August 14th Reflection Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 14, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is attaining self-awareness

☆The way forward is to understand that you will never fully understand other people until you understand yourself first.

The Birthday Of Reflection, The Day Of The Mortal Mirror

August 14th Reflection Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 14th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: Temperance (moderation)

Favorable numbers: 4, 5

Lucky days: Sunday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, blue, green

Birthstone: Ruby

Those born on August 14 are among the most perceptive individuals of the year. Their primary focus is on what is going on around them and, because they blessed with clarity of vision, they have a gift for assessing the motivations of others and the impulses that govern their behavior. Nothing escapes their penetrating gaze. They never hesitate to say what others may be reluctant to say and in many ways become a mirror for others; through them, others see themselves as they really are.

These people are inspired by a desire to get to the truth of a situation and because they like to express their thoughts in a direct, sometimes brutally honest manner, it is not surprising that they often end up in deep water. Fortunately they understand the importance of humor, and this considerably softens the impact of their judgments, but it is important to understand the powerful influence they can have on others and to use it wisely.

Although their insights and perceptions often stimulate others to think more deeply about themselves, when it comes to their own personality they are surprisingly unaware. Instead of reflecting the views of others they would benefit enormously from some quiet reflection of their own so as to discover their own strengths and weaknesses. If they are able to do this, they will realize that they have a talent for entertaining and informing the world with the biting accuracy of their comments. They will also find out, however, that their tendency to observe rather than participate in human dramas often leaves them feeling emotionally isolated and is the cause of much of their unhappiness and confusion.

Fortunately, around the age of thirty-eight there is a turning point which places more emphasis on relationships and creativity; but throughout their lives, if they can remember that communication is not just about words, language and behavior but also about connection, their strong sense of purpose and undoubted creativity ensure that nothing can stop them from achieving their tremendous potential.

☆ On the dark side:Critical, unaware, distant

☆ At your best:Perceptive, honest, amusing

Those born on August 14 hold up a mirror to the human condition, and are generally one of two types. The first type actually embodies the characteristics of their age—its style, philosophy, strengths and weaknesses. Usually these August 14 people are not particularly aware of what they represent nor are they interested in commenting on it. The second type is made up of those who comment and analyze, seeking to lay bare the foibles of their world, whether it be their own private circle or society at large.

Themes of reflection and revelation run through the lives of August 14 people. They often take leadership roles but almost always as guides or teachers (not necessarily formal instructors, but perhaps teachers through example or the sharing of experience). Usually those born on this day have little or no interest in ruling, dominating or dictating to others.

Yet, paradoxically, exceptional people born on this day can come to dominate their field, and therefore be looked upon as leaders. Two areas which more highly evolved August 14 people are driven to ponder are those of personal integrity and mortality, as well as the ephemeral nature of all human experience.

Those August 14 people who are analysts of life around them usually understand the importance of humor in communicating their ideas, and the foolish, ironic and awkward aspects of human social life do not escape their penetrating gaze. In holding a mirror up to people (their family, friends, public, associates or employees) they allow others to see themselves as they really are. Sometimes such August 14 people use exaggeration and grotesquerie to attract attention or demonstrate their point. Others may react to their irreverence with delight, laughter or disgust but inevitably find that something insightful has been expressed.

They may also be prompted to consider themselves in light of what has been said, and see if the shoe fits.

August 14 people who are not commentators but embodiers of the human condition very much wear their heart on their sleeve. They cannot really hide their faults or their problems.

But though their struggles are painfully evident, they are perhaps representative of what many others are experiencing. Thus such August 14 people not only garner sympathy from those who empathize with them but also admiration from those who look to them for answers. Though this type of August 14 person may be lacking in self-awareness they are nonetheless in touch with the concerns of their age.

August 14 people are often drawn to relationships in which their mate becomes a mirror of their own inner self which it is naturally difficult for them to see. This animus or anima figure who is the object of their love is often a projection of their own best and worst traits, and in some cases an extreme personality in which one or two characteristics are dominant.

Power Thought:When I connect with my inner wisdom, solutions come quickly to me,Ifyou want to know what to do next, just look around you. The clues are there

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 14th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 ( 1 + 4=5). and by the planet Mercury. Here the tendency of the August 14 commentator type to be rational and analytical is enforced (given an extra mental boost by the influence of the Sun, Leo's ruler). Changeable behavior and a need for impulsive action may also be observed in those ruled by the number 5. August 1-4 people must learn to master these impulsive feelings, yet at the same time be open to gradual (rather than sudden or abrupt) change when it furthers their cause and that of those dependent on them. Fortunately, the number 5 bestows a resilient character which can recover quickly from the hard knocks of life.

