August 2nd Extreme Clarity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 02, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is falling in love

☆The way forward is to stop confusing love with admiration. When it comes to affairs of the heart there are no rules or regulations, except that you and your partner should be yourselves.

The Birthday Of Extreme Clarity, The Day Of The Versatile Signature

August 2nd Extreme Clarity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 2nd Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 1, 2

Lucky days: Sunday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 2 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, red, yellow



People born on August 2 tend to be straightforward, and their clarity of vision makes it easy for them to identify their goals in life and then direct their prodigious energy tenacity and organizational skills to their realization. What you see is what you get with these people; developing their talents and being respected is far more important to them than being liked as a per son.

Often supremely confident in their ability to reach their professional goals, rarely will they be thrown off track. Their confidence is the result of their ability to realistically assess their abilities and know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are. And because they rarely set goals that are out of their reach, more often than not they achieve them. Sometimes in their journey toward success they may appear to change course, earning them a chameleon-like reputation, but this is just a demonstration of their flexibili ty and creativity. They never lose sight of their ultimate goals and are simply experimenting with different ways to get there.

Despite their toughness and determination, the more sensitive people born on this day can be hurt by the criticism of others but are unlikely to show it. Their nature is to be non-conformist and their straight-ahead vision can lead to harshness toward others. In fact, they need to be extremely careful that the hard shell with which they surround themselves does not lead to a hardening of their attitudes. Fortunately, between the ages of twenty-two and fifty-two, although there is an emphasis on order, analysis, efficiency, and logic in their lives, they may also feel the need to become more introspective. If they can use this opportunity to get in touch with their feelings and the feelings of others, their quality of life will improve immeasurably.

Blessed with a strong personality, clarity of vision and a unique approach to life, they have outstanding potential and, as long as they make sure they never lose touch with their intuition and sensitivity, their success and happiness are often assured.

☆ On the dark side:Uncompromising, selfish, ruthless

☆ At your best:Focused, versatile, determined

Those born on August 2 are able to operate in a variety of areas while at the same time giving everything they do their personal, unmistakable stamp. Thus although they may often appear to others to have gone off the track, given up their proven success, or succumbed to a new unrealistic temptation, they time and again show their ability to make a triumph of their latest endeavor without sacrificing their essential identity. Chameleon-like, they embrace change while at the same time remaining themselves.

This matter of sorely trying or even losing the belief of others for a time is often a problem for August 2 people. Fighters, those born on this day do not let popular opinion sway them from attempting the perilous or improbable. Perhaps after many years, others who work or live with them will begin to see the wisdom in what they do and begin not only to respect them more but also believe in the practicality of their ideas regardless of appearances.

Those born on August 2 run the gamut from the most sensitive to the most insensitive of souls. Generally they continue in a straight-ahead direction, whether or not they have the empathy to feel for those mowed down in their path. True bulldozers, yet highly idealistic in their vision, they are tough to stop. Power and money are tremendous temptations to those born on this day, but they generally manage to use them as tools to an end, rather than becoming tools themselves.

The personal taste and lifestyles of August 2 people are most often highly unconventional, and they do not allow peer pressure to force them to conform. More sensitive August 2 people may be severely wounded by the criticism and judgment of others but they generally won't show it. A certain ruthlessness towards the feelings of themselves and others marks those born on this day. Thus an August 2 person who begins life as a sensitive soul can wind up becoming a hard-boiled character, and his/her sympathy for softness and vulnerability in general diminishes directly in proportion to this increasing toughness.

The confidence August 2 people display is built on a bedrock of knowing precisely what they can and cannot do. and such a realistic assessment of their capabilities usually guarantees their success. They also may be averse to accepting help from anyone, preferring always to do every aspect of a project themselves. This, however, can hold them back both materially and spiritually. Sooner or later they must learn the value of sharing responsibilities and duties, essentially trusting on a deep level. The passions of August 2 people tend to run pretty high where love matters are concerned and they can have difficulty finding mates who can stand up to their high demands over a period of time. Thus their path may well be littered with casualties and they themselves somewhat weathered by experiences on the way.

