August 27th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onAugust 27, 2024

Many Virgos have a very, very long list of goals. Here’s a suggestion. Make a very short list of goals, like maybe three, then deal with those and take on the next ones. You will be amazed how easy and how much fun it is.

It is better to do something right once than plunge in while short of facts

August 27th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on August 27th

There is a difference between a drive to have things well done—to have what you might call Virgo perfection, which is something you will always have on your mind—and living a real life.

And in that life, the line between things being done adequately and perfection is unclear, and in fact, not only that, it allows you to view yourself and your life as what might be termed a work in progress.

That is, rather like a plant growing, it, too, can shift. If you move it into the light, it will shift; if you trim it, it will grow differently. In your case, it is also about where you shine the light on your own life, and the direction in which you are growing.

Tempting as it is to stick with what worked before, you—just like that plant—will grow better if you put yourself in a different setting and in a different light.

And yet you are in a position where you can also do something that the plant can’t do, and that is try out new things regularly, and throw caution to the wind.

Take chances in a way that you, as a cautious Virgo, might not ordinarily do, and not only will you grow as well as a plant that has been given a lot of fertilizer, you will enjoy every day of that process of discovery as well.

You and others

There is a secret to having a good time, and that isn’t figuring out what would be fun, but seeking out those individuals who are what might be termed renegades—the ones who do something unexpected and have a great time doing it. You will learn a lot from them.

Health and well-being

There is a secret to feeling really good, also, and that is to learn to actually feel your vitality. If it’s low or isn’t there, don’t think that the answer is to take more vitamins. It’s about restoring your energy and actually pausing and resting in a way that you don’t often do.

Goals and challenges

Many Virgos have a very, very long list of goals. Here’s a suggestion. Make a very short list of goals, like maybe three, then deal with those and take on the next ones. You will be amazed how easy and how much fun it is.


Nobody would blame you for worrying when somebody close is keeping pivotal facts to themselves. However, it would be unwise to judge, no matter how convincing what you’ve learned appears to be. There are other facts of which you’re unaware. When these surface, it will change everything.

Zodiac Sign


Ruler: Mercury

Symbol: The Maiden

Element: Earth

Flower: Buttercup

As a Virgo, you combine an earthy sensuality with the sharp cleverness of your ruler, Mercury. The pleasure you derive in beauty, nature, living, and eating well is genuine, yet being the sign of early fall, you have an instinctive awareness of the wise use of resources. Your flower is forget-me-not; your spice, redolent cardamom; and the mighty oak and the hazel are your trees. Your jewels have earthy colors, from topaz to sardonyx.

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