August 14th Birthday Tarot Card

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance. The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel. The card cautions against all forms of egotistical excess. Positively seen. Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new taiths to be learned and incorporated into one's life. Because Temperance may indicate negative qualities of passivity and ineffectiveness, August 1-4 people must resist trendiness and try to establish their own styles, techniques and systems of thought if possible and stick to them with conviction.

☆Luck maker:(Get to know yourself)Lucky people understand that self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. This is because only when you are able to recognize what makes you happy or unhappy can you start to make positive changes.

Love Fast wit and humor

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You share a love of humor and fun, and this can create a stimulating and rewarding relationship.

People born on August 14 are charming and likely to attract admirers, but their passion for observation and analysis can alienate others. If they remember that people are not lab specimens, they can be passionate and communicative lovers always willing to offer advice and support. They thrive with people who appreciate their fast wit and humor.

Health Choose your comparisons wisely

Most of the feelings of uncertainty that people born on this day possess are caused by their tendency to compare themselves negatively with others. It is important for them to understand that their feelings about life can vary depending on whom they compare themselves with. To boost their selfesteem and their health and well-being, they should try to compare themselves with people who are meaningful to them and who make them feel comfortable. As far as diet is concerned, they will often be aware of the latest trends and should use their knowledge to improve their health. They may be prone to weight problems but can guard against this by eating less refined and processed food and more natural produce, and increasing the amount of exercise they do. Around 30 to 40 minutes of moderate to mild aerobic exercise, such as swimming, running and cycling, is recommended every day. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to become more self-aware.

Augustl-4 people should use their knowledge of the times and human activity to help shape healthy life patterns for themselves. Difficulties with the heart and circulatory system, often due to dietary imbalances, tobacco or drug abuse, can be dealt with through working with a good physician or natural healer. Moderate exercise is a part of the rebuilding program— walking, jogging, mild aerobics and swimming are good for a start. A healthy appetite for food must be kept within bounds, with an emphasis on whole wheat (barring allergies), corn or rice, limited dairy and meat consumption and an increase of fresh garden vegetables.

Career Born educators

These people yearn to comment on society, so they may be attracted to journalism and politics. Other careers of interest include commerce, banking, law, writing, music, and the theater. The humanitarian side of their nature may draw them toward teaching, counseling, social work, or labor leadership. Alternatively they might be drawn toward sport.

Destiny To influence, inform and enlighten others

The life path of people born on this day is to get to know themselves better. Once they are able to turn their perception inward, their destiny is to influence, inform and enlighten others with their commentary or by their example.

Apply your understanding of the human condition to your own life: turn a mirror to yourself.Evaluate your personal processes and monitor them regularly. Do not lose your spontaneity but moderate it. You can change yourself if you want to.

Celebrities Born On August 14th

Halle Berry(American actress), Marcia Gay Harden(American actress), Steve Martin(American actor and comedian),

Lina Wertmuller [Arcangela Felice Assunta Wertmuller von Elgg Spanol von Braueich] (Italian film director, Swept Away, Seven Beauties), Earvin "Magic" Johnson (basketball guard, all-time NBA assist leader, 3x MVP, led Lakers to five NBA titles, US Olympic "Dream Team" member). Steve Martin (comedian, film actor), Wim Wenders (German film director, Kings of the Road, Wings of Desire), Gary Larson (cartoonist The Far Side), Russell Baker (New York Times columnist writer. The Good Times), Danielle Steel (bestselling novelist Family Album, Zoya), Debby Meyer (US Olympic swimmer, first swimmer to win three individual gold medals at one Olympics), John Galsworthy (British dramatist, novelist, The Forsythe Saga), Richard Ernst (Swiss Nobel Prize-winning chemist inventor, NMR spectroscopy), Renzo Piano (Italian architect), Robyn Smith (female jockey), David Crosby (singer, songwriter, guitarist The E>yrds; Crosby. Stills and Nash), Richard von Krafft-Ebing (German psychiatrist, writer, Psycopathia Sexualis), Horst (German-bom fashion photographer), Stuff Smith (jazz violinist), John Brodie (San Francisco football quarterback, NFL passing leader). Alice Adams (writer, Second Chances), Sara Brightman (British singer, actress). Mark "The Bird" Fidrych (Detroit Tigers pitcher, Rookie of Year)

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