August 28th Debater Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 28, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is becoming more flexible

☆The way forward is to understand that those who are inflexible and stubborn don’t tend to grow psychologically or progress as fast as those who understand the importance of compromise.

The Birthday Of The Debater, The Day Of Language

August 28th Debater Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 28th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable numbers: 1, 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, yellow, amber

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on August 28 are blessed with superb communication skills. They are extremely convincing speakers and know how to get others to listen to them and, even if they don’t agree with them, to admire them. Although they are also skilled crafts workers with excellent organizational skills, one of their greatest strengths is their debating skill.

Their informed comments on a huge range of subjects are likely to have the backing and validation of detailed research or personal experience. This is why others don’t just trust and rely upon their pronouncements, but also expect them to have a word or two to say about anything. They are highly principled, and the word dishonesty simply isn’t in their impressive vocabulary. Although their knowledge is extensive and they can back it up with facts, they possess a tendency to become so convinced of the truth of their arguments that they start to believe that they alone have the answer. It is vital for their psychological growth that they don’t abuse their superior intellect by shutting out alternative viewpoints or by manipulating others with the strength of their convictions.

When they reach the age of twenty-five they will enter a thirty-year period of increased emphasis on partnerships, both personally and professionally. This is the time when they may also develop a greater sense of esthetic beauty and may want to develop their latent creativity. It is important during these years for them to keep themselves motivated and their minds stimulated with constant challenges; settling into a mundane routine in which no questions are asked is damaging for them. After the age of fifty-five there is another turning point when they are likely to seek deeper meaning in their lives, becoming more reflective and thoughtful.

Whatever age they are, as soon as they can accept that there should always be more questions than answers, they have the potential not just to become convincing and influential debaters, but to be brilliant advisors with original, imaginative and innovative contributions to offer the world.

☆ On the dark side:Inflexible, strict, blinkered

☆ At your best:Articulate, respected, knowledgeable

Those born on August 28 are masters at the use of language. Normally the word language refers to use of the written and spoken word, and indeed many people born on this day are good enough at that. But in a larger sense, the meaning intended here is the language of craft, a kind of technical facility, and people born on this day who are less verbally oriented usually master the technical aspects of what they do in their profession down to the last detail. In addition, August 28 people are convincing —they know how to get others to think about what they say, admire what they do and perhaps agree with them.

August 28 people generally make good debaters. Not only are they adept at reasoning but at manipulating concepts as well. Their arguments may be compared to a watertight system which allows for few contradictions. Those born on this day, however, usually avoid high-flown language or technique for its own sake; they consider technical mastery useless unless it is put in the service of a cause or idea that they deem worthy. Thus, using their rhetorical skills to clarify their thoughts and perhaps win others over to their point of view is generally what August 28 people have in mind.

August 28 people can quietly overwhelm others with the persuasiveness of their knowledge and ideas, which are deep and wide-ranging. They can also readily back up what they say with fistfuls of facts. Too often, however, they are so convinced of the Tightness of what they are doing that they misjudge their audience, its needs and desires; thus family, friends and the general public may agree with an August 28 person at the time of a discussion only to change their minds later, or worse yet, just forget about the matter entirely.

Those born on August 28 who have not discovered or developed their intellectual powers, perhaps due to upbringing or premature choice of career, can become aware of their talent for words and ideas through reading or school study. Many born on this day have an aptitude for foreign languages as well.

It is only natural that family and friends come to August 28 people for advice, as those born on this day often make excellent counselors, clergyman, social workers, politicians and the like. Therefore, an August 28 person's social, family or civic responsibility is very high and great care must be taken in bringing influential opinions to bear on the problems of others.

On the other hand, unscrupulous individuals born on this day make excellent con artists, liars and cheats, and may be equally persuasive in a destructive way.

It is important that August 28 people apply their advice to themselves as well as to others.

They must beware of becoming puritanical, however, condemning certain forms of enjoyment and satisfaction due to a rigid and unaccepting belief system. August 28 people should cultivate flexibility and a regard for the feelings of others.

