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August 17th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 17, 2024

In Tarot, the 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, a naked girl with a pitcher of life-giving water. The Star symbolises earthly wealth, and warns about the perils of wage slavery. The stars above her tell of spirituality.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Mars; Numbers: 7, 8

August 17th Birthday Love Astrology

These guys and girls run the show and call the shots. Others sometimes become discouraged by the ease with which August 17 removes their favourite toy, and then plays Mr Absolutely Amazed. Tm absolutely amazed that you mind about moving your desk, me borrowing your mouse.' But because this sun-kissed peach is essentially kind and fair - unless it's absolutely against their best interests -everybody else is eventually allowed to get a juicy bite.

August 17 women are appassionata. Success, failure, love, sadness, childbirth, losing your virginity are all played out in dramatic soundbites. The minute she walks in the door, you can tell she's a woman of distinction, a real big spender. At business meetings, she is the kind of woman whose clothes are so perfect they hardly seem to touch her body. At a club, she is the one not taking drugs, discussing her first lover's spiritual rather than personal problems, and declaring that neither a lawyer, nor the manager of the local drugstore will she be, but the mother of six. Shy people adore Augusta Cute Shoes for her friendliness - she talks so much it doesn't matter if anybody else is shy - and of course, for her cute shoes. People born today have elegant feet and ankles and umpteen pairs of sensational shoes to show them off.

The male is particularly shoe conscious. A man's character and worldiness is judged by his footwear, more damningly than for women. Girls in red slingbacks are spirited and sexy, in trainers, sporty and sexy, sleek ‘n' sexy in boots, seductively country fresh in wellies. But there are men who have lost a deal because they wore suede shoes, lost a job because they came to lunch in brown ones, lost a girl because of their grey suede hush puppies. August 17 will never let his shoes make an independent statement. They are exquisite, maybe two-tone, maybe shocking, but they're under control.

In Love

In an intimate union, you’re passionate and demanding. You have high standards, and you expect your partner to live up to them. As a result, you’re not the easiest person to live with. Your proud nature and fragile ego require constant reassurance from your beloved. What you’re really seeking is proof of his or her love and devotion. You respect traditional ideas and want permanence in a romantic relationship. When you’ve satisfied your need for emotional security and acceptance, you’re a loyal, generous, and protective mate. Only a serious betrayal could make you break your commitment and walk away.

In Bed

A powerhouse of sexual energy, you like being the one in control of the action. Your bedmate probably won’t object when you take charge, because you use your astounding sexual prowess to build slowly to a peak of pleasure that is satisfying to you both. You do everything you possibly can to gratify your partner’s desires, in and out of the bedroom. Admiration and appreciation are extremely important to you, and you get off on the knowledge that your efforts to please are well received.


August 17 loves travelling, hates the bit where feet and ankles get puffy. Virgin Atlantic in-flight therapy, (customers include Phil Collins and Robbie Coltraine) suggests sprinkling lavender oil onto a cold flannel or hot towel and then wrap around feet, which you should ideally put up for ten minutes. If the plane is full and you can't put feet up, do it when you arrive. Or, put two or three drops juniper oil along the soles of the feet and around the ankles. Then with thumbs down, keep pressing along instep. (In reflexology, these points relate to the kidney and lymphatic drainage).


The lover clever enough to stroke your ego along with your body is virtually guaranteed ample rewards in return. Your erotic sensuality responds to the beauty and comfort of an ultraluxurious environment. The stimulating caresses of a full-body massage help to relax you and increase your appetite for the lovemaking to follow.


In Tarot, the 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, a naked girl with a pitcher of life-giving water. The Star symbolises earthly wealth, and warns about the perils of wage slavery. The stars above her tell of spirituality.

Reality Check

You aim high, and your inner core of steely determination practically guarantees you’ll reach your goals. While you may not be as confident as you appear, you’re much too proud to admit that you have doubts about your abilities. When things don’t go as you planned, you feel gloomy or depressed; however, your brooding never lasts long.

August 17 Date Share

Sean Penn, Hollywood star, bad boy, Madonna's ex-husband, film director. Mae West, sex symbol, ‘Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?'. Robert de Niro, film star, painter, restaurant owner, sex idol. Nelson Piquet, Brazilian Formula One world champion. Ted Hughes, British poet laureate.

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