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August 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 16, 2024

In numerology. August 16 is ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7) and by Neptune, the planet of romantic inspiration. They achieve much, but should resist becoming so blinded by their own confidence they don't see the broken stair.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Mars; Numbers: 6, 7

August 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Men born today may be eternally naughty boys. The women grow out of it. Many people who share an office with the male August 16, wonder how he gets away with everything. He doesn't seem to work. Sharp at the end of each day he is gone to meet friends, and usually a luscious girl, in the nearest bar. If he is meant to work later, the old jacket over the chair trick comes out and, surprisingly, senior employers fall for it. Most mornings, this robust huntsman has to swallow doughnuts and ham rolls at his desk in order to soak up the hangover. His telephone constantly rings - it's girls who need a tender word. Our star emerges from his alcoholic eclipse, a twinkling eye on the new work experience girl, whose appreciation of the workplace he will shortly enhance when he shows her round the stationery cupboard.

These bad boys often make good. There's something about the cut of the shoulders - usually sporty - that makes people laugh. Something catchily joyful about his enjoyment. So it's no surprise when management invest in Mr Zest. The natural leadership comes to the rescue, and the show-off streak means he'll enjoy planning major projects in impressive detail, while making love to the latest beauty.

Both sexes are sporty. Some professionally. The strong shoulders, arms, powerful legs and excellent eye of the lion are perfect for competitive sport. And they look good on the cricket pitch. Girls can swim faster than most men and work their way around a golf course with charming dexterity. Networking is their trump card.

Nobody gives a party like August 16 can. It will be somewhere romantic and extraordinary, ideally in a Channel Tunnel train carriage, or an empty hairdressers' with its mirrors, low lights and adjustable chairs to lie on. People remember August 16's parties, because that's where they meet and fall for at least one love of their life.

In Love

You fall in love quickly, but when things get too heavy or the relationship begins to feel confining, you may consider moving on. At times you are conflicted with regard to your love life. One part of you longs for permanence in a settled and loving union, but the other part prefers being free and unfettered. Although fervently loyal, you can also be jealous and possessive. In a close, romantic union you’re warmhearted and passionate but complex and determined to have your own way. Your expectations for your loved ones are so high, it’s no wonder you’re sometimes disappointed.

In Bed

An impulsive, dramatic lover, your theatrical approach is complemented by your larger-than-life, leonine personality. When the mood strikes you, you will use everything in your bag of tricks to arouse your partner and build sexual excitement for the ultimate finale. Although you enjoy the big, showy gesture, you never fail to back it up with heartfelt sincerity. Underneath the theatricality, you are genuinely caring and considerate. More than anything, your aim is to please your bed partner.


This date likes to eat his or her way out of a hangover. Since this is a regular problem, here's something to warm and soothe. Croque Monsieur: (for two) 6 slices of white bread with crusts removed, 140g medium cheddar, sliced, 140g cooked ham, English mustard. Place the cheese, then the ham on one slice, scrape with mustard. Cover with second slice, trim. Repeat with other slices. Brush outside of sandwiches with butter, both sides, put in oven on medium to hot until lightly browned, turn and brown other side. Slice into wedges and serve hot. A little less of the croque, now?


The lover with the ability to distract you from daily cares will find a passionate volcano smoldering beneath the surface. Sometimes it takes more than a well-meaning suggestion to get you to relax after a stressful day.

Enjoying a lingering bath or shower together reawakens desire and puts you in the mood for a night of playful decadence.


In numerology. August 16 is ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7) and by Neptune, the planet of romantic inspiration. They achieve much, but should resist becoming so blinded by their own confidence they don't see the broken stair.

Reality Check

Restless in mind and body, you are constantly searching for new places to explore. Idealistic and high-minded, you see yourself as a noble hero whose destiny it is to blaze a path for others to follow. However, with your independent spirit, you’re not likely to find contentment in any situation that is physically or mentally confining.

August 16 Date Share

Madonna, beauty, singer, songwriter, actress, challenger of sexual convention, everybody's eyes on her. Timothy Hutton, handsome film star. Katharine Hamnett, British dress designer, artist. Georgette Heyer, British romantic novelist, detective story writer. T E Lawrence, Anglo-Irish adventurer, soldier, Arabist, author, Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

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