August 13th Sharpshooter Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 13, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with your anger and impatience

☆The way forward is to step outside yourself when your emotions reach boiling point. This will remind you that you alone are in charge of your feelings.

The Birthday Of The Sharpshooter, The Day Of Long Odds

August 13th Sharpshooter Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 13th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: Death (change)

Favorable numbers: 3, 4

Lucky day: Sunday, especially when it falls on 3 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, purple, green

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 13 are no strangers to conflict and controversy. They are sharpshooters who always aim true, and their urge to break with convention compels them to take on challenges or make waves, whatever situation they are in.

The unconventional vision, resilience and tenacity of purpose that are key characteristics of these people can earn both the admiration and the disapproval of others. This is because despite the wounding criticism of those who regard their rebellious notions as ridiculous or fanciful, they always remain faithful to their beliefs. If life doesn’t go their way, they refuse to be crushed by disappointment. And as their unusual imagination is supported by solid analytical skills, more often than not those who start out disagreeing with or disapproving of them will end up admiring their bravery, even if not agreeing with their standpoint.

Until the age of thirty-nine there is an emphasis in their lives on practical order and efficiency. It is important during these years that they keep their authoritarian tendencies and their temper in check. After the age of forty there is a significant turning point when they are likely to become more amiable and collaborative, placing greater emphasis on personal relationships. Whatever age they are, it is important for them to understand that although aiming true and flouting convention will guarantee that they are a force to be reckoned with, they will not guarantee that they always triumph.

As risk takers, they have all the courage, discipline and energy to attract success; what they sometimes lack is perfect timing. They need to learn when to cut their losses and move on, when to be patient, and when to pounce. The only way for them to learn this skill is to develop their intuition. Once they are able to recognize and connect with their intuition, they will not only be able to identify their target and take aim, they will finally be able to shoot and, by so doing, make progressive and characteristically unconventional contributions to society.

☆ On the dark side:Brash, insensitive, unrealistic

☆ At your best:Ambitious, resilient, courageous

Normally 13 is not an unlucky number, per se, but those born on August 13 at various times in their lives have to face seemingly insurmountable odds in their fight to come out on top and stay there. Securing a desired position, struggling to reach personal goals, or searching for a fulfilling relationship are lifelong challenges for them. Whether born unusual or made unusual through circumstance. August 13 people have a highly unique personality and outlook on life.

One might think that those born on this day would be depressed by the sometimes crushing weight of difficulties or challenges. Yet, although they can occasionally suffer from quite deep depressions, understandably, and feel beaten down by life, they more often maintain a cheerful, buoyant disposition to the world. Highly sensitive to criticism, and prone to thinking the worst of themselves, they may nonetheless keep any insecurities to themselves and manage to remain friendly, open and above all, active. One should not make the mistake, however, of thinking one can get close to an August 13 person easily; those born on this day generally have to know someone for months or even years before they allow that person into their private life.

Being unique, even strange individuals. August 13 people are attracted to others of an unusual nature as well; conversely they have little in common with straight-laced or highly conventional people. Yet. while those born on this day may soar toward the highest forms of idealism in their own philosophy or projects, they generally remain suspicious of those whose ideas seem unrealistic or overly optimistic. A powerful urge to rebel against any form of imprisonment, fascism or oppression marks this day. Yet, as they themselves have leadership potential, August 13 people must keep their own authoritarian tendencies in check.

Many August 13 people have an attraction to danger that is not so much about risking death or injury, but triumphing over great odds. Achieving the impossible is what they are after, and even the timid born on this day generally reject a life without challenge where safety or security is assured. Indeed, those August 13 people who have somehow managed to remain protected from accident or misfortune are quite capable one day of amazing those around them by taking great risks. All August 13 people have the strength of the long breath—they are willing to wait for what they want, and most often know the right moment to strike. Unfortunately, what they achieve or acquire is not always of lasting value, as ironic misfortunes seem to dog their footsteps. Those born on this day who recognize and take pleasure in how unusual they are are unlikely to even bother to achieve social stability or acceptance but prefer to cut their own strange path through life. But through all their trials and tribulations, just enough good fortune seems to smile on August 13 people to get them through, and they can receive help at the most unexpected moments.

Power Thought:My intuition is always readily available. I just need to listen,Stay on the path as much as you can. It is your path only

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 13th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4), and by the planet Uranus which often indicates erratic, unconventional behavior. Those ruled by the number 4 tend to be difficult or argumentative, since they often see things in quite a different light from everyone else; because the number 4 traditionally represents rebellion, idiosyncratic beliefs and a desire to change the rules, August 13 people are reinforced in all of the foregoing behavior. This hot quality is emphasized for those born on this day by the strong influence of the Sun and its energetic effects on Uranus. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by many people it is, rather, a powerful number which does carry the responsibility of using its power wisely or inviting self-destruction.

