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August 22nd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 22, 2024

Contrary to drawing-room chatter, destiny is never entirely in each person's hands, nor can you plan your life or your career. You can have a go, of course. You only control how you deal with destiny.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Mars; Numbers: 3, 4

August 22nd Birthday Love Astrology

August 22 is one of the nice guys or girls of the year's birthday people. Children are usually good at sport, taking quite naturally to swimming, horse-riding, football, rugger, cricket, hockey, netball and any other competitive activity you can think of. This creature is made for competition and a natural winner, but plays fair and loses with grace.

Either sex may find that childhood sporting injuries come back to plague them. Back problems are common as are joint injuries. Expect sore knees, stiff wrists, wonky elbows and maybe the grasp in one hand isn't as good as it was since the stunning cricket catch they made at 17 which broke an index finger, or the time when somebody accidentally thwacked the hand that held the hockey stick.

August 22 may not play so much as he gets older, but gentler pursuits, reading about it and watching programmes will always be a source of the purest pleasure. Many women ski well - helped by their long legs. When they take ski holidays it's always fun, not least because of the dressing-up and partying. August 22 likes sport partly for the fun and socialising.

Ms August 22 is usually keen on marriage and a lot of children. If she gets the children without the marriage, she will be a tough act for any other adult to deal with. Opinionated, independent and in many cases easily able to make her own way in the world, authority figures such as teachers and social workers may find themselves on the end of a lecture and a wagging finger. The father of the children and his family should mind their Ps and Qs too. She will be fair, for the sake of the children, but criticise her or try to double cross her and by golly, Miss Molly, this lady can be awkward. Ms August 22's children often grow up like her and certainly admiring her.

In Love

Those born on the Leo/Virgo cusp have an inherent generosity and commitment to others that places them among the most benevolent members of the zodiacal family. In matters of the heart, you’re ardent, caring, and loyal.

However, your desire for perfection may undermine your relationships. You don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings, yet your habit of nitpicking can drive loved ones up the wall. You require a lot of pampering and attention; if you get it you’re much less inclined to find fault with your partner. In a loving union, romance matters less to you than intellectual rapport and common interests.

In Bed

In intimate relations, you’re passionate and affectionate with a theatrical approach to love and romance. You exude a type of smoldering sexuality that potential suitors find exceedingly appealing. Your high ideals hold sway even in the bedroom, and a casual love affair holds little temptation for you.

You prefer the lasting devotion of true love to the reckless excitement of a one-night stand. Because you enjoy playing benefactor, you’re inclined to put your bedmate’s pleasure ahead of your own.


Many August 22 people are susceptible to summertime allergies, which include hay fever type symptoms, running nose, sore eyes and sneezing. This is due to all sorts of pollutants, including pollen. There are some allergy inducing pollutants, a group of hydrocarbons given off by household products containing solvents, for example some paints. If you are decorating, use water-based or low-solvent paints, glues, varnishes and wood preservatives. If you must use oil based products, keep the lid on the tin as much as possible to prevent hydrocarbons evaporating. Better still, enjoy the sunny day and put off decorating when high levels of pollution are forecast.


There is a delicate sensibility to your love nature that abhors crude and boorish behavior. Your ideal lover is thrilling and entertaining without overstepping the bounds of good taste. Your deeper layers of sexual desire need to be drawn out slowly, over time. A patient lover melts your reserve and stirs your passions with seductive, erotic foreplay.


Contrary to drawing-room chatter, destiny is never entirely in each person's hands, nor can you plan your life or your career. You can have a go, of course. You only control how you deal with destiny.

Reality Check

You have faith in your own abilities, and you try to keep your misgivings and insecurities well hidden beneath a mask of confidence. However, deep down you depend much on the approval of others. A self-critical mind-set may prevent you from embarking on new challenges and opportunities, or cause you second thoughts if you do.

August 22 Date Share

John Lee Hooker, blues, jazz and general singing idol of all generations including the nineties. Dorothy Parker, humourist, writer, journalist. Lent Riefenstahl, German woman director Nazi propaganda movies. Ray Bradbury, science-fiction fantasy writer, Fahrenheit 451. Claude Debussy, French Impressionist composer.

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