August 23rd Sparkling Accuracy Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 23, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding preoccupation with your own interests

☆The way forward is to understand that there’s nothing wrong with selfinvolvement as long as you aren’t insensitive to the feelings of others.

The Birthday Of Sparkling Accuracy, The Day Of Lively Precision

August 23rd Sparkling Accuracy Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 23rd Birthdays

Sun signs: Virgo/Leo

Ruling planets: Mercury, the communicator/Sun, the individual

Symbols: The Virgin/The Lion

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 4, 5

Lucky days: Sunday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, blue, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on August 23 have a tremendous store of energy, and when it is directed to something that holds their interest, their intensity and commitment sparkle. They pay as much attention to the process as the product, whether they are preparing an assignment, arranging flowers or deciding what to wear. The accurate eye, incredible focus and attention to detail that define them are invaluable to colleagues, friends and family alike, and everyone counts on them to keep everything organized and running smoothly.

The intensity of their commitment to accuracy can make them lose sight of the bigger picture from time to time. It is important for them, however, never to lose sight of their progressive and ambitious goals because they have the resourcefulness, tenacity, technical abilities and, if they trust themselves more, the creativity to see their visions realized.

Another danger for these people is that they can become so wrapped up in their interests and their work that any kind of interruption or setback can lead to outbursts of anger; others may therefore perceive them as aggressive, neglectful or in extreme cases selfish. This is unfair, as August 23 people are inherently kind and always willing to help those in need. It’s just that they have a strong tendency to immerse themselves in the solitary pursuit of intellectual concerns, and although this gives them incredible potential for professional success, they run the risk of unintentionally upsetting or neglecting others.

After the age of thirty there is less emphasis on practicality, efficiency, problem solving, and order in the lives of people born on this day, and opportunities will arise to focus more on relationships, and explore the possibility of creative and artistic outlets. It is important for them to take advantage of these opportunities and not to be confused by the apparent emotional complexities they create in their lives, because, paradoxically, it is the complexities that hold the key to their fulfillment and happiness.

☆ On the dark side:Obsessive, selfish, detached

☆ At your best:Intense, accurate, stylish

Those born on August 23 often stand aloof from life, and thus appear to be detached and cool. Whether due to disinterest in mundane affairs or preoccupation with their own needs and wants, they can strike others as selfish. In reality they are not so much selfish as self-involved, thoroughly taken up with their interests and what they wish to accomplish in life.

Many August 23 people are adept at making money and amassing material possessions.

Ultimately, however, it is their need to lead or direct those around them which is more important to them. Those bom on this day tend to be compact, driving, intense personalities completely focused on their goals. The means they employ to accomplish their ends are most often straightforward and bluntly effective. Most people who stand in their way back off. but of course, not all; thus August 23 people can arouse powerful antagonisms.

This does not mean, however, that those born on this day are necessarily outgoing personalities.

On the contrary, they prefer to be left alone with their work and projects much of the time. Though in interpersonal relationships and jobs they demand autonomy and are rather aggressive in fulfilling their needs, their attitude is generally live and let live, as long as they themselves are not impinged upon.

Technical skills are often granted those bom on August 23. They have a knack for discovering how things work, are often handy around the house and generally bring expertise and a command of their medium to whatever profession they choose. They are able to focus their incisive mental powers on the material world with which they are so intimately involved. However, they tend to be rather possessive both with regard to objects and people, and therefore must learn to be less controlling. Their need to express kindness and love finds a ready outlet in altruistic acts, particularly since they enjoy being helpful in most situations.

August 23 people have tremendous stores of energy as well as a combative streak; they will rarely back down from confrontation. Often they see themselves as defenders of the weak or disadvantaged but must not get too enthusiastically involved in such protective behavior (when it is not warranted). It is essential that those born on this day leam to control and constructively direct their energy, hopefully during adolescence. Perhaps their highly competitive, aggressive urges can be well sublimated in sporting activities and exercise of all types. A love of excitement may lead August 23 people to associate with exciting people, whether free-spirited types who bring out their wilder side or solid individuals with whom they can have a relaxed time.

