August 1st Independence Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 01, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to compromise

☆The way forward is to understand that compromise is not a step back but a way to break out of deadlock so that everyone can move forward.

The Birthday Of Independence, The Day Of Original Style

August 1st Independence Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 1st Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable numbers: 1, 9

Lucky day: Sunday, especially when it falls on 1 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Ruby

Independent in thought and behavior, people born on August 1 will often speak out passionately about their beliefs and when confronted with criticism, setbacks or disappointments they will rarely give up on those beliefs. Because they find it hard to function in a subordinate position they are best suited to roles where they can function independently or take a leadership role.

When these people see opportunities for improvement they will not hesitate to take them. Self-reliant, they hope others will see the wisdom of their ideas but they will never force others to accept their point of view, believing wisely that people need to be ready for the truth to hear it. They will, however, subtly try to influence people with their excellent, sometimes dark, sense of humor, and their insights that are merciless but accurate.

Those born on this day prize self-sufficiency above all else and, although this can help them bring about great progress through their energy and organizational skills, it can also bring them great unhappiness. They may, for example, cut themselves off from the love and support of others, a tendency which will leave them feeling emotionally isolated, wounding those who wish to offer them help. They can also take their independence to the extreme by becoming stubborn and inflexible in their beliefs; this can block their psychological growth and their chances of achieving success.

It is important, therefore, for them to learn to compromise and to be aware of the negative effect their intensity can have on others. Between the ages of twenty-one and fifty-one they will enter a period of increased emphasis on work, efficiency and order during which they are likely to gain an enhanced awareness of practical problem solving. Whatever their age, if they can recognize the need to be less detached and more sensitive to the feelings of others, so that workable compromises can be reached, these strong and independent individualists will surprise themselves and others with flashes of outstanding and truly inspired creativity.

☆ On the dark side:Detached, unbending, difficult

☆ At your best:Independent, original, influential

Notonly are the dominant people born on August 1 highly individual, but determined to bring others around to their point of view no matter what the obstacles. Not content with the knowledge that they are the best in what they do, they must force others to this realization either through the quality of their work or the sheer persuasiveness of their personalities. They may suffer many setbacks, frustrations and disappointments along the way but rarely give up on their endeavors.

Those born on this day can come across as crusaders, following their particular mission in life with relish and zeal. Behind a serious, even stoic exterior, however, they have a surprisingly developed sense of humor. Such humor is more often than not on the dark side and can assume a highly ironic or sardonic tone. Those born on this day are capable of directing verbal barbs with frightening accuracy but within their inner dialogue may be equally merciless toward themselves.

Those born on August 1 are not the easiest people to get along with. Since they themselves are the only boss they tolerate, they are generally unsuited for jobs where they must work with superiors. Most are comfortable in leadership roles within the family, workplace or artistic world, with those exceptions who suffer from an underlying sense of inferiority. Life is particularly difficult for such August 1 people, for they are not cut out to be "chiefs" and dissatisfied with being "braves." Those born on August 1 are often caught up in the middle of a swirling world of controversy.

No matter what they do, they seem to arouse the interest and sometimes antagonism of others. Indeed, dealing with the negativity directed against them can become second nature, as they are highly adept at defending themselves with language. More often than not, however, August 1 people prefer to withdraw into a protective shell and let the world go hang. The solitary hideaway of an August 1 person, that which outsiders perhaps never see, is vitally important to them and ultimately their favorite place to be.

August 1 people, despite their apparent self-sufficiency invariably become dependent on others, at the very least for some of the necessities or niceties of life and a stable home base.

What they are able to give, however, in any personal relationship may be circumscribed by their preoccupation with their own work and private world. Only friends and mates prepared for a bumpy ride should get involved with those born on this day.

One of the greatest strengths of August 1 people is their capacity to view the world in which they live in a crystal clear fashion, without veils or illusions. They themselves may be masters at creating symbols, mysteries and paradoxes of all sorts, but their own clear vision rarely loses sight of the fundamental nature of things.

Power Thought:Other people are meant to be joyful, and so am I,Some desire, others admire

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 1st day of the month are ruled by the number 1 and the Sun. People born on the 1 st like to be first. Those ruled by the number 1 are opinionated and eager to rise to the top. August 1 people must beware of losing themselves to their power urges and drowning out everyone around them on their drive for achievement. The Sun imparts intensity, creative energy and fire (made stronger in August 1 people by the Sun's rulership of Leo), which should be kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to flare and dissipate.

