August 26th Star Potential Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 26, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is asserting yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that there is a difference between assertiveness and being aggressive. Assertive people are respectful, whereas aggressive people ignore the needs of others.

The Birthday Of Star Potential, The Day Of The Supportive Partner

August 26th Star Potential Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 26th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable numbers: 7, 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Saturday especially when these days fall on 7 and 8 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, hunter green, caramel

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on August 26 tend to feel most comfortable when they are the power or support behind the throne. Although their star potential is undoubted, they often choose the role of understudy, second in command or advisor, gaining quiet satisfaction from the knowledge that the success of others is largely down to their support.

Usually setting high standards for themselves in whatever line of work they select for themselves, they will often master their skills so well that their work is often of an exceptionally high standard. Yet if their admirable talents are thrown into the limelight, even if the recognition is well earned and well deserved, they will feel ill at ease and may resort to self-deprecating behavior to underplay their talents. This is because nothing matters more to them than the satisfaction and happiness of everyone they are living and working with. If their own profile gets too high they feel that this might have a detrimental effect on others.

Until the age of twenty-seven the selfless tendencies of these people will be highlighted, and they need to make sure this does not lead to unhappiness and resentment. After the age of twenty-eight there is a turning point which puts the emphasis on diplomacy, partnerships and relationships; these are the years when they are most likely to step into the role of supportive advisor, guide or partner. If they are content to remain in this role they can feel incredibly fulfilled, but if they are not content and long to strike out on their own they can feel frustrated. Fortunately, during this time they are also likely to gain an enhanced sense of balance and harmony that helps them develop their creativity.

If they can learn to stand up for themselves, these are the years when their undeniable star potential and capacity for independent and original thought will finally reveal themselves to the world, to guide and inspire others in a supportive role, or enlighten and surprise others in a leadership role.

☆ On the dark side:Self-effacing, passive, frustrated

☆ At your best:Inspiring, supportive, resourceful

Those born on August 26 rarely assume the most conspicuous position in a business, family or social function, generally preferring to work along with others toward a common goal. More specifically, many August 26 people are bound emotionally to a more powerful or outgoing individual, perhaps a sibling, mate or friend who garners attention. For this reason, some August 26 people have to struggle for recognition. Inside they know their own worth, but the world is not always quick to recognize it. If those born on this day remain content with a supporting role, or are patient enough to wait for their time to lead, they will be happy and industrious; if not they may become frustrated and unproductive.

Those born on this day who work alone may appear to others as lonely and isolated. It is true that some August 26 people are possessed by feelings of self-pity and become ultrasensitive to all forms of negativity and rejection. If, however, these loners have a strong will they will hang in their for years, and whether they receive any great reward or not, will toil on in a steady, uncomplaining fashion.

August 26 people generally make excellent parents, as they understand the importance of structure and organization in the lives of children. Those with little ambition are usually pretty relaxed in the demands they make on their offspring. If, however, they are frustrated due to lack of talent or recognition in their own career, they must beware of placing the burden of their dreams on their more gifted children and pushing them too hard.

Many August 26 people enjoy working behind the scenes, and in exceptional cases can be the moving force behind a well-known individual or group. Not only team players, they actually take satisfaction in remaining unseen and anonymous; rather than fretting for lack of attention, they may actually luxuriate in the freedom, as they see it, of doing their work without much ego interference. Such dedicated individuals are usually worth their weight in gold to a family or business.

Sooner or later, however, August 26 people may stop (often in their fifties and sixties) and ask "Hey. what's in it for me?" or "My God. what's happened to my life?" At that time they are quite capable of giving up selfless activities and striking out on a whole new path.

Although this can come as a shock to those who have depended on them or perhaps taken them for granted, such August 26 people will probably feel that they deserve their new-found freedom, suffering little or no guilt when making the change.

Power Thought:I give myself permission to take the lead,Two shapes in a painting, happening in the same space,create a time between them—a kind of rhythmical occurrence

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 26th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 (2+6=8). and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn carries a strong feeling of responsibility, and an accompanying inclination toward caution, limitation and fatalism, the tendency for August 26 people to remain in a supportive role is enhanced. Those ruled by the number 8 generally build their lives slowly and carefully, true in both career and finance for August 26 people. Although those born on this day may be warmhearted, saturnian and mercurial influences (Mercury rules Virgo) may make for a cold or detached exterior.

