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August 28th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 28, 2024

If your sex appeal is really a burden, then get rid of it. Eat a bag of doughnuts a day. Dont have your hair done. Wear crimplene trousers and talk about your illnesses all the time.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 1, 9

August 28th Birthday Love Astrology

They exude sex appeal, sometimes so powerfully that August 28 wishes it would go away, but in later years when it does, they wish it hadn't. This individual gets on his star-spangled motorbike and when he speeds into town knocks everybody for six. They could wear a paper bag over their heads and it wouldn't diminish the magnetic field force.

Blessed with slender, sinuous good looks, these usually dark-haired conquerors of the night often have their eye on other things than love. Clever too, they'd as soon discuss a new project in weekly morning meeting without admirers fawning to agree. And they dread being told to pair off with a colleague and work out the details. It always ends with attempted hand-holding, sometimes in a furions rumpus and rarely in romance, because August 28 truly madly deeply does not want to have an office affair. What happens when it's over but you've still got to work with an ex-lover, while they glare across the room - or sob? Most probably he or she has a steady partner anyway, waiting to meet for dinner.

Nevertheless, sexuality is not entirely an unwanted cloak. They can spend whole days sitting at their desk thinking about last night and the night to come. Spot them gazing into the distance in a golden haze of contentment. Both men and women enjoy complete surrender to lust. The female is easily aroused by stroking the insides of her wrists, and delicate skin at the backs of the knees. And the men give in to pleasure as deft fingers stroke their hair and broad shoulderblades.

Many of these people are seriously creative. Find them as soloists in classical music or rock bands, and in the sort of graphic design departments which churn out award winning CD covers and advertisements. They'll decorate your house with original murals, and play a child a lullaby on their 17th century violin.

In Love

Beneath your calm, seemingly unflappable façade, you’re a restless bundle of nervous energy. At times you may feel torn between your own love of freedom and independence and a genuine interest in helping others deal with their problems. Inherently nurturing and sympathetic, you take your obligations very seriously. However, you can be overly critical and judgmental, and you are constantly on the lookout for people and situations that need improving. Real trouble may arise in your love union if you feel impelled to help your beloved by remaking him or her into your own image of perfection.

In Bed

In the bedroom, you’re more aggressive than other Virgo lovers. You are not afraid to take the lead and voice suggestions for making your sex life more exciting. Your initial approach tends to be somewhat refined, yet with a little encouragement from your lover, your hidden desires morph into tempestuous passion. Although the idea of using erotic toys in your lovemaking may shock you at first, under the right circumstances they can add a playful, slightly naughty aspect to your lovemaking.


Give in to the delights of this famously sexy cocktail traditionally named Between The Sheets. For two, take 55ml fresh lime juice, caster sugar, 55ml white rum, 55ml brandy, 55ml Cointreau and fresh mint. This alcoholic wallop is slightly sour. Moisten the rim of two large chilled cocktail glasses with lime juice. Dip rims of glasses into sugar. Set aside. Pour remaining lime juice, rum, brandy and Cointreau into a shaker. Add a few ice cubes, shake and then strain carefully into each glass. Garnish with mint. Savour slowly through the sugar.


Your mind is your major erotic zone, and you find words as seductive as deeds. Talking or fantasizing about torrid sexual pleasures inflames your imagination and gets all your juices flowing. You are sexually inquisitive, and pillow talk that includes tidbits of salacious gossip about other people’s sexual behavior may also serve as a big turn-on.


If your sex appeal is really a burden, then get rid of it. Eat a bag of doughnuts a day. Dont have your hair done. Wear crimplene trousers and talk about your illnesses all the time.

Reality Check

Quick thinking and meticulous in executing your plans, when you set a course of action, you pursue it with total commitment. A unique combination of intuition and practicality lets you come up with innovative ideas and use them in the real world. But unlike most Virgo natives, you’re fiercely independent and intent on doing everything your own way.

August 28 Date Share

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet, playwright, Faust and some of the most moving love poems ever written. Ingrid Bergman, devastated a generation of men with her dear-eyed, well-bred sex appeal. Charles Boyer, devastated a generation of great-grandmothers with his sloe-eyed French come-hither. David Soul, TV actor, Starsky and Hutch.

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