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August 21st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 21, 2024

Those born today can ensure wedding day good fortune. It's lucky to enter the church right foot first (stumbling is considered an evil omen). A smile between bride and groom meeting at the altar means a happy marriage.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Mars; Numbers: 2, 3

August 21st Birthday Love Astrology

They start their adult life with an attractive, apparently reckless, wildness. And since this individual is blessed with good looks, long legs and charismatic smile, the wildness is irresistible to other people. August 21 girls are the kind who dance naked, or wearing very little, in perfectly stylish places of entertainment, to get themselves through college. The boys clean skyscraper windows to admiring glances from beneath.

Some dance their way with ease through the rest of life. They need a change? It comes along. A new, prettier house. There's one. After an initial immense career success, they may not all stick with it, but somehow or other August 21 always finds a pleasant way to earn a living.

These individuals are unhappy when they don't have a steady partner and are truly convinced that one marriage is much the same as another, so why upset everything? Once their children are grown up, however, they are happy to renew old friendships and have a whale of a time. August 21 travels the world with friends, stays with them for weeks in the country or other countries, spends his or her time at the theatre, in restaurants or just making clever lunches and dinners. This whole sign is one of the cooks of the zodiac and they usually can't bear somebody else in their kitchen.

They do have the ‘what if tendency. They are postphobic -letters never come, maybe they're lost. Burglars are a constant worry, even with the most sophisticated devices, and August 21 would be happiest living on bare boards with no furniture or any ornaments. If they are town-bred, they tremble through the countryside, especially women, wincing at rivers supposedly full of pesticides. Every plant is a stinging nettle. It's hard to resist the temptation to tell them you saw an adder in the garden. If they are country-bred, they think all townies have pollution-related asthma.

In Love

People celebrating birthdays on this date are charming and outgoing. The image you project is magnetic and exciting, and you are never dull or boring. You want to be able to admire your lover and respect his or her intelligence. And you require your partner’s good opinion in return. Your lively, inquisitive mind never stops for very long, and you’re happiest with a significant other who shares some of your numerous interests. In a close relationship, you are generous, warm, and loving. You’re in no hurry to make a commitment, but when you do you are devoted and loyal.

In Bed

Glamorous surroundings bring out the romantic in you, and you do your best to create an atmosphere of luxury for your lovemaking. Despite your gregarious nature, you enjoy spending plenty of time alone with your beloved. Innately inventive and original, you’re full of surprises, both in and out of the bedroom. For you, communication is the essential ingredient in creating a natural flow of erotic energies. Readily open to suggestion, you’re prepared to try anything that enhances your shared sexual pleasure.


August 21 loves to dream and can usually control the good ones so that they go on and on. Dreams put them in a good mood and they wake up happy and refreshed. Some have a favourite dream subject, which they claim to induce by thinking hard about it just before sleep. And many swear by the ‘problem-solving' dream. You go to bed with a problem, the brain solves it for you while you sleep. August 21 favours dancing dreams, which indicate joy, youth, victory and general humdinger attractiveness. Flying means the savouring of new excitements.


Grand gestures of love and devotion make you forget mundane concerns.

Your ideal lover knows how to rekindle your initial spark of desire and maintain that brand new feeling of attraction between you. You are turned on by spontaneous attempts to inflame your libido; your appetite for pleasure grows as you engage in sensuous foreplay.


Those born today can ensure wedding day good fortune. It's lucky to enter the church right foot first (stumbling is considered an evil omen). A smile between bride and groom meeting at the altar means a happy marriage.

Reality Check

You possess a magnanimous nature that makes you popular and well liked.

Fun loving and warmhearted, you enjoy being the center of attention. Yet despite your dazzling surface personality, mentally you’re no lightweight.

You have an exceptionally clear understanding of what is important in life and the ability to communicate the meaning of your insight to others.

August 21 Date Share

Princess Margaret Rose, younger sister to Queen Elizabeth II, wildly beautiful in youth and gave up the love of her life because he was divorced and the British monarchy wouldn't accept it. Count Basie, bandleader, pianist, composer arranger. Aubrey Beardsley, British illustrator, Yellow Book, died at 25. Janet Baker, British concert mezzo-soprano.

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