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August 30th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 30, 2024

Some quite ordinary stones bring you luck. Virgo's favourite is the cornelian, which is traditionally given the powers to strengthen family love and unity, helps to raise low spirits and minimise melancholia.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 2, 3

August 30th Birthday Love Astrology

This birthday girl walks in beauty like the night. Another breathtaking Virgo babe. And the men are as impressive. The drawback, especially with the women, is a slight nervousness, fractious reactions to normal events. Some read too much into another's actions and the simplest words get loaded with the wrong significance.

So there's a rather tedious amount of cajoling and explaining required by these women. If a friend has bought a new frock, for instance, but says she doesn't think August 30 will like it, immediate affront is taken, when in fact the dress is a straight stone-coloured linen shift down to the ankles which curvy Virgoans usually do reject. They like to show off their often neat waist, flat stomach and lavish bosom.

The men don't make quite so much commotion, but deep in their autumnal psycheology there is an urge to control the universe and all the stars that twinkle in it. In some this is so highly developed that our man would really like nobody to do anything without first consulting him. Some rule their families with a closed purse. Their wife may have an allowance for which she has to account accurately and any purchase by her or the children must be discussed, applied for and is often refused. Children who suffer under this restraint give up asking and wait until they can grow up and leave home to do what they want. Many wives put up with it, because the other side of Mr. Control Freak's character can be very witty and charming.

In any place of work, both sexes exercise their talent to organise extremely well, making good team members and observant bosses, always the first to congratulate and pick out for praise. Both sexes also make brilliant doctors. Fired by a desire to help humanity, they leave no avenue unexplored to cure a patient and will personally spend nights by a bedside. Coming home late from work is a problem.

In Love

Mistrust of emotion sometimes makes it difficult for those born on this day to open up to other people. However, once you do, you make a caring, helpful mate. In an intimate union, you are romantic and idealistic. Because you value companionship and friendship almost as much as love, you need a partner who challenges you intellectually. Close relationships can be problematic because you require space to pursue your various interests. Although you like to party and flirt, you really need the security of a stable love relationship. When you find the right person, you’ll probably stay together for a lifetime.

In Bed

A highly skilled lover, you’re fascinated with the mechanics and techniques of sexuality. Although your style of lovemaking is emotionally cool and lighthearted, you have a serious appreciation for the physical joys of lovemaking. Your approach to the erotic pleasures of the body is direct, earthy, and unpretentious. Mental affinity with your lover is as important to you as physical rapport. Since you’re mainly motivated by curiosity, variety spices up your love life and keeps you interested between the sheets.


August 30 slaves so long over papers and often at the computer that he or she can suffer from burning or red eyes. Possibly this is shortness of oxygen and eye-dryness, lack of tears. Try yawning, loud and long, as if you are a hippopotamus. Make a big yawning sound and then do it all over again. This stimulates the tearducts, which distribute liquid over the cornea and help calm the redness. Then, tighten the shoulders, staring with wide open eyes. Now yawn again and blink. Blink hard every three to five seconds, it reduces the burning feeling.


The intimate banter of sex games and other verbal enticements has a major impact on you. Whispering sweet nothings turns you on, and you love it when the lusty words morph into sexy reality. Expressing your secret desires verbally inflames them further and also clues your lover in to what you like doing and having done to you in bed.


Some quite ordinary stones bring you luck. Virgo's favourite is the cornelian, which is traditionally given the powers to strengthen family love and unity, helps to raise low spirits and minimise melancholia.

Reality Check

You’re self-expressive and fluent in speech and writing. Naturally shrewd and insightful, you are good at detecting other people’s underlying motivations.

However, this emphasis on the intellect often comes at the expense of your own feelings and emotions. You’re not unsympathetic or unfeeling, yet intense emotions can make you anxious and uncomfortable.

August 30 Date Share

Died: Charles Coburn, Hollywood tough guy. Lindsay Anderson, film director, famously grumpy. Born: Mary Godwin Shelley, daughter of Charles Godwin, wife to Percy Bysshe Shelley, author, Frankenstein. Raymond Massey, stage and film actor. Joan Blondell, actress. Shirley Booth, film star.

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