and pieces of your dream. Assume that your children will eventually disagree, although they may change their minds later.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 2, 3

August 12th Birthday Love Astrology

People born on August 12 may have some years of wildness in youth, but at heart they want to settle down and live a traditional life. This doesn't mean that after a misspent youth, this individual turns his attention to stripey lawns. But with rather more emphasis on the traditional, spiritual necessities of life, they become involved in helping to run and maintain a community in a way that has always brought pleasure. They are naturals for the parish council and any kind of involvement in the Christian church. Many will work within the church, some taking orders. In other religions, both sexes play the equivalent roles, understanding yet again, the need most communities have for a structure which reflects a combination of old and new ways. At its best, August 12 adopts a civilised way of life.

Some of them, however, get right out of hand. Swap the even overview for a passion for romantically whimsical traditions. They insist on candlelight in order to see the world how people once saw it. There will be cooking in straw boxes, spinning and weaving, which always results in something appallingly unwearable - they must see this- and a version of early English folk dancing that's infinitely more embarrassing than watching important company directors shimmy like they did at the office party.

A gentler version of this results in enthusiasm for natural childbirth and babies arriving under water, which female August 12 does with stoic expertise. As the baby grows up, he will not, of course, be watching television. Neither sweetie nor dangerous sugary thing will pass rosebud lips before the age of five, and she will be the only little girl at school who doesn't have a Barbie doll. August 12's kids often have a late career start, because they have to spend most of their twenties lying in front of the television with Mars bars and popcorn.

In Love

A born performer, you gravitate toward the limelight and view your own life as a movie in which you’re the star, writer, producer, and director.

Eminently sociable, you enjoy people and you’re not averse to using your charm to entertain and impress them. You live for attention and approval, and you need a partner who admires your efforts and provides you with positive feedback. You also require understanding and respect from your significant other. In exchange, you are prepared to be supportive, generous, and loyal. Despite a streak of independence, with the right mate your affections will remain constant.

In Bed

Your attitude toward sex is playful and far less serious than that of most other lions. An inventive lover, you try to infuse a spirit of discovery and a sense of fun and games into your lovemaking. In the intimate surroundings of the bedroom, you enjoy pillow talk and an exchange of verbal banter with your partner. As a riveting storyteller, you glory in recounting your own fantasies or spinning torrid little tales to amuse and arouse your bedmate.


August 12 places store by his dreams. Favourite subjects for the nineties are angels, cherubs and heavenly pastures. Dreaming of angels may be a sign of forthcoming peace and prosperity. But sometimes, such a dream is indicative of concern over judgement for one's conduct on earth. Cherubs:indicate your positive feelings about children, or possibly an anxiety about the lost innocence of your own childhood. Heaven: means either you aspire to reach the heights of ambition, that you probably aim for contentment and peace or, more prosaically, that you have realistic expectations of a better job.


Your approach to love and sexuality is cerebral as well as emotional. Just the thought of making love can serve as a turn-on. Inside your head, you envi-sion the ensuing coupling as a big event, full of drama and excitement. The air around you is charged with erotic anticipation. The ideal lover kindles that mental spark and turns it into raging fire.


Only those who really love you willfully share your interests, so treasure them even if they reject bits and pieces of your dream. Assume that your children will eventually disagree, although they may change their minds later.

Reality Check

You’re an individualist, and you fervently resist attempts to pigeonhole or typecast you in any way. More flexible than the average Leo, you’re less inclined to stay with any one thing forever. New people and places provide stimulation, and a craving for variety and change impels you to seek out fresh challenges.

August 12 Date Share

Mark Knopf 1er, British lead guitarist singer, songwriter, Dire Straits. Cecil B De Mille, Hollywood director, The Ten Commandments. Norris McWhirter, co-writer, co-creator of Guinness Book of Records. Tsarévitch Alexis, heir to the Russian throne, son of Tsar Nicholas, executed by Bolsheviks. George IV, British king.

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