August 22nd Commander Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 22, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being open to the advice of others

☆The way forward is to understand that not listening objectively to others can lose you allies and destroy your potential to be successful.

The Birthday Of The Commander, The Day Of Seasoned Experience

August 22nd Commander Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 22nd Birthdays

Sun signs: Leo/Virgo

Ruling planets: Sun, the individual/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Lion/The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)

Favorable numbers: 3, 4

Lucky day: Sunday, especially when it falls on 3 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, lavender, blue

Birthstone: Ruby

Whatever talents they are blessed with, August 22 people will not hesitate in exploiting them to full. They believe that hard work is the secret of success, not luck or fate, and they like to be the master and commander of their own destinies. Not surprisingly, for people with such remarkable selfcontrol they are also far happier giving orders and commanding others than they are receiving them.

As well as being commanding, people born on this day are also extraordinarily creative. Their imagination is broad enough to cover a wealth of possibilities, and so powerful is their charisma that they are able to inspire others to execute their inspirations alongside them. They have a talent for making work seem exciting, bringing flair to even the most mundane chores. In keeping with their authoritative presence they typically display a tough and outspoken exterior to others, and they can be extremely stubborn in their refusal to change their opinion once it is formed. Behind their combative exterior there is, however, a surprisingly sensitive side, although they are unlikely to allow anyone to see it.

Until the age of thirty there is an emphasis in their lives on practical order, and during these years they are likely to lay the foundation stones for their far-seeing and carefully constructed game plans for realizing their ambitions. It is extremely important during these years that they remain as open to advice and suggestion as possible. After the age of thirty there is a significant turning point when their natural talent for leadership is likely to come to the fore and the urge to do things their way—sometimes regardless of the potential cost to others and themselves—will dominate. Fortunately, however, there is also an emphasis on relationships and creativity. If they can find ways to incorporate their love of discovery and adventure into their lives so that they can be creative as well as commanding they have outstanding potential, not just for leadership positions, but for fulfillment and happiness in all areas of their lives.

☆ On the dark side:Controlling, inflexible, shut down

☆ At your best:Influential, courageous, hard working

Those born on August 22. no matter how far they pursue imaginative, fanciful and creative pursuits, never lose touch with the bedrock of experience which they have culled from the most common of tasks and daily activities. August 22 people do not forget their roots and are extremely realistic in regard to their own abilities. Consequently those bom on this day despise pretension and pity those who bring themselves or others into jeopardy through hubris or overconfidence. Building on a secure knowledge of the world and how it works, August 22 people proceed logically whether they remain on the physical plane or deal in abstract concepts and sophisticated knowledge.

It is not surprising that collectors of all sorts are born on August 22; those born on this day often show a marked appreciation for everyday objects and their trained eye recognizes beauty in well-made functional items that others may overlook.

Most August 22 people are extremely patient, not wanting to rush for fear of spoiling their well-laid plans. They generally map their future, hone their skills, or theorize in private for years and then at the proper moment act with great decisiveness and years of preparation behind them. Often great originality (but always at the highest level of professionalism) marks what they do.

August 22 people are fearless in carrying out their ideas Whether their natural talent is great or modest, they exploit it to the fullest. Rarely are they jealous of others in this respect, knowing that "genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration." Nor are those bom on this day thrown off balance by those who would doubt or question their abilities—generally their response consists of doing a good job and allowing the results to speak for themselves.

Those born on August 22 are very loyal to their friends, family, associates, and co-workers.

However, they can also be extremely willful and refuse to be bossed or bullied. While displaying a frank, tough and outspoken exterior, they rarely allow others access to their sensitive interior.

Making discoveries, solving mysteries and ferreting out secrets can amount to a mania with the curious types born on this day. Many August 22 people are also fascinated with antiquity. For them history is a vast uncharted adventure just waiting to be explored.

However, when they go off the deep end with hobbies or interests, they may risk neglecting friends and family.

Those born on this day must also beware of their tendency to elevate themselves to godlike status. Rather than shoring up a sense of infallibility, they would perhaps benefit more from admitting their mistakes, acknowledging their errors, and examining their motivations. The most highly evolved of August 22 people not only function well in leadership roles but also as coworkers. participants and partners, and are capable of moderating authoritarian urges.

Power Thought:I am strong and creative and here in the now,We assume causality. But most often. a ll we can really say about two events is that one follows the other

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 22th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (2->-2=-i), and by the planet Uranus, which carries both erratic and explosive energy (the latter augmented in August 22 people by the Sun's iniluence as Leo's ruler). People ruled by the number 4 are highly individual. Because they so often take the minority point of view with great assurance, they can arouse antagonism and make enemies. Since 22 is a double number, people born on the 22nd of the month may be fascinated with twins, coincidences, and doubles of many kinds.

