August 25th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onAugust 25, 2024

This is a very old saying, but it is one that is particularly appropriate for you, and that is that failure is a far better teacher than success. For you, as a Virgo, you try very hard to organize things and get them right, yet recognizing that you might fail actually could be a treat.

Simple joys can bring the greatest pleasures, from a quiet chat to a joyous event

August 25th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on August 25th

Most young Virgos, even those who haven’t yet gone to school, have an instinct to analyze things. They make lists, possibly in their heads, or they will organize their toys. This analysis is as natural to you as breathing, and next comes making plans. That is the point at which you can write things down, then turn plans into action.

All of that works well. However, there is another part that’s important, and it’s allowing the unexpected event, the surprising idea, even an invitation that takes you into new territory, to become part of your life. If you’re to learn from experience, you need to allow the uninvited into your life. This may seem worrying, because of course, you like things organized, but you will learn from it.

First, it will teach you to become more inquisitive if something you don’t know about appears. Then, you will begin to explore it, and either you will discover that actually you find it quite boring, or—and this is more likely—it will become part of that process of broadening your horizons.

Equally, it will have to do with meeting people you wouldn’t otherwise have met, or having experiences that you wouldn’t have encountered. But most of all, and this may be what is most important, is that it will teach you to experience life’s joys in many ways.

You and others

There is a trick to listening to others when they speak, and that is to listen with interest, not with the part of your brain that’s so good at analyzing what they’re saying switched on. Turn that off and simply listen, and enjoy what they say for exactly that: their words.

Health and well-being

As a Virgo, you don’t always love paradoxes, but here’s an important one for you. You want a perfect routine for taking care of yourself and the way you eat, but the fact is, that perfect routine needs to change and to change regularly. The more often you change it, the more perfect it will be.

Goals and challenges

This is a very old saying, but it is one that is particularly appropriate for you, and that is that failure is a far better teacher than success. For you, as a Virgo, you try very hard to organize things and get them right, yet recognizing that you might fail actually could be a treat.


There are minor disagreements that occur in all sorts of settings which come and go swiftly. But what’s arisen recently—and will continue to be a topic of serious discussion over the coming days—may seem overwhelming, at least initially. Still, talk these over; the more you do, the more you’ll learn.

Zodiac Sign


Ruler: Mercury

Symbol: The Maiden

Element: Earth

Flower: Buttercup

As a Virgo, you combine an earthy sensuality with the sharp cleverness of your ruler, Mercury. The pleasure you derive in beauty, nature, living, and eating well is genuine, yet being the sign of early fall, you have an instinctive awareness of the wise use of resources. Your flower is forget-me-not; your spice, redolent cardamom; and the mighty oak and the hazel are your trees. Your jewels have earthy colors, from topaz to sardonyx.

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