August 13th Birthday Tarot Card

The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13 th card of the Major Arcana, Death, which very rarely is to be taken literally but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, metamorphically. Both this card and the number 4 suggest that August 13 people must guard against discouragement, disillusion, pessimism and melancholy.

☆Luck maker:(Give luck room to breathe)Sometimes luck happens when you are not trying to make it happen, so stop forcing things and stop worrying. Inspiration tends to come when you are feeling relaxed.

Love Zest for life

You’re drawn to people born on January 20 to February 28:You may appear different on the surface but you will discover surprising compatibilities.

Dynamic and sociable, people born on August 13 often have a wide circle of friends, and their deeply felt passions and zest for life are incredibly attractive to romantic partners. However, deep insecurities underneath the bravado may block their dreams of intimacy and true love. Spending more time alone so that they can get in touch with their feelings and understand themselves better will be of enormous benefit.

Health Give yourself time

People born on this day often feel that there isn’t enough time, rushing from one thing to the next and not stopping until the day is over. Time out for themselves is advised, however, because they need to understand that time spent quietly alone is not a luxury but essential for their health and wellbeing. They need to ensure they give themselves time to sit, think and feel every single day, even if only for a few minutes. Sleep is incredibly important for them as dreams are often a way to connect with their hidden potential or intuition. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they eat little and often to keep their energy levels high. Regular exercise is also advised, in particular competitive sports as they love to win, regardless of the odds. Carrying a titanium quartz crystal with them will help them find their true path in life, as will wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue.

Usually those born on August 13 have their own strong preferences in matters of diet, exercise, and health regimens. In regard to sleep habits, however, most August 13 people generally heed conventional wisdom and try to get seven to eight hours of sleep almost every night. (For many August 13 people, their dream life and unconscious are of the utmost importance and they will go to great lengths to protect them.) Whether active or inactive, August 13 people are generally unconcerned about health problems. If challenged to overcome physical disabilities or faced with slim chances in an operation, those born on this day stand a much better chance of winning out than most, primarily because they have experience combating long odds.

Career Born lawyers

These people long to make a substantial contribution to society and may therefore be drawn to careers in law, politics, science, technology, or art that give them this opportunity. They might also be particularly interested in education, writing, publishing, advertising, and all areas of social reform. Whatever career they choose, their sharp intellect and perseverance will help them rise to positions of authority.

Destiny To make a tangible contribution to society

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust themselves more. Once they are able to find a cause that is worthy of them, their destiny is to make a tangible contribution to society.

Do your best with what you have and never allow the world to get you down. Find others of like taste and mind. Beware of anger and tyrannical tendencies. Try to remain open and trusting; don t retreat into your own private world too much

Celebrities Born On August 13th

Alfred Hitchcock(British director), Fidel Castro(Cuban revolutionary and politician), John Logie Baird(Scottish inventor of television),

Fidel Castro (Cuban revolutionary, dictator), John Logie Baird (Scottish television inventor, demonstrated black and white in 1926, color in 1939), Sir Alfred Hitchcock (British-American film director, master of suspense, Vertigo, Rear Window, Psycho), Annie Oakley (Buffalo I Bill's circus star, sharpshooter), Ben Hogan (golfer, 4x US Open, 2x Masters, 2x PGA, Ix British Open winner), Philippe Petit (French aenalist, walked between World Trade Center towers), George Sheanng (British blind jazz pianist composer), Kathleen Battle (operatic soprano), Alfred Krupp (German industrialist, Nazi weapons maker, imprisoned after WWII, rose again to postwar power), Archbishop I Makanos III (Greek Cypriot president), Frederick Sanger (British biochemist, iA 2x Nobel Pnze winner for chemistry, structure of insulin, DNA), Salvador E. Luria (Italian-US Nobel Pnze-winning molecular biologist bacteriophage). Bert Lahr (film, stage actor), Dan Fogelberg (singer), Tony Gamiet (French architect, urban planner), Philip Bourke Marston (poet, blind from age four), Bobby Clarke (hockey center, 3x MVP, led Philadelphia Flyers to two Stanley Cups), Jean Borotra (French tennis player, first French Wimbledon winner), Sir Charles Grove (British music wnter, dictionary creator, engineer), Steve Brown (private pilot, broke every bone hang gliding, survived for six weeks)

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