August 31st Dynamic Approval Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 31, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to escape dependency on the approval of others

☆The way forward is to understand that if you rely on the attention or approval of others for feelings of self-worth, you will not be in control of your life.

The Birthday Of Dynamic Approval, The Day Of The Public Appearance

August 31st Dynamic Approval Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 31st Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable numbers: 3,4

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, hunter green, caramel

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on August 31 are blessed with abundant energy and enthusiasm. There is often something attractive and fun about them that draws others to them effortlessly, and they typically climb the ladder of success to leadership positions with great ease.

They tend to make life appear very easy but there’s a price to pay for their popularity and success. Although extremely astute when it comes to understanding what makes others tick—and therefore able to influence the thoughts and moods of others—when it comes to their personal development they may be completely in the dark. Unaware of what their real needs are, they may rely heavily on the attention or approval of others for feelings of self-worth. Ultimately this is a dangerous strategy as it puts control of their happiness in the hands of others. It is only when they are able to lessen their need for public attention that they will grow psychologically and, although they are dynamic with few problems either socially or professionally, their “success” in life may have an empty feel about it.

After the age of twenty-two there is an increased emphasis on social relationships for the next thirty years of their lives. It is important for them not to lose themselves in work or other people during this period. Their happiness and fulfillment depend on their ability to look within for guidance and approval; if they are unable to do this they may end up feeling stressed, confused and frustrated. Fortunately, there is also an emphasis during this time on developing their creativity, and they need to take advantage of the opportunities life presents them to think and act more independently.

After the age of fifty-two there is a powerful turning point that signifies a need for emotional change, making them more self-reliant and in control. Whatever age they are, the sooner they learn to depend less on the approval of others and more on their intuition, the greater their chances of finding true happiness and lasting fulfillment.

☆ On the dark side:Needy, frustrated, stressed

☆ At your best:Energetic, dynamic, astute

Those born on August 31 are very much concerned with being in the public eye themselves and/or helping others to make their way in society. Those born on this day are usually people who find themselves deeply involved with events occurring around them. Not only are they inevitably drawn in to the main currents of life, but they are also fated to stand out. sometimes in a quiet way, from those around them. Some August 31 people are entertaining, simply fun to be around. Others are more serious and concerned with improving the lot of those around them (particularly children). The more entertaining type loves to perform and lift the spirits of his/her family and friends. The more serious type is more interested in educating others, whether through example or by actively promoting principles and/or knowledge. Regardless of how they express themselves socially, those born on this day are most often found working in the service of their fellow human beings, trying to improve the general state of things through their efforts.

August 31 people know what makes others tick. Whether as parents, performers, bosses or teachers, they are psychologically astute, able to understand and influence the thoughts and moods of others, and perhaps to enlighten them. However, at a certain point August 31 people will have to ask themselves whether they haven't built up a dependency on getting the attention of others. At this point, often at the mid-life crisis (around age forty-two: Uranus and Saturn oppositions), they may decide to become a bit more interested in their own personal development, turn inward and limit some of their social preoccupations.

August 31 people have an attractive air about them which most people like. They have a kind of quiet and solid charm that invariably attracts others to them. Therefore, although they are good team members, their lot is often to become leaders. Such a position of leadership suits their talents—organizational skills and decision-making ability, to name two—but on the other hand, may be stressful for their personality. Generally August 31 people display an aversion to ostentation.

In fact, where pretension and hypocritical behavior are concerned, August 31 people are sharply critical. Their remarks and comments can have a strongly ironic or even acerbic tone, and their barbs penetrate deeply. Those born on this day may have to learn to be a bit more tactful and exercise a greater degree of restraint in their language.

Generally, August 31 people do not have difficulty finding their way in the world. Their great struggle, however, will be to reconcile their public commitments and their private wishes and needs. Having a getaway to escape to, a cherished hobby or a secret role which they play far from the public eye is often essential to their psychological well-being. Indeed, the push-pull effect of needing to accommodate both public and private concerns can occasion interesting arrangements in lifestyle.

