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August 18th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 18, 2024

In the end no-one gets away without their own personal piece of suffering. If you choose to live, then try to do it with grace and enjoyment, even if there's only despair at the core of your being.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Mars; Numbers: 8, 9

August 18th Birthday Love Astrology

August 18 people have that sunshine coating which makes Leos gleam among the glum. However, a reservation in their character, an edgy attitude makes them more challenging than many - more Creamy Cheese Cake Frost for party-time than Apricot Glaze.

Sometimes their original thinking works well, when others are receptive - and clever - enough to go along with them. These inventive creatures do have to spend time searching for their thought twins, spinning along the universe on the same electromagnetic waves. Often, however, both sexes grow discouraged and flit away from urban environments to plough their own furrow, take over the village post office and generally use their unusual mindset to create an attractive, but different way of life. Certainly different from friends' lifestyles.

The great thing about this child, who wears a coat of many coloured sun rays, is that either sex is fantastically resilient. They weather the hardest hits the world can deliver, loss of loved ones, money and position, stay down for a little, harbouring their resources, then use the experience to help others and themselves understand a little more about destiny. Many become counsellors where they are extremely effective and not prone to faddiness. If it's running the post office they prefer, then this little shop will be the jolly centre of village life, a place to pause and chat, where you know you'll meet friends.

Girls born today make any place they go look wonderful, all done on talent not expenditure. Animals come running to them and many women will work wkh animals, either farming or breeding and in some cases, racing. Most men have similar talents and may also turn to a career with animals. Either way, when August 18 lives in the country, the house will be full of dogs, rabbits, baby hedgehogs, maybe the odd singing canary while Old English bantams snick-snack about the back door looking for grubs.

In Love

You’re a dreamer as well as an idealist. You give your all to your lover, and you expect to be loved and cherished in return. Emotionally volatile and vulnerable, you’re something of an enigma even to those closest to you. A complex mixture of confidence and uncertainty, the lion inside you craves the spotlight, but another part of you prefers operating from behind the scenes. You are so psychic, you pick up on your partner’s thoughts all the time. It’s difficult for you to understand why he or she doesn’t seem to know what you’re feeling and thinking as well.

In Bed

Your sexy sensuality emerges behind closed doors. When the lights go out, you lose yourself in your partner’s arms. Fantasy and role-playing games are among your favorite activities, and you envelop your lover in the rosy aura of your imagination. Playful and spontaneous when making love, you have a sexual technique that tends to run the gamut from cuddly and affectionate to breathtaking abandon. Setting the stage with beautiful, luxurious things provides the perfect backdrop for your personal romantic drama.


Creamy Cheese Cake Frost is culinary Stardust. Piquant. Unusual Delicious. Take 170g cream cheese, 30ml evaporated milk, pinch salt, 5 ml vanilla essence, 450 g icing sugar, sifted. Beat the cream cheese with the milk until smooth, add salt, vanilla and sugar. Creamy Frost between the two cake layers, a scrumptious filling, and even more delicious when lightly spread across the cake top and down the sides. Tiny fairy cakes coated with Creamy Frost suddenly sparkle. For a change add coffee or rich dark chocolate.


Being surrounded by the trappings of romance in your own private love nest turns you on. For you, sexual arousal may begin with a provocative suggestion or a few wild, seductive movements. Performing a sultry, erotic striptease for your lover allows you to reveal the hot-blooded performer lurking just beneath your more reserved public façade.


In the end no-one gets away without their own personal piece of suffering. If you choose to live, then try to do it with grace and enjoyment, even if there's only despair at the core of your being.

Reality Check

Artistic and imaginative with a poetic temperament, you have psychic sensitivity that allows you to tune in to prevailing conditions. More restless and changeable than other lions, you’re also more easily distressed and distracted.

Naturally empathetic and compassionate, you are easily moved by the problems and difficulties of others and must be careful not to let people take advantage of your good nature.

August 18 Date Share

Patrick Swayze, film star. Rosalynn Carter, US first lady. Roman Polanski, Polish film director, Chinatown, Knife on The Water, his wife, Sharon Täte was murdered by the Charles Manson gang. Robert Redford, actor, director, tireless worker for children's charities. Shelley Winters, Hollywood actress, comedienne.

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