August 22nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 22nd card of the Major Arcana is The Fool, who in several versions of the Tarot is shown blithely stepping over the edge of a cliff. Some interpretations picture him as a foolish man who has given up his reason, others a highly spiritualized being free of material considerations. Positive meanings include renouncing resistance and following instincts freely; foolishness. impulsiveness and annihilation are the negative aspects. The highly evolved Fool has followed life's path, experienced its lessons and become one with his/her own vision.

☆Luck maker:(Be flexible)Lucky people not only think about what they want but also about the other person’s point of view. They know that if they are flexible, they put themselves in the path of new possibilities.

Love The art of compromise

You’re drawn to people born on January 20 to February 18:Even though you are opposites in many ways, this can create a fulfilling and creative union.

People born on August 22 are warm and sociable individuals, and they will attract a number of admirers. Relationships are good for them because they help them develop their creativity and ability to compromise, but even if they find the most ideal mate they will not be happy unless they are free to pursue their own interests and go their own way from time to time.

Health Are you moving too fast?

People born on this day are expert at time management because it helps them feel in control of their lives but they need to understand that time management is not the only life skill they need. It is important for them to make sure that they are not so organized that they live in the future, missing out on the true pleasures of the moment. They should also allow themselves time to indulge their love of discovery, and taking up hobbies or traveling more will help unlock their creativity. As far as diet is concerned, they need to ensure they eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables to keep their digestive system healthy, and they should also not neglect the immunity-boosting importance of regular moderate exercise—such as brisk walking, jogging or cycling—that gets them slightly out of breath. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to get in touch with their own feelings and the feelings of others.

Those born on August 22 are fascinated with all types of experience and as such may expose themselves to danger in their quest for adventure. They should therefore beware of accidents of all sons. In addition, those born on this day have a great love of food, and generally display a lavish orientation and wide palate. Those August 22 people w ho have the willpower to emphasize grains and fresh fruits and vegetables in iheir diet while keeping a handle on meat, fat and sugar consumption will feel more vital. Physical exercise should be a top priority for August 22 people but most often is not. Therefore they must make a conscious effort to get out and experience various forms of exercise so that they may find one most suitable for them—w hether it be walking. swimming. jogging, etc.

Career Born managers

These people will often find themselves in leadership or management positions whatever career they choose. In business they may well be happier working for themselves but they may also be drawn to sales, promotion or advertising. They may also excel in professions that use their mind such as education, law, and writing, as well as the theater, music or the entertainment world.

Destiny To inspire others with discipline, originality and ambition

The life path of people born on this way is to learn that there is never only one way to approach a situation. Once they have learned that being more open to suggestion improves their chances of success, their destiny is to inspire others with their discipline, originality and ambition.

Remain open to advice and suggestions. Don't overpower your loved ones or associates.Admit your human weaknesses and others will like you better; you don't have to always put on such a tough front.

Celebrities Born On August 22nd

John Lee Hooker(American musician and blues legend), Tori Amos(American singer-songwriter), Pope Leo XII(Former Italian pope),

Denton A. Cooley (cardiac surgeon, implanted first artiSLial heart, performed over 10,000 open-heart surgeries), Henri C a r t ie r- B re s so n (French photographer), Claude Debussy (French impressionist composer), John Lee Hooker (blues singer, guitarist, songwriter), Leni Riefenstahl (German woman director of Nazi propaganda films, Triumph of the Will, Olympia), Ray Bradbury (science-fiction. fantasy writer, Fahrenheit 451), Dorothy parker (humorist, short-story wnter, journalist), Carl Yastrzemski (Boston Red Sox basebali outfielder] twenty-three-year career, Triple Crown winner, MVP), Karlheinz Stockhausen (German avantegarde composer), Cindy Williams (film, TV actress), H. Norman Schwa'vkopf (US Army general, commander-inchief, US-lraq war), Bifl Parcells (football coach, took New York Giants to two Super Bowl titles), Valene Ha’pe’* (TV actress, Rhoda), Jacques Lipschitz (Lithuanian- American sculptor), Steve Davis (Bntish wor'd snooker champion). Gera d P. Carr (US astronaut, Sk/ -.b 3 commarder), Rene Wellek (Yaie Iterature professor, wr ter. Discriminations), Da ft e1 Frohman (entrepreneur, showman, New York theatncal manag- er), Jeff Davis ("Hobo King," oor^ad;, W.A. Cnnstiansen (seeing eye-dog developer)

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