Power Thought:I trust and listen with love to my inner voice,Do you know the story of the City Mouse and the Country Mouse?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 31th dayof any month are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4), and by the planet Uranus. Since only seven months have a 31 SI day, it is a bit of an unusual number for a birthday, and the people born on these days are often equally unusual and hard to fathom. Those ruled by the number 4 can be difficult or argumentative, since they so often see things differently from others. They also take rejection very hard. Quick and explosive Uranus impulses may be reflected in sudden change of mood. This quality is accentuated for August 31 people by the changeable traits of Virgo's ruler Mercury and its close association with L'ranus in matters of communication.

August 31st Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise; the force of his authority' cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy': unfavorable qualities include stubbornness, tyranny, even brutality.

☆Luck maker:(Connect with your intuition)To get in touch with your luck-making potential you need quiet time. Turn off the TV or radio. Let the answering machine take messages. Make time to meditate, or simply have a cup of tea and think.

Love Attention seekers

You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20:You are both practical and energetic, and this can be a fulfilling and intense relationship.

People born on August 31 love to be the center of attention and if the attention fades away they can become cranky or caustic in a bid to win it back. Their partners adore their sense of humor and appetite for romance, and their ability to make their partners feel like the most important person in the world. Usually they marry for intellectual affinity and need a partner who can provide them with security, support and—of course—plenty of attention.

Health Digestive health

People born on this day may suffer from chronic digestive problems, headaches, and diet-related disorders such as diabetes or high blood pressure. It is important for them to limit their intake of salt, sugar, saturated fat, and processed and refined foods. The emphasis should always be on fresh and natural foods. They may seek out the advice of a variety of different experts, but they need to understand that the most treatment is not necessarily the best treatment. Exercise and walks on a daily basis are strongly advised. They would also benefit from mind-body therapies such as meditation or yoga to help them find that quiet space within. Wearing the color yellow will boost their confidence and self-esteem.

August 31 people must beware of problems with their digestive system, particularly the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. Prone to diet-related diseases such as diabetes, they must also guard against stomach and duodenal ulcers which can result from their intense public life. Yoga and meditation are particularly recommended for those born on this day, who will benefit from a private life in which their spiritual side gets a chance to express itself. Regular vacations are also strongly recommended. Special diets may be required by a physician or nutritional advisor. Daily walks will work wonders psychologically as well as physically.

Career Born multi-taskers

These people are born multi-taskers and are well equipped to succeed in a variety of professions as long as they are allowed to advise, influence or take center stage. Their flair for people and natural understanding of current trends could make them excel in sales, media and business; their analytical mind may draw them toward science, research, editing, accountancy, property development, and engineering. Their latent creativity may express itself in writing, music and art, and their humanitarian spirit may draw them to charity work and the caring professions.

Destiny To motivate others with their enthusiasm for life

The life path of people born on this day is to seek internal rather than external guidance when finding their way in the world. Once they are able to stay in touch with their inner selves, their destiny is to inspire, motivate and energize others with their enthusiasm for life.

Seek inner guidance. Spend more time alone with yourself and lessen your need for approval or attention. Find a good balance between fun and responsibility. Cultivate your appreciation of others.

Celebrities Born On August 31st

James Coburn(American actor), Van Morrison(Irish singer-songwriter), Richard Gere(American actor),

Mana Montessori (educator, physician, rehabilitator of children), Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (German mathematician, physiologist, anatomist, physicist, Physiology of Optics, On the Sensations of Tone), Edwin Moses (US Olympic hurdler, 2x gold medalist, undefeated for ten years in 1 22 races), Caius Caesar Caligula (Roman emperor), DuBose Heyward (poet, playwright, novelist, Porgy), Frank Robinson (baseball outfielder, Triple Crown winner, fourth all-time in HRs, first African- Amencan manager in major league baseball), James Coburn (film actor), Richard Gere (film actor), Eldridge Cleaver (African-American activist, writer, Soul on Ice), Itzhak Periman (Israeli-American violinist), Van Morrison (singer, songwriter), Wilhelmina (queen of Netherlands for fifty years), Frednc March (film, stage actor), Richard Basehart (film, TV actor), Sir Bernard Lovell (British radio astronomer, The Exploration of Space by Radio), William Saroyan (Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright, novelist, The Human Comedy), Alan Jay Lerner (lyricist), Alma Schindler Mahler Werfel Gropius (Austrian composer, wife of three great artists). Paul Winter (saxophonist, composer. Paul Winter Consort), Jean Beliveau (Canadian hockey center, led Montreal to ten Stanley Cups)

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