August 30th Stability Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 30, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to outgrow your tendency to be overbearing

☆The way forward is to understand that not everyone is as self-sufficient or as capable as you; help others grow by giving them more responsibility.

The Birthday Of Stability, The Day Of The Rock

August 30th Stability Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 30th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)

Favorable numbers: 2, 3

Lucky days: Wednesday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 3 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, hunter green, caramel

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on August 30 often play a leading and protective role in both their professional and personal lives. Friends, family and co-workers look to them for stability, guidance, support, and a sense of direction, and because they are often intelligent, capable and insightful individuals, they are well qualified to assume this responsibility.

Self-reliant and strongly focused on their goals, people born on this day seem destined for success and recognition in whatever field they choose to specialize. Their mercurial minds also bestow on them marked curiosity, as well as the desire to impose order and structure in both their professional and personal life. Because they often have such a responsible and self-possessed air about them, they run the risk of becoming a magnet for needy people. Although they relish guiding and protecting, it is important for them to understand the difference between those who genuinely need their help and those who are lazy and irresponsible. They must also ensure that their need to control others does not make others overly dependent on them.

From their childhood, they are likely to have been interested in studying situations and people in order to understand, improve and direct them. After the age of twenty-three and for the next thirty years, there is a turning point which places an increased emphasis on partnerships, both personally and professionally. This is also a time when they have an increased sense of beauty and harmony, and may want to develop their creativity. It is important during these years that they don’t get obsessed with the material aspects of their lives by placing too much emphasis on money making, practical problem solving, directing, and organizing at the expense of their emotional and spiritual needs.

This is because, whatever age they are, the more they get in touch with their feelings and the feelings of others, and the more they can connect with and use the spiritual power or intuitive wisdom within them, the more power, happiness and fulfillment they will attract to themselves.

☆ On the dark side:Controlling, inflexible, overburdened

☆ At your best:Supportive, reliable, astute

The extremely capable people born on August 30 are rock-solid where their strengths are concerned. Particularly good with money, they usually enjoy dealing with finance and take great pride in the successful management of company, personal or family funds. Whatever their field of interest, most born on this day seek tangible results in their work and prefer not to venture into speculative or unrealistic areas. Generally, the home of an August 30 person is well-ordered, comfortable and carefully arranged to meet material needs and wants.

Most August 30 people are confident in their ability to handle most any situation, sometimes overly so. However, attracting people who become dependent on them due to their August 30 stability may prove to be an enormous load for them to bear. Indeed able to shoulder great responsibilities, even August 30 people will one day reach their limit. If they feel a need to distance themselves from dependents, they will probably experience some measure of guilt. Therefore, such August 30 people, although flattered by hangers-on will eventually regret having encouraged them. If they become aware of what they have done and their true motives for doing so, they will have taken a step forward in their personal growth.

The great confidence and self-possession of August 30 people is not necessarily the best thing for their children and mates. All kinds of inferiorities can manifest in those close to August 30 people, particularly in the material areas of life. The presence of a parent with the organizational skills of an August 30 person can be somewhat stifling, and promote indecisiveness in their children. Therefore parents born on August 30 must insure that their children assume increasing, but not crushing, responsibilities around the house. Those born on this day should endeavor to teach their skills to their children and mates with an eye toward enhancing their abilities and making them more self-sufficient people. Although August 30 people often wish to set strict rules around the house, they have to fight any tendency to be overauthoritarian. inflexible, unaccepting or unfair.

August 30 people may be accused by others from time to time of being overly materialistic.

Actually, however, it is mental organization and working systems that appeal to them, not a lust for property. Even those August 30 people unconcerned with money are generally more than capable of organizing and directing everything from household chores to large scale projects. The pragmatic individuals born on this day are indeed ones to have around when tangible results are the goal.

Power Thought:Life shows me miracles every day,The only rule—is the exception

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 30th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (3+0=3). and by the planet Jupiter which lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook to August 30th people. Since those ruled by the number 3 generally seek to rise to high positions in their sphere. August 30th people will often be driven upward in their search for material success (aided by the financial astuteness granted by the influence of Mercury, Virgo's ruler). Those ruled by the number 3 love their independence, which makes for a more stressful life, but also of course presents more challenges and opportunities for decisive action.

