August 16th Powerhouse Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 16, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is resisting the desire for revenge

☆The way forward is to understand that revenge isn’t sweet. People don’t like to be associated with those who are bitter or motivated by anger.

The Birthday Of The Powerhouse, The Day Of High Voltage

August 16th Powerhouse Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 16th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)

Favorable numbers: 6, 7

Lucky days: Sunday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, sea green, wild rose

Birthstone: Ruby

Seductive and magnetic, people born on August 16 are at their happiest when they can broadcast their unconventional convictions to as large an audience as possible. Their main priority in life seems to be to attract attention to themselves and, because they are such a powerhouse of energy, ambition and enthusiasm, they are often impossible to ignore.

Once they have decided on their sphere of influence, they will seek to triumph over any obstacles or people that stand in their way. Their drive to achieve power and recognition is so strong that they can be vindictive and destructive toward those that oppose them, and the desire for revenge is a destructively powerful force in their lives. Yet behind the brash and confrontational exterior that these people adopt there is a more determined self that directs their attention-seeking behavior but is entirely different to the image they project. Although their behavior appears to be geared toward material gain and career success, their more profound motivation is found in the attainment of personal happiness. As a result their private life is just that: private. This is the one area of their lives in which they can take off their public persona and be themselves.

Until the age of thirty-six there is an emphasis on being practical and building a structure for themselves, particularly in their work environment. These are the years when they tend to be at their most ruthless and they need to be careful that their enormous potential for creativity does not transform into driven exhibitionism. After the age of thirty-seven they may start to place more importance on relationships and the emphasis will be on quality rather than quantity when it comes to displaying their creativity.

Throughout their lives if they can listen to their powerful conscience and make sure their don’t act in ways that are hurtful to others or lose touch with the simple pleasures of life, they have the potential not just to seduce others with their magnetic style, but to surprise them with their extraordinary achievements.

☆ On the dark side:Ruthless, exhibitionist, excessive

☆ At your best:Seductive, motivated, energetic

Those born on August 16 are full-bodied sensualists who know how to get their way.

Yet in everything they do, there is a sense of refinement, of style, of highly magnetic attractiveness which endears them to most people who come in contact with them.

Even if they appear fresh-faced and wholesome, those born on this day invariably have either a notable interest in and/or drive toward various forms of sensuous as well as sexual expression.

The commanding aspects of this personality are marked as well, and because of this, August 16 people can have great difficulty tolerating opposing points of view. Indeed they will seek to triumph over and in certain extreme cases destroy those whom they see as adversaries or enemies. The drive in them to accumulate power within their sphere of influence is particularly pronounced.

When August 16 people get out there they get really way out. Being outrageous is something that comes naturally to them, and their unusual behavior demands an audience, since for them suffering in silence can be unbearable. Those born on this day wish to put themselves on display, sometimes before a whole crowd of people with whom they can share what they are experiencing.

August 16 people are often hypersensitive, electrically nervous types. Although they can be hurt by the unkindness of others, they have a very hard core which can withstand virtually any kind of attack, mental or physical. They can also be quite destructive to others when they set their mind to it, and in some cases revenge can gain a powerful hold on their motivations.

Seductive and magnetic, those born on this day can also wield terrible power by extending and later withdrawing their affections. If August 16 people go far enough down a negative path, they will inevitably wind up turning their destructive powers on themselves as well.

Their search for ever-increasing thrills can distort or take their personality to extremes.

A great danger for August 16 people is that they will lose the capacity to enjoy simple pleasures and anything that even smacks of conventionality. In this respect they may find themselves more and more out of touch with their family and friends. Despite their antiauthoritarian, sometimes antisocial behavior, most August 16 people usually find a social niche in which their talents come to serve a real need in society or the circle in which they move.

Yet although interested in leading they are rarely interested in ruling. As leaders they can be adored, even worshiped. As rulers they would hardly be the best choice to be responsible for groups of people. Seduction and sedition are more their specialty than domination or control.

Power Thought:I honor the innocence, compassion and beauty in others and myself,To those sensitive to it, the language of the bedroom rarely tells a lie

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 16th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7), and by the planet Neptune. Those ruled by the number 7 do not always carry through their ideas and can get out of touch with reality easily. Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies and also of religious feeling. Inspirational and highly romantic qualities are granted to August 16 people through the connection of Neptune with the Sun (ruler of Leo). Those ruled by the number 7 can sometimes throw caution to the winds where money is concerned and leave their families financially embarrassed. A good accountant or bookkeeper is thus invaluable to August 16 people.

