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August 2nd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 02, 2024

Since you are one of the strongest, healthiest days of the year, anxiety over a possible illness may be more a tendency to worry than something that's really there. Check with your doctor, then try to relax.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 1, 2

August 2nd Birthday Love Astrology

Ultra-creative, blessed with good looks and often extremely long legs, August 2 goes in pursuit of three goals: love, money and children. With all three achieved, both sexes remain content to pass up other interests or temptations. If they have to drop one, it will be money, because although this individual likes money, wants money, he also knows how to live well without it. Both sexes are enormously resourceful when financially deprived, can make a home look grand with a couple of twigs and their own imagination, and put a meal together whose originality, deliciousiocity and inexpensivity is breathtaking.

Children are at the centre of this birthday's heart. They want lots of them. And when they do have them they spend hours playing, dressing-up in silly clothes and generally making small people happy. When the children grow up and leave home, August 2 isn't really sad, because he and she have done their job and they reason that if a child stayed with them for ever it just wouldn't be good for him. While they are growing up, August 2 is very helpful with schooling and guidance, but not at all interested in having successful children as a good reflection on them. Surprisingly, many of these creatures are not devoted grandparents, preferring to love mostly from a distance while they get on with other things.

This day suffers from the hypochondriacal streak common to lions and lionesses. A temperature is always a fever. A headache a migraine. A stubbed toe is a broken toe. Pop down to the supermarket with them and they quickly wander away from your trolley, scurrying to the medical shelves and vitamin remedies which they read with gullible fascination and then buy and try.

So naturally if August 2 has any difficulty conceiving children there's a great deal of turmoil. There are many options to explore and brilliantly kind doctors to consult, and the goal should be achieved.

In Love

In an intimate relationship, you’re openhearted and generous but also exacting and demanding. When you care deeply, you’re quite lavish in expressing your feelings. A romantic idealist, you’re in love with being in love and with the drama and excitement of a close relationship. You require constancy from your partner, yet your own need for adulation and admiration makes you something of a flirt. You expect a great deal from love, and if it turns sour you feel devastated. Yet even when you are disappointed, you’re usually not lonely very long. An innate optimism fuels your search for a new soul mate.

In Bed

Sensual and strongly sexed, your need for love and affection makes you an ardent and passionate lover. Physical intimacy invigorates you and makes you feel alive and fulfilled. You’re at your best with a lover who unabashedly adores you. In return, you’re giving and considerate and concerned with pleasing your mate. Demonstrative and romantic between the sheets, you long to soar to the heights of ecstasy. In addition to your physical vitality, you have a way with words that is practically guaranteed to arouse your partner.


If you are plagued with chickweed, take advantage and cook it, as it is a healthy meal for August 2. (Don't confuse it with the inedible mouse-ear chickweed, Cerastium fontanum.)Chickweed tastes like cress, was grown in Tudor vegetable gardens and sold as a vegetable on market days until the turn of this century. Smells wonderful while cooking and very good fresh in salads and sandwiches. To cook, wash it well and cut off straggly bits. Don't add any extra water, but do add a pinch of salt, a knob of butter and chopped shallots or chives. Simmer gently until tender about 8 to 10 minutes. Something to surprise and amuse the palate, which costs nothing.


You adore comfort and luxury and like being waited on and catered to by your bedmate. Glamorous surroundings turn you on and also provide an appropriate setting for your lovemaking. Seduction is a dramatic art form to you, and you enjoy playing the role of either seducer or seducee. When you’re in the mood for love, you’ll pursue the object of your affection with leonine intensity.


Since you are one of the strongest, healthiest days of the year, anxiety over a possible illness may be more a tendency to worry than something that's really there. Check with your doctor, then try to relax.

Reality Check

Your typical demeanor is one of cheerfulness, and gloom and doom have no place in your life. On the rare occasion that you seem dejected or depressed, it’s usually because someone has hurt your pride or compromised your dignity.

August 2 Date Share

Peter OToole, film star, actor, proud father. James Baldwin, American novelist, Giovanni's Room.Sir Arthur Bliss, British composer.Steven A Rosenberg, immunologist

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