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August 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 19, 2024

You have extraordinary powers to inspire love and must value them and never take them lightly. Nor take lightly other people's generosity towards your idiosyncracies. Life will deal you good cards.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Mars; Numbers: 1, 9

August 19th Birthday Love Astrology

They need a lot of love and if they have that, then let the rest of the world go hang. August 19 men and women go hunting for love in the most seductive and charming way. Perhaps you're out of money for a parking meter? This creature will be there, slim, smiling, and the moment is full of laughter. You're out of milk? The guy down the road with the devastating eyes has some to spare and he'll come round later.

Accidental meetings are not absolutely accidental. They look for the opportunity. But then the first date may turn into a twenty-four-hour round-Britain car drive, perhaps a visit to the sea and paddling, maybe they'll show you their beach hut, maybe they'll take you to meet their parents.

With this creature most people know immediately that the affair will be something big. Sex is urgent and funny, not necessarily calculated or ultra-professional, but the fiery emotions behind the sex are what carries people away.

August 19 should be careful when they first fall in love not to bunk off from work or their studies. This shooting star wants to link up with its new companion and sweep him or her away, far across the world, with no thought for practical things like income, or where you are supposed to be tomorrow, or where you might stay tonight. But Fortune smiles on this person. Bosses and teachers are usually quick to forgive, maybe remembering a similar intoxication they once felt many years ago.

Both sexes are different in the moonlight. By day they mostly just enjoy themselves and treat others with affection, although at work they turn into towering pillars of confidence who can grasp a situation, push a deal through or persuade the workforce to turnabout apparently effortlessly. Moonlight drives them wild with a longing to be caressed and concentrate on only one thing.

In Love

A dynamic lion with a magnetic personality, you live to be noticed and admired. Mediocrity and boring repetition have no place in your scheme of things. Inherently romantic and idealistic, you have a penchant for dramatizing and mythologizing every aspect of your life. Quick witted, energetic, and fearless, you can’t be stopped when you set out to accomplish something. At the beginning of a relationship, you’ll do everything possible to fascinate your intended and get him or her to want to know you better.

However, in a long-term union, you can be quite demanding. In return, however, you offer passion, generosity, and devotion.

In Bed

A genuine bedroom bombshell, you make a fiery, ardent lover. As a natural actor, you adore the spotlight and tend to view most of your activities as performances. Even in life’s most intimate moments, you usually can’t resist the temptation to play to your audience. Because your torrid sexuality thrives on novelty and excitement, you’re willing to try anything at least once. Your ideal partner is as high spirited, playful, and enthusiastic under the covers as you are.


You can't beat August 19 for sensuosity. Their sense of smell is very powerful and they enjoy being beguiled by aromatic oils. August 19 has a spot in the middle of the spine, which, when rubbed, turns either sex into a creature dazzled by pleasure. Just rub it and he or she is yours, like the genie of the lamp, and all your wishes will come true. Put a couple of drops of aromatic oil into a carrier such as almond oil, then smooth gently around the middle of the back, avoiding any pressure on the spine. Try cedarwood oil, an alleged aphrodisiac, and patchouli.


The bed buddy who is open-minded, affectionate, and adventurous turns you on. Provocative language and erotic attire in a sumptuous setting gets your juices flowing. You are not shy or hesitant in bed, and a sizzling frolic in a well-lighted or strategically mirrored room may be just the ticket to chase away the blahs of a dull or routine sex life.


You have extraordinary powers to inspire love and must value them and never take them lightly. Nor take lightly other people's generosity towards your idiosyncracies. Life will deal you good cards.

Reality Check

Since you equate admiration with love, you relish the approval of an audience. Image is extremely important to you. You reach for the stars, yet when you attain your goal you are not inclined to sit back and rest on previous laurels. Instead you strive to maintain your position by surpassing your previous successes.

August 19 Date Share

Bill Clinton, US president, Rhodes scholar. Willie Shoemaker, very small and very great jockey, Kentucky Derby winner. Gabrielle ‘Coco' Chanel, Parisian clothing designer, socialite, perfume maker. Jill St John, film actress, sadly died of cancer after brave battle. Ginger Baker, rock drummer, The Cream. Comtesse du Barry, French mistress to Louis XV, guillotined.

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