August 1st Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information, as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but. negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism. The choice rests with the August 1 person whether to use his or her charismatic qualities for moral or immoral ends.

☆Luck maker:(Treat others as yourself)Lucky people understand that successful relationships with others are the key to their success and happiness. They also understand that you don’t win in relationships, you win by having relationships.

Love Wonderful wit

You’re drawn to people born on July 24 to August 23:As long as you allow each other to share the spotlight this relationship has huge potential for creativity and excitement.

People born on August 1 can be somewhat inflexible and detached in relationships but their wonderful wit will always draw others to them. Once they learn to be more sensitive to the feelings of others they can be enormous fun; the only problem is that everyone will want a piece of them and they may find it hard to single out one potential partner. To avoid disappointment they need to take themselves less seriously when it comes to affairs of the heart.

Health Be more flexible

People born on this day are independent by nature, often preferring to be their own experts on issues of health, diet, and lifestyle. They believe that they are the only ones who know what is best for them, and although this is laudable it can also lead them to ignore important advice from well-meaning friends and sometimes even doctors. If they can learn to compromise, they may find that their emotional and physical health benefit. As far as diet is concerned, a structured eating plan works best. Regular exercise should also be scheduled, but to avoid getting into a rut they should consider cross-training, mixing swimming with running or brisk walking with cycling. Yoga, tai chi and all forms of stretching are recommended, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors green or peach will help them be more spontaneous.

Those born on August 1 may have a kind of hubris or even arrogance about their health Consequently, it is not unusual for them to suffer from unexpected ailments. They should make a point to have their heart checked regularly and to consult a good chiropractor when dealing with back difficulties. Discomfort or strain to the lower back may be stress-related, so the deskbound should be aware of posture and take frequent rest periods to stretch. Because of their authoritarian attitude to life in general, some August 1 people may consider themselves authorities on their own health as well, ignoring the advice of both family and doctors. Those who wish to sway the health choices of August 1 people should take a firm hand with them.

Career Born scientists

These people are best suited to careers, such as science or writing, where their work or research can be transformed into products. They may also be drawn toward social reform and the healing professions. With their natural executive and leadership abilities they are also well suited to careers in management, while their potential for creativity may draw them toward music, drama and art.

Destiny To bring their talents to a wider audience

The life path of people born on this day is to find a balance between their need for privacy and independence, and their need for social interaction and cooperation. Once they have found this balance, their destiny is to bring their talents to a wider audience.

Try to beware of the feelings of those around you; don't cut yourself off from them. Take time off from your crusade to attend to daily matters Beware of the enmity your intensity may engender. Learn to compromise when necessary.

Celebrities Born On August 1st

Herman Melville(American writer), Jean-Baptiste Lamarck(French naturalist), Yves Saint Laurent(French fashion designer),

Herman Melville (19 th c. poet, shortstory writer, Billy Budd, novelist, Moby Dick—savaged in reviews, finally hailed one hundred years later as one of greatest American novels), Claudius I (Roman emperor, historian, became ruler after Caligula's murder, poisoned by wife, Agnppina, subject of TV senes /, Claudius). Yves St. Laurent (French fashion designer), Ron Brown (Democratic Party national chairman, Clinton labor secretary), Meir Kahane (right-wing Zionist, founder Jewish Defense League, assassinated), Jerry Garcia (singer, guitarist, songwriter. Grateful Dead leader), Jim Carroll (New York poet, songwriter, writer, Basketball Diaries), Sammy Lee (US Olympic 2x gold medal-winning platform diving champion, coach US team, military physician Korea, US good-will ambassador), Geoffrey Holder (dancer), Giancarlo Giannini (Italian film, TV actor), Francis Scott Key (lawyer, poet, lyricist of US national anthem), Richard Henry Dana (maritime lawyer, writer, Two Years Before the Most), Dom De Luise (comic film actor), Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (French zoologist), Jack Kramer (tennis player, US, Wimbledon champion, promoter), Lawrence Eagleburger (government official, pro-temp secretary of state), Ins Love (archaeologist), Evelyn Walsh McLean (Washington hostess, heiress), Claude Bragden (architect. wnter on philosophy of art), Joseph Hirshhom (financier, art collector)

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