August 15th Regal Presence Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 15, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with coming second

☆The way forward is to understand that however much you feel you deserve it, you simply cannot come first every time. You will often learn more from your "failures" than your successes.

The Birthday Of The Regal Presence, The Day Of Royal Command

August 15th Regal Presence Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 15th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Devil (instinct)

Favorable numbers: 5, 6

Lucky days: Sunday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, pink, pale green

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 15 tend to be blessed with great self-confidence and courage, giving them a commanding or imposing presence whatever situation they are in. Others look to them for leadership and enjoy basking in their regal presence.

These people have such great self-belief that even if they find themselves in a situation where they are out of their depth they will still be able to convince others that they are the right person for the job or responsibility. Their optimism and ambition are magnanimous enough to include all those close to them, as well as co-workers, and they will never be reluctant to share their success. They are powerful role models but sometimes others may feel that they are losing themselves and their identity in the mighty shadow of these people.

It is important for them to learn to cooperate with their fellow human beings and to grant other people a chance to give their opinion or make their contribution. If they don’t do this, they run they risk of becoming controlling in their domination. Until the age of thirty-seven there is an emphasis in their lives on practical order and efficiency, particularly in their working lives, and they need to make sure that their need for adoration does not lead to an inflated ego. They also should ensure that they listen very carefully to what other people are trying to tell them, as listening will earn them greater support and respect than commanding.

After the age of thirty-eight there is a turning point that highlights the importance of relationships and creativity, and this can stimulate them to develop any latent musical, artistic or literary talents. Throughout their lives, however, the key to their success will be their ability to empathize with others and to recognize that the right to personal autonomy is not their sole preserve. Once they are able to develop this awareness, not only will they be able to realize their ambitious and progressive visions, they will be able to lead and inspire others.

☆ On the dark side:Aggressive, egotistical, insensitive

☆ At your best:Generous, imposing, decisive

The commanding personages born on August 15 are born leaders. Their expansive, royal approach betokens a lifestyle which does not admit of miserliness, selfishness or commonness. Those born on this day are not overly concerned with petty details, choosing instead to focus on the broad line, the big show. Presenting a regal and noble face to the world is essential to them, and they will do what is necessary to preserve their dignity.

Those born on this day can often be found at the head of a family, business or social group and are indeed most comfortable when they are in the seat of power.

Many born on August 15 are not aware of their imperial nature, though to those close to them it is often all too apparent. Women born on August 15 must be worshiped and adored.

Their house is their palace, their husband a king, their children princes and princesses. Men born on this day seek to command others, on a financial, social or family level, and as such must be obeyed without question. Those born on this day whose personalities display large doses of kindness and acceptance, affection and warmth, are indeed unusual and highly evolved souls. For the most part, however, these last-mentioned qualities are not basic to the August 15 character, but must be cultivated and encouraged.

This is not to say that August 15 people are inherently ruthless or unkind. It is just that their powerful and golden leonine energy sweeps away everything before it, overwhelming as a mighty wave that doesn't ask permission of ships or shells. It is a great challenge for August 15 people to keep their surplus energy under control and to develop the fine art of discrimination and attention to detail. They must also learn to deal with each individual they meet on a personal level—to listen, be sympathetic and try to understand their point of view.

The heavy expectations August 15 people place on themselves and others may also be a problem. Children of August 15 people can feel great pressure to succeed, either consciously or unconsciously, and mates can well buckle under the strain of rigorous standards.

Those born on this day must learn real teamwork, subjugating their strong egos to the interests of the group. Because any cramping of their independent, free-wheeling style is generally met with stubborn resistance, they must be appealed to with tact and care. Inside they are often quite soft and sentimental, loving admiration and affection of all sorts. If one can keep on their good side, one may never see the tyrant that dwells within. Generally the "lion" or "lioness" is happy when well fed emotionally.

Power Thought:Being compassionate connects me to my higher self which is my true nobility,Love involves acceptance of the inexorability ofLaw

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 15th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 C 1+5=6). and by the planet Venus. Those ruled by the number 6 tend to be charismatic and even inspire worship in others, complementing the above-mentioned capacity of August 15 people to offer leadership. Since Leo is ruled by the Sun. August 15 people tend to be Sun-Venus types—aggressive socially and in matters of love.

