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August 1st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 01, 2024

These people unwittingly make others jealous. Ifsjust something they generate in the air. The fault lies in the feeler, not the felt about. August 1 should be prepared for this. A little steeliness is recommended.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Sun; Numbers: 1, 9

August 1st Birthday Love Astrology

They have a natural eye for design, and what they wear today, is what everybody will be wearing tomorrow. August 1 is fascinated by style, clothes, music, writing, all the cultural things. No day is boring to them because they only have to look about them to see something which takes their fancy to the point of fascination.

Either sex should work in a profession which uses this visual dexterity. Then they can combine an unusual degree of pleasure with what frequently turns out to be an unusual degree of earning power. Small children show this talent young. Three- and four-year-olds roll ankle socks down to their shoes, because having them pulled up is a no-no at the local nursery. Not much older than this and they are advising their parents, with a sure touch, about the decoration of the house.

When it comes to painting a room, many August 1 peopled motto is ‘When in doubt, go for yellow'. The men may carry this colour through into different rooms, varying the shades from yellow through amber to terracotta. Women frequently experiment with the lovely duck egg blues and turqoises found in Chinese porcelains and lovely silk rugs. Everything is done for next to no money, which is good, because next year, or even next month, they may change the whole shoot.

In the office, these are the people whose dress code gets up the noses of the frowstier reaches of management. The male August 1 wears perfect jeans with a perfectly fitting T-shirt, and maybe the odd one or five earrings. But the jeans will be yellow or red and the jacket which goes over everything, washed-out peacock. Girls born on this day are lanky in brilliantly coloured PVC, with long legs sans cellulite.

This enviable grace and ability to eat doughnuts without putting on an ounce may not last for ever unless some care with diet is taken.

In Love

Your warmhearted, sociable nature puts relationships at the very heart and soul of your existence. Your charming, fun-loving manner and sunny personality draw people to you and make them want to get to know you better.

Romantic and idealistic, your tendency is to dramatize and mythologize every aspect of your life. You see yourself as the Sun with your companions orbiting around you like so many little Moons. As a result, you can be a rather demanding friend or lover. You expect admiration, flattery, and ego stroking from your mate. In return, you offer passion, generosity, and loyalty.

In Bed

A classic superachiever, you’re known for your generous nature and flamboy-ant gestures. You think in superlatives and enjoy showering your lover with lavish gifts. When creating a romantic setting for lovemaking, you prepare the stage with flowers, candles, soft music, and whatever else seems appropriate to the upcoming performance. Although your sexual prowess may be up there with the most ardent Scorpio or Aries, your leonine ego is surprisingly needful of frequent encouragement and reassurance.


August 1 should have beautiful objects aroundy which simultaneously bring a sense of well-being. And preferably inexpensive, since generous Leo prefers to spend hard-earned money on travel and taking friends out to dinner. Find their houses crammed with vases of sunflowers and bowls of lavender pot-pourris (Leo flowers). Find fascinating rocks picked up while travelling and used as ornaments. What to another is just an oldpebbley is to August 1 an exquisite piece of rose quartz, whose properties include arousal of awareness of the beauty of nature, creative inspiration, absorption of harmful vibrations, enlivening of the mind and hastened recovery from illness.


Flattery is Leo’s ultimate aphrodisiac, and nothing turns you on like admiration. Your strong sex drive is greatly enhanced by the luxurious, comfortable accoutrements of the good life. Although the intimate candlelight dinner doesn’t really need to contain champagne, caviar, and lobster Newburg, you certainly won’t complain if it does.


These people unwittingly make others jealous. Ifsjust something they generate in the air. The fault lies in the feeler, not the felt about. August 1 should be prepared for this. A little steeliness is recommended.

Reality Check

Like many lions, you’re very idealistic and addicted to the drama that surrounds your romantic unions. You view your relationships as larger than life.

With dreams so big and expectations so high, you’re often disappointed in the ensuing reality. Still, even the most disillusioned lion is rarely alone for long. When things don’t go as you’d hoped, your innate optimism spurs you on in your continued search for ideal love.

August 1 Date Share

Yves Saint Laurent French fashion design leader of the world. Jerry Garcia, singer, songwriter, guitarist, Grateful Dead. Giancarlo Giannini, Italian film star. Herman Melville, 19th century American author, Moby Dick - made a great deal more money for others than it did for him.Claudius, Roman emperor, reasonable man and respected historian, poisoned by wife, Agrippina.

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