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August 26th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 26, 2024

People will be attracted to you and it is not their fault. It probably won't be possible to give the devotion they require, but kindness, not emotional rejection, is the best course.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 7, 8

August 26th Birthday Love Astrology

People born today often value their friends, of either sex, more than family or lovers. Capable of depths of feeling, they are serial fallers in love/lust. In many cases it will be somebody close to home, a friend's partner, a friend's brother or sister, because they are quite mentally lazy and feel safer as part of the social patchwork. What makes August 26 sad, and others too, is that he and she just can't help falling out of love again.

They dream of an endless partnership stretching through the future. Some achieve it. But many simply veer off. In the end, they prefer to spend time with close friends, sometimes living with a bnnch of people or family. Often they simply enjoy life alone, as do many more people each year in this country. But both sexes try to stay friendly with ex-lovers and many succeed extremely well. When August 26 has children, there is no sudden falling out of love. The children are at the centre of their universe. They will move mountains to be with them, earn money for them, making any sacrifice needed. They talk to their children endlessly about every adult topic in the world and very much want them to enjoy the pleasure of books. Children born to such parents manage very well within what is usually a split family and grow up happy, well-balanced and charming individuals.

At work this person is an excellent colleague and responsive team member, often extremely generous about another's talents and will frequently help that person and contribute to their success, rejecting thanks and shrinking from the spotlight.

August 26 may be elusive, but being such magical people, there are moments spent with this soaring meteor when the satellites who can bear to be near feel they will be taken up in the flight. And nothing is ever quite the same again. It's just that they are more desired than desiring.

In Love

People born on this day may appear cool and aloof on the outside, but on the inside they’re kindhearted and emotionally vulnerable. Your true depths of feeling are revealed only after you get to know your prospective partner really well. Even in a close relationship, you can be rather difficult to understand and may remain something of an enigma to your significant other.

Nevertheless, when you overcome your doubts and misgivings, you’re capable of tremendous caring. When you feel secure and accepted in an intimate relationship, you make a loyal, devoted, dependable, albeit somewhat critical romantic partner.

In Bed

Although modest and controlled in public, behind closed doors your innate passion and earthy sensuality come to the fore. A skillful, considerate bedmate, you like to begin the foreplay with slow, languid caresses. During lovemaking you take the time to build to a heightened state of ecstasy.

Because spontaneity is not your thing, little is left to chance in your love life. You like to preplan intimacy in order to savor every moment and make each sexual encounter as perfect as possible.


Many August 26 people are prone to exhaustion and when they are run down can be prone to all sorts of minor infections. Potent baths help relaxation and stimulate circulation, a common Virgo problem. Ginger is a traditional Japanese remedy for fatigue, thought to speed up metabolism. Grate one large ginger root, then squeeze gratings through a piece of cheesecloth. Add juice to a hot bath and soak for 20 minutes. A more extraordinary sake bath - but good - is prepared by adding 2 litres of the rice alcohol to bath. Soak for as long as possible. Makes skin soft and smooth.


You respond amorously to an erotic massage that relaxes your body and eases your harried mind. You may further enhance the sense of intimacy between you and your partner by employing a combination of tender touch and provocative suggestions. The patient lover who cultivates a sensuous atmosphere of unhurried seduction turns you on.


People will be attracted to you and it is not their fault. It probably won't be possible to give the devotion they require, but kindness, not emotional rejection, is the best course.

Reality Check

You cannot be rushed or prodded into an important decision. Despite your extremely ambitious nature, you wait for the best possible opportunity and consider all sides before making a move. Focus and dedication are the keys to your success; you get the job done by blocking out extraneous thoughts and ideas and concentrating on those things that matter most to you.

August 26 Date Share

Died: Charles Boyer, glamorous French matinée idol. Born: Prince Albert German consort to Queen Victoria, died young and left her heartbroken. Peggy Guggenheim, much pursued, took refuge in her art collection in Venice and found happiness. Christopher Isherwood, author, muse and lover to the poet W H Auden. Guillaume Apollinaire, French writer, poet, artist. Albert Sabin, virologist live polio vaccine developer.

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