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August 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 23, 2024

In numerology, August 23 is ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5) and by planet Mercury, ruler of Virgo which starts tomorrow. A cusp creature, you share Virgo's speedy thinking, attraction to exciting people and strength of purpose.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 4, 5

August 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

This is another lucky date. August 23 people tend to swing through life, getting a few things wrong here, solving them there. But the clouds that overshadow some of their days are small, with lavish silver linings. Somehow or other this individual always seems to be able to lay his or her hands on just enough money to sort out their latest need. Thanks to enormous adaptability in the job market.

Firstly, they aren't fussy about choosing a career, as long as the surroundings are nice and the money's OK. They may often arrive in a job via friends or relatives, happy to have an opening found for them and a helpful senior eye kept on them. They are therefore attractive to older would-be mentors who like an enthusiastic pupil who can see the point of a chain of command. Many therefore end up inheriting or taking over a business just because they have been loyal.

Both sexes may have a flare for technology which makes them particularly useful, especially as they are privately interested in it and will have state of the art equipment at home. Even elderly men and women born on this day have a facility for computers and can understand how to manipulate them with greater ease than others who are half their age.

They fall in love easily, or maybe it's lust? August 23 often can't tell the difference, partly because they are suckers for other people's good looks, adore lots of uncomplicated sex - they like having the base of their spine rubbed - and they are too kind to say ‘no'. This may lead to periods of intense juggling with several partners on the go. The women will try to fix up unwanted admirers with girlfriends. The men may simply decide that the telephone bill is absurdly high, pick one partner, propose to her and shoo the others away.

In Love

In close relationships you rarely act the way others expect. Intrinsically unemotional and private, you may come off as disinterested in intimacy and commitment. However, this is really not the case. You actually prefer coming home to a peaceful environment and the security of a permanent, committed union. Once involved, you are loyal and devoted. Even so, you need your personal space. If your romantic partner tries to cramp your style, your inclination is to shut down emotionally. If this happens, you may find it easier to just leave, rather than hang around and hash things out with your significant other.

In Bed

For you, sexual arousal begins in the mind. You may shy away from public displays of affection, but behind closed doors you’re as sensual and affectionate as anyone. The wise lover knows how to draw out your elusive passions by appealing to your intellect. The clever lover loosens you up with provocative language and witty sexual banter. In the bedroom, anything new and unusual intrigues you and diverts your attention away from everyday concerns.


Too many hours at the computer can bring ‘screen blurr] which is an extremely good natural reminder to take remedial action for your eyes. The antidote is to place your thumb in front of your eyes in line with a distant object. Keep eyes concentrated on the thumb, but noticing without changing your focus how blurry other things are in the distance. Pick a distant object, then zoom your focus into it and observe how blurry the thumb appears relative to it. Look closely at the thumb, noticing how clear it looks. This exercise promotes quick focusing of the eye muscles and helps relieve strain.


A full-body massage with aromatic oils relaxes you and awakens your earthy appetites. An amorous, enticing seduction inflames your lusty libido and helps you forget about everything except the luscious sensuality of the moment. Erotic teasing and languid caresses build sexual tension and ready you for the heightened sensations of lovemaking.


In numerology, August 23 is ruled by the number 5 (2+3=5) and by planet Mercury, ruler of Virgo which starts tomorrow. A cusp creature, you share Virgo's speedy thinking, attraction to exciting people and strength of purpose.

Reality Check

Your mentality moves back and forth between linear, logical, scientific thinking and chaotic, unstructured leaps of faith. Yet your more rational inner self functions in a precise and orderly fashion. Although your ideas may be somewhat quirky and unconventional, in many ways you’re quite sensible and practical. Together these diverse aspects of your character provide you with the ability to manifest your visionary ideas in the material world.

August 23 Date Share

River Phoenix, Hollywood star, tragically died young from a drug overdose. Louis XVI, French king, husband to Queen Marie Antoinette, taken to guillotine in French Revolution. Keith Moon, rock drummer with The Who, tragically died young from a drug overdose. Sheiley Long, American TV and film comedienne, Cheers. Queen Noor of Jordan, wife to King Hussein.

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