August 17th Dormant Volcano Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 17, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is controlling your temper

☆The way forward is to understand that you should be the one in control of your emotions, not the other way around.

The Birthday Of The Dormant Volcano, The Day Of Explosive Power

August 17th Dormant Volcano Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 17th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: The Star (hope)

Favorable numbers: 7, 8

Lucky days: Sunday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, hunter green, brown

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 17 may present a calm, composed exterior to the world but, like a dormant volcano, underneath fiery emotions fester and smolder. The quest for success for these people is relentless and, because they are so strong-willed, they either win a loyal following of devoted fans or create a legion of implacable enemies.

These people attract the attention of others with their intensity and selfsufficiency. On the one hand independent and creative types with great energy, imagination and determination not to be bound by convention, on the other they are serious thinkers with the ability to focus on progressive, occasionally idiosyncratic ideals. This combination of vigor, self-confidence and purpose ensures that any contribution they make has great impact. Although they make fine leaders, possessing the resilience and self-belief to recover from virtually any setback, their Achilles’ heel is their argumentative, stubborn nature. They can be extremely defensive and aggressive, and their occasional rages can terrify those around them.

Until the age of thirty-five there is an emphasis in their lives on practicality and creating an effective working environment; these are the years when their untamed energy can be at its most explosive and undirected. Learning to think before they speak and act and listening more to the advice of others will help them gain the control and sense of direction they need to earn the respect of others. After the age of thirty-six there is a significant turning point that highlights their social relationships and partnerships; during these years their already powerful creative energies are highlighted even more, and this is the period during which they can really come into their own.

Throughout their lives the key to their success will be putting the emphasis on self-control. If they can find ways to harness and direct their incredible energies to a cause that is worthy of them, when their volcanic creativity erupts it will not cause chaos and destruction but enlighten, inspire and guide others with its dynamic originality.

☆ On the dark side:Argumentative, defensive, out of control

☆ At your best:Intense, self-confident, powerful

Those born on August 17 are powerful and explosive individuals. They have the high voltage of those born on the previous day, with whom they have much in common, but unlike the latter are very taken up with running the show. Their drive to rule has the underpinnings of a well-established earthiness which grounds their dynamic energies.

Most August 17 people, men and women, are dominating authoritarians at heart, who do not brook any challenge to their right to rule whether acting as parents, teachers, military people or even friends. Indeed, those born on this day often run into trouble when their controlling nature becomes too hard for others to handle.

Paradoxically, August 17 people can display a very quiet and even solitary temperament and a strong desire to protect their private life. Outside of their work or social involvements they would prefer to be left alone. Though very outgoing at times, perhaps "the life of the parry," they are hardly wanton exhibitionists, preferring not to waste their energies in grand displays. Those born on this day carry a certain refinement and charm with them, but can also be forbidding enough to keep admirers at arms length.

One of the greatest challenges to August 17 people is to control their argumentative side, along with a tendency to be alternately antagonistic or defensive. If allowed free reign, such urges can create serious difficulties for them, not only making enemies but also alienating friends and family. Those who love and understand August 17 people will try to cope with this untamed energy and readily forgive explosive words and actions. But there reaches a point where those born on this day may push the tolerance of others too far.

Psychologically, many August 17 people exhibit such behavior because of hidden insecurities and repressed inferiority feelings carried over from childhood. Typically, they have experienced serious problems with one of their parents (often of the same sex) whom they alternately hated and adored. In addition, they may not have taken the pains to really know themselves, and thus when encountering misfortune may brood or grow frustrated rather than learn from experience. Perhaps psychological counseling can help those born on this day to understand themselves better.

Because of their deep natures and their sophisticated thought patterns, these versatile people have a great deal to offer in many areas if they can get a handle on their energies.

Though August 17 people very rarely act with malicious intent, they can be driven by forces beyond their control, forces often kept bottled up inside. Various forms of mental discipline can help them manage these "hurricane" energies, i.e.. learning to monitor early warning signs and calm the winds before a storm develops.

