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August 24th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 24, 2024

In numerology 24 people are ruled by the number 6 (2+4=6) and the 6th card of Tarot's Major Arcana is The Lovers - great powers of affection and decisiveness, with an unfortunate tendency to sentimentalise.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 5, 6

August 24th Birthday Love Astrology

This creature embodies all the alluring qualities which make so many of their admirers want to murmur ‘Come live with me and be my love’. The best kind of cusp cocktail, there is fire in the heart, lightness in the wit, and a steadiness of concentration which can impress the cleverest people in the land. In effect, August 24 catches Leo's last brilliant rays, twists them round a cocktail stick and slips the golden wand into the luscious dark velvet of their psycheology.

The women are much pursued, not least for their mystery. She doesn't try to be mysterious. On the contrary, she is bright, witty and can sometimes be the gorgeous focal attention of a party. But for all the friendliness, there's that feeling you just can't grasp her. Many of the men are very similar and give even their closest loved ones a prickly sensation, foreboding of loss, even when there's absolutely no indication of anything but happiness. You are always trying to hang on to August 24 and always glad you have a firm hold because somebody else is trying to lure them away.

Many people pursue some kind of academic career, or at least research. They are clever, yes, but what takes them onwards is dedication to a subject and pleasure in isolation, which of course ain't easily accomplished in open plan offices. Ms August 24 likes to make her house cosy, with lots of affordable collectibles she has picked up here and there on her travels. She favours Italy, in particular the south with its stinging heat and the dusty white light. She brings back terracotta pots and bright scarves which she puts on shelves and hangs on walls.

Males of the species don't care so much about their surroundings and can be quite stickily conservative with anybody who wants to cheer them up. But he too likes to decorate the place with personal mementoes.

In Love

Your idealism and exceedingly high expectations can make it difficult for you to reach a concrete decision about the future of a romantic relationship.

You like to take your time before making a serious commitment. However, once you do, you hang in for the long term. You may appear self-sufficient, but you’re definitely a person who needs other people. Because you don’t like being alone, partnership holds a high priority for you. Naturally peace loving and amenable, you do whatever you can to avoid disagreement and discord. You invest a great deal of energy in creating an intimate union that is romantic, harmonious, and totally satisfying.

In Bed

You have discriminating tastes in and out of the bedroom. Your main objective when making love is to create a memorable shared experience that is pleasing to both partners. Since you view love as a two-way street, you expect the same kind of consideration you show your bedmate. In your image of a perfect union, your connection with your lover goes well beyond the physical. You want an intimate relationship that includes intellectual, emotional, and spiritual bonding.


Lady 24 adores aromatic oils and uses them for baths and hair and every purpose she can imagine. She's a girl who is made for motherhood and can expect quite a few pregnancies, not all planned and very possibly either from different fathers, or a second batch of babies several years after the first. Slightly faddy about health matters, she should avoid any unconventional alternative medicines during pregnancy and certainly give up many favourite aromatherapy oils. In particular don't use basil, cloves, cinnamon, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrhh, sage and thyme, peppermint and rosemary. And don't take any essential oils internally during this time.


Traditional courtship rituals turn you on, and you adore the playful games and flirtatious banter that precipitate sexual arousal. Easily overwhelmed by aggressive ardor, you prefer a slow, artful seduction in a serenely romantic setting. Your hidden passions emerge in surroundings that are replete with all the accoutrements of love and romance.


In numerology 24 people are ruled by the number 6 (2+4=6) and the 6th card of Tarot's Major Arcana is The Lovers - great powers of affection and decisiveness, with an unfortunate tendency to sentimentalise.

Reality Check

The charming, sociable individual born on this date has been blessed with impeccable manners and a tendency to be more tactful than other Virgos.

Civilized, cultured, and refined, you possess delicate sensibilities and a love for everything artistic. Even so, you are as detail oriented and as much of a perfectionist as any other member of your Sun sign.

August 24 Date Share

George Stubbs, horse painter, friend to the aristocracy. A S Byatt, headmistressy writer, Possession. William Wilberforce, philanthropist, abolitionist. Gerry Cooney, heavyweight boxer. Deng Xiao Ping, Chinese leader Communist Party. Jorge Luis Borges, Nobel Prize winning poet, Labyrinths.

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