Power Thought:I try to make the best of each new day,War will become obsolete when it is socially unacceptable

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 2nd day of the month are ruled by the number 2 and by the Moon. Those ruled by the number 2 generally make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, but this does not hold so true with August 2 people. The ability of those born on this day to work with others may, however, prove a measure of both their maturity and their spiritual evolution. Since the Sun rules Leo, August 2 people come under a Moon-Sun connection which warns against mentally pushing beyond the limits of physical endurance. The Moon suggests strongly reflective and passive tendencies which are only evident in the sensitive type of August 2 personality. The Moon and number 2 qualities mentioned above may be far more influential if an August 2 person is a second child, as he/she may be forced into such a role relative to the older sibling.

August 2nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering us with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion; negative values are secretiveness, mistrust, inertia and indifference (this last trait evident in the insensitive type of August 2 person).

☆Luck maker:(Accept help from others)Lucky people are self-reliant but they also willingly accept the help of others when it is offered because they understand that luck always comes via other people.

Love Pulled in two directions

You’re drawn to people born on June 22 to July 23:You have much to learn from each other; if you both open up there’s much room for passion and fulfillment.

Although they are attractive to others, romance can be tough or elusive for people born August 2 because they have a tendency to place extremely high demands on those they’re involved with. Once in a relationship they can be charming, loyal and passionate lovers, but they may find they are pulled by an equally strong desire for freedom.

Health Focus on what you already have

People born on this day tend to have action-packed lives with little time for introspection and are prone to stress and burnout as well as depression, weight gain and high blood pressure. It is important for them to make sure that they invest time and energy into building close and loving relationships with those who can warn them when they are heading off track. They also need to spend less time obsessing about what they do not have and more time being grateful for what they already have. That way they won’t miss out on all the good things right under their noses. As far as diet and exercise are concerned, they need to steer clear of extreme or fad diets or intensive exercise regimes. Moderation and balance are essential to their health and wellbeing. Soaking up the scent of chamomile, rosemary or melissa essential oil can help fight insomnia and calm their mind, and wearing the color green can encourage feelings of warmth and security.

Those born on August 2 (particularly the more hard-boiled types) must beware of overstressing their heart and circulatory system. High blood pressure may be a difficulty accompanying advanced age. particularly for August 2 men, if they are unable to relax in their work and lifestyle. One suggestion is that they develop a secure home base, investing money, energy and time into building a comfortable and stable foundation for their life. Those born on this day should try to bring their diets and exercise patterns more in line with conventional wisdom. This will add at least a few years to their dynamic lives.

Career Born playwrights

Their independence and clarity of vision promise success as scientists or inventors. They are capable of working in a team or for a company, and may excel in business, banking or law. They may also be attracted to careers in promotion, sales, education, advertising, publishing, personal relations, media, or counseling, and their original approach to life may find expression in the arts or the theater, especially as an actor or playwright.

Destiny To use their imaginative powers to inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn the value of cooperation and shared ideals. Once they have learned to remember the needs of others, their destiny is to use their imaginative powers and clarity of purpose to influence and inspire others.

Don't lose your sensitive side; it is your connection with humanity. Maintain your idealism but respect the wishes of others .is well. Remember the needs of your family and children. Learn io accept the help of others.

Celebrities Born On August 2nd

Myrna Loy(American actress), Peter O’Toole(Irish actor), Wes Craven(American actor and film-maker),

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi (French Statue of Liberty designer, monument builder), James Baldwin (American expatriot novelist, Giovanni's Room, essayist, Nobody Knows My Name), Peter OToole (film actor), Myrna Loy (film actress), Henry Steal Olcott (ccfounder Theosophical Society [with Madame Helena Blavatsky], lawyer, journalist), Jack L Warner (film company founder), Linda Fratianne (US Olympic gold medalwinning figure skater), Carroll O'Connor (film, TV actor, Archie Bunker of All in the Family), Bemadine Healy (health administrator, cardiologist, NIH first woman director), Ira Progoff (psychologist creator of journal system, writer, At a Journal Workshop), Garth Hudson (organist The band), Sir Arthur Bliss (British composer), Kathy Lennon (singer, Lennon Sisters), Victona Jackson (comedienne, TV actress), Ruth Marcus (Yale philosophy professor), Gary Merrill (film actor), Louis Pauwels (French journalist, wnter, Morning of the Magicians), Bob Rae (Canadian political leader), Geoffrey Dutton (Australian poet, writer, critic), Steven A. Rosenberg (immunologist)

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