August 16th Birthday Tarot Card

The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-struck tower and the builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The changes wrought can often be sudden and swift. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges. However, the Tower also cautions against rising unjustifiably high and risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t have enemies)Lucky people regard everyone they meet as potential luck makers. One of the most effective ways to avoid bad luck and increase your chances of good fortune is to have as few enemies as possible.

Love The pursuer rather than the pursued

You’re drawn to people born on February 19 to March 20:This combination of mystical expressiveness with physical expressiveness can create a steamy and intense union.

When it comes to affairs of the heart people born on August 16 can be fiercely loyal and supportive, seeing others for who they are rather than what they would like them to be. They like to be the pursuer rather than the pursued and because they are so fiercely independent, setting goals with their partner can be a problem. If they choose a partner who is energetic, confident and strongwilled just like them, however, this will not be a problem.

Health Cherish your friends

It is important for people born on this day to remember that their ties to family and friends are as important to their health as good nutrition and exercise. Because they are so energetic and focused on the present rather than the future, it’s not surprising that they can find it hard to stick to the routine of a well-balanced diet and an exercise program, but it is important for them to ground themselves with healthy eating habits and daily doses of moderate to vigorous exercise. This routine will help them avoid excesses, such as smoking, overeating and addictive or thrill-seeking behavior, which are damaging to their physical and emotional health. Carrying a malachite crystal will bring calmness and a sense of ease, as will wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue.

Those born on August 16 are prone to all forms of obsessive behavior. Consequently they must beware of addictions to food and drink, sex and love relationships or thrill-seeking. Their psychological stability can be undermined by their extreme sensitivity and high-voltage energy. It is terribly difficult for those born on this day to keep to a well-rounded, wholesome lifestyle or routine. But if they can make some healthy habits a pan of their daily regimen, for example, natural foods or enjoyable exercise, it would be a step in the right direction. Age may help those born on this day make healthier choices; however, long life for its own sake is not high on their list of priorities.

Career Born chairpersons

These people are well equipped for any field in which they can inspire or direct others, and will often find success in the arts or show business, as performers, producers or directors, or in politics or teaching. In business they will be drawn to large enterprises or the media but they may also devote themselves to charity work. Whatever career they choose, they do not thrive in subordinate positions and may decide to work for themselves if, for some reason, leadership positions are unattainable.

Destiny To inspire or direct others

The life path of people born on this day is to avoid extremes and excesses. Once they have found a healthy balance that allows them to serve rather than rebel against society, their destiny is to inspire or direct others.

Learn to transform your voltage when necessary to run conventional human appliances. Try not to burn them out, for their sake. Be a bit kinder to your enemies—you may need them too. Put a little more energy into your inner spiritual life.

Celebrities Born On August 16th

Madonna(American singer and actress), Charles Bukowski(German writer), Angela Bassett(American actress),

Madonna (superstar singer, songwriter, entertainer, film actress), T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia, British adventurer, soldier, writer, The Seven P///ors of Wisdom), Charles Bukowski (writer, Tales of Ordinary Madness, Ham on Rye, poet), Bill Evans (jazz pianist composer), Al Hibbler (jazz, ballad singer, blind from birth, eight years with Duke Ellington), George Meany (AFL-CIO labor leader), Timothy Hutton (film actor), Frank Gifford (New York Giants football halfback, 4x All-Pro, Monday Night Football sportscaster, Kathie Lee's husband), Kathie Lee Gifford (TV personality, Regis and Kathie Lee, Frank's wife), Bruce Beresford (Australian film director, Tender Mercies, Breaker Morant), Robert Culp (TV, film actor), Wilhelm Wundt (German philosopher, empirical psychologist, physiologist), Katharine Hamnett (British fashion designer), Marcella Gaetano (Portugal prime minister), J.I. Rodale (organic gardening specialist, writer), Fess Parker (film, TV actor, Daniel Boone). Eydie Gorme (singer), Georgette Heyer (British romantic novelist, detective-story writer), Peter Saul (pop-art social satmst painter), Suzanne Farrel (ballet dancer)

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