August 14th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onAugust 14, 2024

There are two kinds of goals. There are material goals—goals in the world, the kind of goals recognized by people in business. And then there are goals that have to do with climbing mountains: metaphorical mountains or very real mountains as well. And those are the goals, which, when achieved, mean the most of all.

I’m strong but also easily hurt. Fortunately those closest spot it, because I never admit it

August 14th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on August 14th

Once of the greatest benefits of being a Leo is what could be called your lustrous nature. There is a beauty that comes with your energy. It’s not just glamorous—although most Leos are—but actually, it is a side of your nature that inspires others without actually realizing that you’re doing it. A smile from you—some encouragement to do something—will set others off, going after things that wouldn’t previously have crossed their minds.

This variety of generosity is wonderful and, occasionally, people will ask why you do so much for others. The fact is, you don’t even think about it, but actually, if you do, you realize that, by nature, this feeds back to you. If you do something for someone else, it always comes back in some way. It is a contagious situation called joy, in which what you do adds to the lives of others—and they, in turn, then add to the lives of yet others still.

But even more than that, it means that those around you, whether it’s family or friends, colleagues, or even neighbors, all simply feel better about themselves and about their lives. Which means that the time you spend with them isn’t about helping to lift them up, but about all of you enjoying who you are all the more, every day.

You and others

Talk is important—getting others to talk about things, but also you talking about what you intend to do. However, as fire sign, you will understand that doing—taking action—is best. And if that means you need to go off and do what you need to do first, leaving others behind, not only is it essential, you will also teach them the importance of taking action themselves.

Health and well-being

While a workout is okay, being a Leo and somebody who has joy in your life, playing a game, getting out and about and having fun is even better. Why? Because you’ll not only get moving but you’ll move the most important part of your being, which is your heart.

Goals and challenges

There are two kinds of goals. There are material goals—goals in the world, the kind of goals recognized by people in business. And then there are goals that have to do with climbing mountains: metaphorical mountains or very real mountains as well. And those are the goals, which, when achieved, mean the most of all.


Is life a bit dull? That’s no surprise, mostly because the issues you are facing are almost entirely based on practical matters and so allow for little in the way of creative solutions. And worse, there is no battling these. However, the sooner you get these dealt with, the more swiftly they’ll become history.

Zodiac Sign

Leo: JULY 22 – AUGUST 21

Ruler: The Sun

Symbol: The Lion

Element: Fire

Flower: Marigold

Whatever you’re doing, you Leos have style. Being ruled by the Sun, your magnetism comes naturally, and being fire signs, you’re usually juggling your busy calendar while charming others. However, when you’re relaxing, you’ll do it with the conviction of your symbol, the lion. Your flower is marigold; your spice, golden saffron; and your trees are the heady, scented bay and the olive. Your stone is gold topaz, or simply wearing gold.

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