August 15th Birthday Tarot Card

The 15th card of the Major Arcana. The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality and passion are concerned. The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money; he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature. The positive side of this card is sexual attraction and the expression of passionate desires. But the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our spirits are free to soar.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t get over-confident)If you get caught up in your own brilliance it can backfire because you start to think your way is the only way. Nobody wants to help those who appear so self-sufficient that they don’t need help.

Love Intensely passionate

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 22 October 22:You are both attractive and upbeat individuals and this can create a strong and loving union.

People born on August 15 are passionate and popular individuals with natural charisma. They seek a partner who can inspire them and share their interests. In close relationships they can be generous, warm and supportive, but they need to be careful that they don’t become too controlling or possessive and give their partners a chance to voice their feelings.

Health Laughter is the best medicine

People born on this day have a tendency to take themselves a little too seriously and it is important for them to find more time for fun and laughter. This is because laughter not only helps them relax, it can also reduce the stress to which they are prone. In keeping with their regal presence, they also tend to have expensive tastes and may over-indulge in delicious foods. This can not only lead to weight gain, it can increase the risk of heart disease, so it is important for them to find other ways to satisfy cravings, such as exercise, phoning a friend or writing in a journal. All forms of exercise are recommended, including less common activities such as horse riding or rock climbing. Variety is the key to keeping their interest in activity alive and their physiques in shape. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors pink and green will encourage them to be more magnanimous to others.

The expansive attitude August 15 people display toward the world often includes all sorts of lavish tastes. This can cause health problems when eating habits know no bounds. Not only obesity but cardiovascular problems can result from a diet overrich in delicious sugars and fats. An effort should be made to restrict the harmful elements of such a diet without eliminating the enjoyment (through healthy food choices). Regular, quite vigorous exercise is recommended: from horseback riding to competitive sports or full-scale aerobics. (Those who are inactive should, of course, gradually work to such a level and not overdo it.) An ongoing sexual relationship is a big plus. All in all. the passion for life is there but August 15 leonine instincts must be tamed a bit if those born on this day are to live a long and happy life.

Career Born leaders

These people are, above all, natural leaders so they will flourish in any career that gives them the freedom to make their own decisions and take charge of others. Careers they may be drawn to include sales, marketing, promotion, education, lecturing, acting, performing, and public speaking. As excellent fighters for a cause, they may also be drawn to careers such as law, being a spokesperson, or labor union leadership. Similarly, their humanitarian instincts could guide them to counseling and social work, or they may prefer to be self-employed.

Destiny To lead and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to combine their natural talent for leadership with compassion. Once they are able to moderate their commanding approach, their destiny is to lead and inspire others.

Your place cannot be first in every line; learn to cooperate with your fellow human beings.Beware of an excessive desire for control and adoration. Listen carefully to what people say when they try to explain their feelings.

Celebrities Born On August 15th

Ben Affleck(American actor), Jennifer Lawrence(American actress), Walter Scott(Scottish writer),

Napoleon Bonaparte (Corsican-born French emperor, military commander, established Napoleonic code, died in exile), Menachem Begin (Israeli prime minister, Nobel Peace Prize winner for historic accord with Egypt), Shimon Peres (Israeli prime minister), Fredenck William I (Prussian kaiser), Sir Walter Scott (Scottish novelist, Ivanhoe, poet), Gerty R. Cori (US biochemist, first woman to win the Nobel Prize for medicine), Prince Louis de Broglie (Nobel Prize-winning physicist, wave nature of electron), James Keir Hardie (Scottish politician, British Labour Party founder), Princess Anne (daughter of Queen Elizabeth II), Sultana Aga Khan III (wife of Aga Khan, French hotel keeper's daughter), Ethyl Barrymore (stage, film actress), Oscar Peterson (jazz pianist, composer), Julia Child (food wnter, TV chef), Edna Ferber (novelist, So Big), Lillian Carter (US president's mother, businesswoman, Peace Corps volunteer), Sri Auribmdo (Indian spiri- tual teacher, mystic, philosopher, poet), Nicolas Roeg (British film director, Performance, The Man Who Fell to Earth). Gene Upshaw (Oakland Raiders football lineman, NFL players union head). Gianfranco Ferre (Italian fashion desig- Mohammed Abushadi (Egyptian banker, president International Banker's Association)

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