August 25th Live Wire Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 25, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is resisting the need to prove yourself all the time

☆The way forward is to understand that only you can can give yourself a sense of self-worth.

The Birthday Of The Live Wire, The Day Of The Unabashed Extrovert

August 25th Live Wire Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 25th Birthdays

Sun signs: Virgo/Leo

Ruling planets: Mercury, the communicator/Sun, the individual

Symbols: The Virgin/The Lion

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 6, 7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, jade green, blue

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on August 25 are difficult to ignore. Their polished image and excellent social skills get them noticed wherever they go, success seeming to come easily to them. Others often think of them as self-assured, attractive, clever, accomplished, and charismatic. In short, they are real live wires and life always seems more interesting and dynamic when they are around.

Although they are seductive, outgoing and vital on the outside, these people seldom feel like this on the inside, and they will drive themselves extremely hard to prove to others that they are really self-assured and accomplished. They rarely let down their guard and if they feel threatened or insecure in any way they may over-emphasize their polished public image to compensate. Unfortunately, this can lead to conceited, arrogant or superficial words or behavior that can alienate the very people they seek to impress. It is vital for people born on this day to focus less on charming others to win their approval and more on cultivating their own sense of self-worth.

From childhood people born on this day may have been inclined to analyze situations practically in order to understand and improve them. As they grow older they may devote a great deal of energy to cultivating and projecting their public image. After the age of twenty-eight, however, there is a turning point and over the next thirty years they become more aware of the importance of close relationships and partnerships. Creative abilities are also enhanced during this time. After the age of fifty-eight there is another turning point which brings an emphasis on greater self-awareness and personal power. In some respects, these may be the years when they feel at their happiest and their best because the focus is on their individuality.

However, whatever age they are, if they can find the courage to discover and develop their real talents and sharp intellect, they will find that the accomplished, clever, attractive, and creative persona they have created isn’t a mask any more but a reality.

☆ On the dark side:Insecure, superficial, vain

☆ At your best:Charismatic, exciting, sociable

August 25 people have an overwhelming desire to reveal themselves to others, whether in public or in private. Those born on this day are capable of carrying secrets around with them for years, only to one day disclose or even flaunt them publicly. Most August 25 people are by nature exhibitionists of all types, but they can play the role of highly private people when it suits them.

Although they are generally blessed with active, intelligent minds, August 25 people are intensely physical, and it may come as a revelation to others that they are so sexually and emotionally forward. Those born on this day are not afraid to make their wishes known in a dramatic fashion and in particular an August 25 woman with her mind made up about a man is not easily denied or diverted. Both men and women born on this day know how to employ their best features to win a mate—whether it be beauty, brains or personality.

Sometimes, however, because of a hidden inferiority complex concerning their background, intellectual or social training, certain August 25 people will overemphasize their physical powers or attractiveness in a sort of overcompensating gesture to make up for their imagined deficit in the mental sphere. For this reason vamps and playboys are not uncommon to this day.

Yet, in fact, the real strength of August 25 people most often does lie in the mental sphere, and the sooner they realize it the better. Lessening their orientation toward physical matters allows for a more realistic choice of career as well as a more accurate self-image. But the conflict between mental and physical may be said to be the central recurrent problem in the lives of those born on this day. For example, August 25 people display a strong desire to be admired both for their physical and intellectual attributes, a kind of admiration most difficult to win, due to common stereotypes regarding beauty lessening brains, and vice-versa.

August 25 people are capable of using their charm to attract those they admire, but they need to cultivate a sense of self-worth independent of the approval of others if they wish to go further on their path. If they do not, they may be plagued by endless love affairs, unstable relationships, and emotional diversions of all types.

August 25 people must discover their real talents, develop them, and have the courage to stand alone when necessary. If falling in love has become a self-destructive pattern, those born on this day must use the next occasion as an opportunity to realize how they are deluding themselves.