Power Thought:Today my happiness will inspire me to give,The greatest achievement ofa trul) ambitious person may be simple kindness

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 23th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5), and by the planet Mercury. Mercury represents quickness of thought and change, qualities heightened in August 23 people as the upcoming sign of Virgo is also ruled by this speedy planet. Sun influences from the Leo side of the cusp may here indicate aggressiveness. Fortunately, whatever hard knocks or pitfalls those ruled by the number 5 encounter in life, they usually recover quickly. The number 23 is associated with happening, and for August 23 people this emphasizes their attraction to exciting people and experiences.

August 23rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight: unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism, emphasizing the need for August 23 people to be more aware of the concerns and thoughts of others.

☆Luck maker:(Small things and great love)Research has shown that life satisfaction improves significantly with the level of altruistic activity. Look for ways to do random acts of kindness every day and see how this makes you feel happier and brings luck.

Love Ultimate faith

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 21:You are both hard-working and determined individuals with inquiring minds who can bring out the best in each other.

People born on August 23 will often be relied upon by their friends and family to keep everything organized and, as long as they are rewarded with gratitude, they are very happy to be placed in this role. They have a tendency to put their professional life before their personal life, making them sometimes restless and indecisive about relationships. Their ideal partner is someone who is intelligent and compassionate and has absolute faith in them.

Health Money can’t buy it

Many people born on this day are very good at earning or saving money. For the sake of their emotional health and well-being they may need to remind themselves from time to time that, however rich they become, money and material possessions cannot buy self-esteem or happiness. They need to value and respect themselves more, appreciating that value and self-worth can only come from within. If they find it hard to feel good about themselves and relate to others, they may benefit from counseling. As far as diet is concerned, food allergies and sugar cravings could be a problem, although they should not forget that food is meant to be one of life’s pleasures. Regular exercise, preferably outdoors in the fresh air, is highly recommended, as is any activity that encourages them to get out, explore and see more of the world. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to be more optimistic and spontaneous.

Those born on August 23 are prone to various psychological difficulties, the most common being emotional inhibition. Too often their feelings are conveyed in an abrupt manner, or in extreme cases they can withdraw into a shell and become numb to pain. Psychological counseling is strongly recommended for those August 23 people suffering from such difficulties s far as diet is concerned, August 23 people may not be able to handle excess sugar, although they often crave it, and this sensitivity along with potential food allergies should be kept in mind. As mentioned above, vigorous and regular physical exercise is highly recommended for the intense people born on this day. particularly competitive sports: such competition not only provides a chance to experience the thrill of victory but also an opportunity to demonstrate grace in defeat.

Career Born crafts workers

These people are multi-talented but should avoid careers that are monotonous in any way. They may be drawn to teaching, sales, writing, publishing, engineering, science, art, the entertainment world, banking, information technology, real estate, or working with other people’s money. Whatever career they choose, they are likely to be a perfectionist.

Destiny To act as agents of improvement

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to find a balance between their own needs and those of others. Once they have learned to be more sensitive to the feelings of others, their destiny is to act as highly skilled agents of improvement.

Try to stay sensitive to the feelings of others but. more importantly, get in touch with your own needs on a deeper level Keep aggressive urges under control while remaining uninhibited.Make a conscious effort to give unconditionally. Don't lose yourself in material concerns

Celebrities Born On August 23rd

River Phoenix(American actor), Gene Kelly(American dancer and actor), Louis XVI(Last King of France after 1789 French Revolution),

Gene Kelly (dancer, choreographer, singer, film actor, director, On the Town, Singin' in the Rain), Patricia McBride (New York ballet dancer), Louis XVI (French king, Marie-Antoinette's husband, beheaded in French Revolution), Edgar Lee Masters ( 1 9-20* c. poet, novelist, biographer, lawyer, Spoon River Anthology), Keith Moon (British rock drummer, The Who, died of drug overdose), River Phoenix (film actor, sudden death outside nightclub), Bobby Watson (jazz alto saxophonist, composer), Harry F. Guggenheim (New York publisher, industrialist, philanthropist, founder Guggenheim Museum), Vera Miles (film actress), Shelley Long (TV, film actress), Sonny Jurgensen (football quarterback, 2x NFL passing leader, MVP), Lisa Halaby (Queen Noor of Jordan, American-bom wife of King Hussein), William Primrose (British violist), Pete Wilson (California governor), Roland Dumas (French foreign minister), Michel Rocard (French prime minister), Robert M. Solow (US Nobel Pnze-winning economist), Ernie Bushmiller (cartoonist, Nancy), Henry Pnngle (Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist), Barbara Eden (TV actress)

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