August 30th Birthday Tarot Card

The 3rd card of the Major Arcana is The Empress, symbolizing creative intelligence She is the perfect woman, the ultra-feminine. Mother Earth nurturer. who is our dreams made real, our hopes and aspirations embodied. Her steadfast qualities reflect the tremendous stability of August 30 people. This card represents positive traits of charm, grace and unconditional love, and negative traits of vanity and affectation, as well as intolerance for imperfection.

☆Luck maker:(Delegate more)Lucky people are masters of the art of delegation. This is because they understand that empowering others is one of the best ways to attract luck.

Love Find time for love

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:There is an intense attraction here, but for the passion to remain you must both make practical decisions.

If people born on August 30 find time in their busy schedules for love, they will find a source of great happiness. They need to make sure that they do not get involved with someone who is too dependent on them and that there is plenty of room in their relationship for freedom as well as intimacy. Although generous and giving, they can become cold or withdrawn, and should ensure that they don’t get too controlling in a relationship.

Health Avoid excesses of all kinds

People born on this day are very sensual and must beware of excesses of all kinds when it comes to their health and well-being. Recreational drugs, alcohol and smoking should be avoided, as should overindulgence in rich or exotic food. They should make sure they eat plenty of fresh foods and as little processed and refined products as possible, because a diet rich in sugar and salt and low in nutrients could trigger digestive disorders and headaches. Moderate-intensity exercise should also be a high priority, as it will help keep their weight down and boost their immune system, and they would also benefit from mind-body therapies such as meditation or yoga. During times of stress the healing qualities of lavender essential oil can calm their nerves and boost their mood. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors magenta or green will restore their energies and promote emotional healing.

Those born on August 30 must beware of excesses of all types when it comes to material pleasures. Too often they look on the world as their very own private playground of the senses, and therefore overdo it when it comes to eating, drinking and recreation. August 30 people must beware of overindulging in fat. sugar or meat consumption, perhaps first scaling back in the area of meat and dairy, then bringing excess sugars and starches under control. In addition to weight problems, August 30 people are prone to tobacco and alcohol addiction, which must be dealt with before debilitating and chronic physical ailments arise (particularly liver, stomach, esophageal or cardio-pulmonary difficulties). For all but serious athletes, only moderate physical exercise is recommended here.

Career Born landscape gardeners

The progressive inclinations of these people augur well in any career they choose, but they may find themselves drawn to medicine, sport, science, research, and education. Other careers might include the caring professions, writing, social reform, counseling, music, acting and, because they have a feel for nature, agriculture or landscape gardening.

Destiny To support and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn how to let go so others can learn independence. Once they have managed to downplay their controlling tendencies and cultivate their spirituality, their destiny is to support and inspire those with whom they live and work.

Beware ol fostering dependency in others; teach your children to be self-sufficient. He flexible when it comes to rules; don't feel you have to control every aspe< i i A your environment.Cultivate your spiritual side and look beyond what this world has to offer.

Celebrities Born On August 30th

Cameron Diaz(American actress), Anne-Marie of Greece(Former Queen of Greece, born in Denmark), Joan Blondell(American actress),

Mary Godwin Shelley (British horror novelist, Frankenstein, married Percy Bysshe Shelley), Ernest Rutherford (New Zealand Nobel Prize-winning atomic physicist, discovered structure of atom, 1st Baron of Nelson), Ted Williams (Boston Red Sox baseball outfielder, 6x AL batting champ, 2x MVP, Triple Crown winner, last player to hit .400, lifetime .344, ace fighter pilot), Roy Wilkms (NAACP head, African- American rights activist), Jacques Louis David (founder Classical French painting), Huey Long (Louisiana governor, subject of novel and film All the King's Men, assassinated), Jerry Tarkanian (alltime winningest college basketball coach, NBA coach), jean-Claude Killy (French Olympic three gold medal-winning skier), Sylvia A. Earle (manne botanist, deep sea explorer, dove record depth in "jim-suit" to ocean floor), Theo van Doesburg (Dutch De Stijl painter), Raymond Massey (stage, film actor), Kenny Dorham (jazz trumpeter), Richard Stone (British Nobel Prize-winning economist), Warren Buffet (private investor, Solomon Brothers head), Timothy Bottoms (film actor), Shirley Booth (stage, film actress), Wolfgang Wagner (Bayreuth Festival director, grandson of Richard), Fred MacMurray (film. TV actor, My Three Sons), Elizabeth Ashley (theater actress, feminist). Joan Blondell (film actress)

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