Power Thought:I know that I am good enough,Repeatedly falling in love can be an expression ofan individual's inability to love him/herself

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 25th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (2+5=7), and by the planet Neptune. Both the influence of the Sun and Mercury (rulers of Leo and Virgo, respectively) are still at work on this, the last day of the Leo-Virgo cusp (August 19-25). The Mercury-Neptune connection suggests that those born on this day may be prone to mental confusion as well as being swept off their feet by romantic illusions. The Sun-Neptune connection indicates flamboyance and sensationalism, which can make for a dynamic or charming personality, but can also lead to destruction. Those ruled by the number 7 generally enjoy change and travel, but the number 25 also has associations with danger, so they must be vigilant where potential accidents are likely.

August 25th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Stop comparison shopping)Don’t compare yourself with others because it will keep you feeling negative and low in self-esteem. Lucky people know that they are special, unique and irreplaceable, and this positive attitude about themselves attracts luck.

Love Endless love

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 21:You both have inquiring, agile minds and the ability to bring the best out in each other.

People born on August 25 will often have many love affairs or relationships in their lives, some at the same time. They are so eye-catching that attracting partners is not a problem; the problem is relating to others on a deeper, less superficial level. Constantly falling in love may in fact be an expression of their inability to love themselves; intimacy with another will only be possible when they have worked on their self-worth.

Health Exercise for your mind

People born on this day tend to place too great an emphasis on physical fitness and appearance and as a result their mental and emotional fitness tends to get neglected. As far as diet is concerned, they should limit their intake of meat and dairy products, as digestive problems are indicated, and go for a more vegetarian-based diet. Regular moderate to intense exercise is recommended as it will help them release pent-up tension and boost their selfesteem. They would also enjoy the relaxing and sensual benefits of massage, and cognitive behavior therapy would help them challenge their tendency to think negatively. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will boost their self-esteem and sense of personal power from the inside.

Because of their highly extroverted nature, some people born on August 25 must beware of attracting violence or contracting disease through promiscuity. It is important that they weigh the consequences of their actions not only pertaining to their health but to the well-being of their families as well. Those August 25 people who can use their brains and willpower to their advantage will see the sense in a healthy lifestyle: those who cannot will suffer both physically and psychically. The adoption of a diet limiting animal fats and meats is recommended, as August 25 people often have trouble with their weight. Moderate physical exeri. ise on a regular basis is strongly recommended. Regular sex with one partner may be extremely beneficial.

Career Born promoters

People born on this day may be attracted to professions such as law, medicine or the caring services where they can help or support others. They may also excel as managers, team leaders or media representatives, teachers, trainers, counselors, or charity workers. They may be interested in research, science or chemistry, mathematics or engineering, or possess musical or artistic talents and a love of writing.

Destiny To inspire and lead others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to trust themselves and their unique talents more. Once they feel truly confident in their insights, their destiny is to inspire others to develop their own creativity.

You are a valuable person. Don't spend so much effort in attracting or winning the approval of others. Get to know yourself better. Do you like yourself' If not. work on it.

Celebrities Born On August 25th

Sean Connery(Scottish actor), Tim Burton(American director), Claudia Schiffer(German model and actress),

Leonard Bernstein (pianist, conductor [New York Philharmonic], composer of symphonic works and musicals), Ivan the Terrible (Russian tsar), Ludwig II ("mad" Bavarian king, deposed as insane, drowned), Lola Montez (English- Irish dancer, mistress to Ludwig I of Bavana), Sean Connery (Scottish film actor, original James Bond), Elvis Costello (British singer, songwriter), Althea Gibson (first African-American tennis champion, US Open, Wimbledon winner, golfer), Rollie Fingers (baseball pitcher, all-time saves leader, AL MVP, Cy Young Award winner — 1 .04 ERA), Ruby Keeler (Ziegfield Broadway dancer, singer, film actress), Wayne Shorter (jazz tenor, soprano saxophonist, composer, Weather Report), Martin Amis (British critic, novelist. Money), Frederick Forsyth (British writer, Day I3F of the Jackal), Bret Harte (journalist, storyteller, Two Years Before the Mast), Eugen Gerstenmaier (German anti-Hitler resistance worker, Bundestag president, theologist), George Wallace (Alabama segregationist governor, paralyzed by assassin's bullet), Sir Hans Krebs (German-British Nobel Pnze-wmning biochemist), Allen Pinkerton (detective agency founder), Van Johnson (film actor), Gene Klein (rock singer, K/ss). Kiku Hamada (model, actress)

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