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August 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 29, 2024

In numerology the 29th is ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11, 1+1=2). In Tarot, the second card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne. People born today have intuitive powers.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 1, 2

August 29th Birthday Love Astrology

This is another Virgo sex shuttle, although August 29 is more romantic than the bearer of pure animal appeal. The women have that attractive distracted look which often comes with short sight and they frequently keep a dog as silky and bounding with enjoyment as themselves. For Lady Virgo, the black labrador is perfect. It will protect her, be an intelligent and friendly companion, and attract the right kind of man. She likes sporty men who know how to handle a horse and a gun and when she has met him, Ms August 29 will want to ride and hunt with him.

Many girls gravitate to the country if they were not already bred there. Some will farm, becoming expert by training if not already so by birth and heritage. Our farming darling is well organised with an extensive knowledge of crops, a firm refusal to use environment endangering pesticides, and she can sort out a cow with a labour problem as well as the vet - if she is not actually the vet.

This individual has such taking ways that the whole of the county is round for her hand in marriage. Many enjoy blood sports, so no townies need apply for an interview with her father. Indeed she hasn't much time for urban culture and thinks her citied schoolfriends are misled into a horrifying existence based on terrible raw Japanese food and warm, sweet wine.

Both sexes shine like the evening star at any country dance. Both the men and women have small waists and hips and quite often they are fab dancers, with people vying to enjoy the lightness with which they move across the dance floor of the skies.

The men may suffer from hayfever in high summer and some are allergic to cats. Most of the girls have mild rashes on their hands, largely due to the rough work they do.

In Love

Those born on this date take their commitments to others very seriously, and devotion and loyalty are key elements in all their associations. In a close relationship, you are affectionate, patient, thoughtful, and considerate. You show your beloved how much you care by going out of your way to be helpful and dependable. Whereas some romantic partners may be more exciting than you, few are more loving or trustworthy. Although you tend to think that everyone shares your passion for order and careful planning, the more spontaneous among your intimate associates may resent your attempts to organize their lives.

In Bed

In the bedroom, you are tender, sensuous, and affectionate. You love to touch and be touched, and your heightened sensory perception enhances your physical pleasure. Your earthy sensuality craves comfortable, relaxed, uncomplicated lovemaking. Drama and theatrics have no place on your sexual agenda. It doesn’t take a lot of frills to entice you, but you do appreciate the beauty of an elegantly appointed room. Soft music and scented candles add to the romantic mood of the moment.


Latest health thinking is that a pet dog is more effective than other therapies. Stroking them brings down high blood pressure, relieves stress and some experts think makes you mentally alert. Country life addicts may prefer a bounding creature who takes them for walks and to meet the neighbours. Dalmatians are out-going and friendly, neither shy nor hesitant and free from nervousness and aggression. Townies might choose a Yorkshire terrier, happier in an urban environment, but with the spirited, even disposition and air of neat importance most people find fetching. Some people even take them to work, convinced it helps calm office politics.


Knowing how much you value attention to detail, your ideal lover carefully creates an atmosphere in which you two may savor long hours of unhurried caresses. You get off on the tender loving care and pampering provided by your significant other. A bubble bath, followed by a bit of seductive toweling, stimulates your appetite for loving.


In numerology the 29th is ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11, 1+1=2). In Tarot, the second card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne. People born today have intuitive powers.

Reality Check

You are practical, solid, and sensible, yet you adore your creature comforts.

You have excellent taste and a fine appreciation for everything that is artistic and beautiful. You never do anything by halves. When you work, you work very hard and you aim for perfection. However, when it’s time to play, you just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy yourself.

August 29 Date Share

Died: film star, hardman Lee Marvin. Born: Rebecca de Momay, screen star. Michael Jackson, superstar, rock singer, songwriter, fab dancer, animal lover. Richard Attenborough, film director and actor. Elliot Gould, good-looking American film star. Charlie Parker, be-bop king, sax player, composer. William Friedkin, film director, The French Connection. John Locke, empirical philosopher, Essay on Human Understanding,

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