Power Thought:I open the doors to the wonder and discovery of my spirit,Wittgenstein's opening sentence, "The world is everything which is the case, " serves as a beginning

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 28th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 (2+8=10, 1+0=1), and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 like to be first, are opinionated and eager to rise to the top. The Sun symbolizes strong creative energy and fire, which should be kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to sporadically flare out of control. Because August 28 people already tend to be strongly dominant types, the combined influence of the Sun and Mercury (Virgo's ruler) can lead to those born on this day being overcome by their power drives and, as mentioned above, drowning everyone around them in the energy of their thoughts and opinions.

August 28th Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information, as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but, negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism.The choice rests with the August 28th person whether to use his or her influential qualities for moral or immoral ends.

☆Luck maker:(Consider other perspectives)Keep your mind open and listen to alternative points of view because an open mind is a prerequisite for attracting and keeping luck.

Love Independent streak

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You both have a strong intellect and a love of knowledge, and this can create a progressive and exciting relationship.

People born on August 28 tend to have an independent streak but their charisma tends to draw others to them. People love to hear them talk but they need to remember that a conversation is a two-way process. They are usually generous, with a charming personality that always has something interesting to say. A close relationship is extremely beneficial to them as it will help them express the side that loves all things sensuous and fun.

Health Quality relationships

People born on this day will often be well informed about health but they may need reminding that an often overlooked component of good health is the quality of relationships with friends and family. People who enjoy good, strong relationships are healthier because they feel less stress generally and tend to deal with stressful situations better; cherishing and strengthening their ties to others are as important to their health as good nutrition and exercise. A healthy, balanced diet is highly recommended, as is sitting down with friends and loved ones to a meal to discuss the day’s events. Walking is an ideal form of exercise for them so they can enjoy the freedom it offers to think. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange encourage feelings of warmth, physical enjoyment and security.

Those born on August 28 generally have many theories about health. For this reason they can be hard to advise or direct, but often serve as a fountain of knowledge for family and friends. If August 28 people take an interest in food and its preparation, those who live with them will reap the benefits, since cooking and food choices are generally based on fundamental and well-founded tenets of nutrition. Long walks are strongly recommended for those born on this day. particularly due to the well-known connection between rumination and locomotion. Regular sensual and sexual enjoyment will do August 28 people a world of good, and check puritanical tendencies.

Career Born literary artists

These people are well suited to careers in science or the literary arts where they can combine their creative and analytical skills, as well as using their impressive articulacy. Their gift for communication may also draw them to sales, education and editing, as well as show business or the music industry. Other careers that might suit include spokesperson, public relations, promotions, and interior design.

Destiny To inform, benefit and inspire others with their articulacy

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to listen more and speak a little less. Once they have learned to listen to other points of view, their destiny is to inform, benefit and inspire others with their articulacy.

Don't always be so sure that your answer is the only right one. learn to listen to other points of view. Avoid drowning those around you in endless facts and examples, while missing the big picture. Stay on the straight and true path.

Celebrities Born On August 28th

Jason Priestley(Canadian actor), Jack Black(American actor and comedian), John Betjemen(British poet),

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, novelist, The Sorrows of Young Werther, playwright, Faust, philosopher, lawyer, biologist), James Wong Howe (cine- ^ matographer), Ingrid Bergman (Swedish film actress), Donald OGonnor (singer, dancer, film actor), Bruno Bettelheim (child psychologist, writer), Geoffrey N. Hounsfield (British Nobel Prize-winning inventor, CAT scan), Ben Gazzara (stage, film, TV actor), Janet Evans (US Olympic four gold medal-winning swimmer), Scott Hamilton (4x world champion, US gold medalwinning figure skater), Charles Boyer (French film actor), Mambillikalathil Menon (Indian physicist, over a hundred papers on cosmic rays, elementary particles), David Soul (TV, film actor, Starsky and Hutch, singer), Lou Piniella (baseball outfielder, manager, guided Cincinnati Reds to shocking 4-0 upset of Oakland A's in World Senes), Ron Guidry (baseball pitcher, Cy Young Award winner), Joseph Luns (Dutch politician, foreign minister, NATO secretary general), Peter Fraser (Scottish-bom New Zealand prime minister), Karl Bohm (Austrian conductor), William Cohen (US senator, Maine), Roger Tory Peterson (ornithologist, artist), Rudolf von Alt (Austnan 1 9 th c. realist painter)

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