August 26th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Say “yes” to yourself)Lucky people understand that saying "no" to others when the situation demands it and "yes" to themselves allows them to put their luck-making focus where it belongs.

Love Team player

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 19:You are both practical and realistic, and this can create a fulfilling and passionate union.

People born on August 26 will often put the happiness of their partner or loved ones above their own and they need to remind themselves that their happiness is just as important. In love, they find it easy to connect and are seldom without a partner to support, encourage and adore. They are at their best when in a relationship, but need to find a balance between their need for independence and their desire for cooperation.

Health Helping yourself

People born on this day are compassionate and selfless at heart and need to make sure that they don’t neglect their own health for the sake of others. Prone to anxiety and insecurity, they would benefit greatly if family friends or members encouraged them to take a more proactive role in their health and wellbeing. This would include regular health check-ups, and due care and attention to healthy eating and a regular exercise program. Getting enough quality sleep is also important to them as they are prone to insomnia. Travel and variety when it comes to their holiday destinations are important as they will stop them getting stuck in a rut. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color red will encourage them to be more confrontational, and carrying a tiger’s eye crystal will boost their self-confidence.

Those born on August 26 must beware of ignoring physical symptoms of disease. Although they may be thoughtful people, who generally take the time to make intelligent choices, fears of health problems or doctors may keep them from seeking a physician or therapist. Also, while greatly attentive to the health of their family and friends, they are quite capable of ignoring their own. An observant and helpful family member or colleague can be invaluable to August 26 people in alerting them to symptoms. The natural orderly tendencies of those born on this day make them likely to have healthy and regular sleep patterns, eating habits and exercise routines. Both as cooks and eaters they should make an effort to expand their culinary horizons, experimenting with new and exciting foods, rather than settling for bland or unimaginative fare.

Career Born VIPs

These people are excellent team players and will thrive in any situation where group decisions or team work is required. Their natural business acumen may draw them to senior business positions and the world of commerce but their communication skills will also draw them to education, writing, music and law. Their love of detail will attract them to science, engineering, research or industry and their natural sympathy toward others can find an outlet in the healing or caring professions as well as in fundraising or charity work.

Destiny To support, guide, inspire, and enlighten others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their own needs with those of others. Once they have learned how to take the lead once in a while, their destiny is to support, guide, inspire, and enlighten others with their original thoughts.

Sometimes being too accepting is not good. Learn to stand up for yourself; be more forceful in demanding rights in return for the work you do. Don't live through others: take the lead yoursell sometimes.

Celebrities Born On August 26th

Macaulay Culkin(American actor), Mother Mary Teresa(Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and saint), Shirley Manson(Scottish singer-songwriter and actress),

Guillaume Apollinaire (French writer, poet, artist), Antoine Lavoisier (French chemist, isolated oxygen). Lee De Forest ("The Father of Radio," radio and television pioneer, inventor of radio tube triode, oscillator), Albert B. Sabm (virologist, live polio vaccine developer), Geraldine Ferraro (Queens congresswoman, vicepresidential candidate), Joseph Montgolfier (French inventor, hot air balloon co-pioneer with brother Etienne), Branford Marsalis (jazz saxophonist, Tonight show bandleader, brother of Wynton), Peggy Guggenheim (heiress, art collector), Prince Albert (German Pnnce of Saxe Coburg Gotha, Queen Victoria's consort), Christopher Isherwood (British-American writer, Down There on a Visit), Jimmy Rushing (jazz singer, "Mr. 5x5"), Otto Binder (sciencefiction writer), William French Smith (attorney general), Ben Bradlee (Washington Post editor), Earl Long (Louisiana governor, Huey Long's brother), Tom Heinsohn (basketball forward, Boston Celtics coach, TV sports commentator), Valerie Simpson (singer, Ashford and J Simpson), Merlin Tuttle (mammologist, bat h authonty, conservationist), Joe Henry Engle (US astronaut, NASA colonel), Rufmo Tamaya (Mexican muralist, artist)

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