Power Thought:My inner peace positively affects every aspect of my life,Touching the nose means no

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 17th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 (1+7=8), and by the planet Saturn. Saturn carries a serious aspect, which tends to make August 17 people severe with themselves and others. The combined influence of the Sun (ruler of Leo) and Saturn may indicate an ultra-responsible personality, but one also prone to discouragement. The number 8 carries a conflict between the material and spiritual worlds; those ruled by the number 8 are often lonely, and tend to indulge themselves

August 17th Birthday Tarot Card

The 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, which shows a beautiful naked girl under the stars pouring refreshing water on the parched earth with one pitcher and reviving the stagnant water of a pond with another. She represents the glories of the earthly life, but also material enslavement to it. The stars above her are an eternal reminder of the presence of the spiritual world. Thus, August 17 people are reminded never to forget about the higher goals of life.

☆Luck maker:(Ask for advice more often)Lucky people are always ready to listen to advice even if they don’t follow it, because they realize that the more knowledge and information they have, the better their chances of success.

Love Passionate and intense

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 19:You both share an appreciation of the good things in life, and this can be a strong and fulfilling union.

People born on August 17 make passionate, loyal, generous, and loving partners; being friendly and sociable, they tend to have many friends and admirers. They are attracted to creative, intense people like themselves but would thrive best with someone who is capable of drawing out their passions but who is also calm and consistent.

Health Avoid holding grudges

One of the biggest threats to the health of people born on this day is their inability to control their anger. Not only can this make them more injury prone, it can also threaten their immune systems and increase the risk of stress, depression and anxiety. Learning how to forgive and to let go of angry thoughts and feelings will help their bodies return from an aroused to a normal state. Staying on an even keel allows their bodies to function at their best, so for their own good health they need to steer clear of holding grudges. As far as diet is concerned, they should avoid eating when they are feeling angry, stressed or unhappy, as this could lead to eating disorders and digestive problems. Regular exercise is highly recommended because it will help them unwind and release pent-up tension. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to feel calmer and in control, as will carrying a malachite crystal.

The greatest health danger for August 17 people is illness brought on by suppressed aggression. If those born on this day allow problems to eat away at them and express such worries only in fits of temper, they will be at risk for ulcerative stomach and intestinal conditions, hypertension and malignancies of all kinds. Encouraging their social nature, working and living in an energetic, free-flowing fashion will do wonders for their health. All endeavors which open them up to the world are recommended—group exercise, meals and social activities of all sons. All forms of depression (which is often anger driven inside) should be attended to as quickly as possible.

Career Born leaders

These people thrive best in careers where they can organize their own timetable and make an impact on others. Whatever career they choose they will climb up the ladder of success to leadership positions, but they may be drawn to politics, business, the theater or entertainment world, as well as management, writing, law, charity work, and education.

Destiny To find success in the public eye

The life path of people born on this day is to learn how to manage their emotions. Once they feel more in control of their lives, their destiny is to make an impact on others and find success in the public eye.

Moderate your intensity when appropriate. Use downtime to examine your motivations; get to know yourself better. Observe yourself in daily life and learn to recognize the early warning signals of destructive temper. Try to keep things light.

Celebrities Born On August 17th

Robert de Niro(American actor and director), Mae West(American actress and comedian), Maureen O’Hara(Irish actress and singer),

Davy Crockett (frontiersman, scout, US congressman, died at Alamo), Robert De Niro (film actor, painter), Mae West (sex symbol, film actress, lived to age eighty-eight), Sean Penn (film actor, Hollywood "bad boy"), Samuel Goldwyn (film producer, studio owner), Mikhail Botvinnik (Russian world chess champion, only grandmaster to hold title three times), Larry Rivers (New York painter, assembly artist), Nelson Piquet (Brazilian auto racer, 3x Formula One world champion), Ted Hughes (British Poet Laureate). Jim Courier (tennis player, Australian, 2x French Open winner), Morse Peckham (literary, social critic, theorist Man's Rage for Chaos), V.S. Naipaul (Trinidadian novelist, A Bend in the River), Robin Cousins (British gold medal-winning figure skater), Maureen O'Hara (film actress), Francis Gary Powers (U-2 pilot, shot down over Russia, tried as spy, sentenced to ten years, exchanged for Russian KGB colonel), George Duvivier (jazz bassist, composer, arranger), Guillenmo Vilas (US, French Open-winning tennis champion), General Ibrahim Babangida (Nigerian dictator). John Whitney (heir, co-produced Gone with the Wind), Tom Courtney (US Olympic 800 meter gold medalist)

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