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August 31st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 31, 2024

Dont exercise too much control with your children, or expect them to reflect your own ambitions. This is common to people born today, and ifs a common source of unhappiness between father, mother and teenagers.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 3, 4

August 31st Birthday Love Astrology

This is another birthdate who can make a good career in medicine. People born today run spectacularly successful general practices. Patients get in to see doctors without having to wait for too long. Records are never lost. And August 31 is a dragon about meticulous diagnosis, so there will be no dismissing of symptoms as neurotic in order to close the surgery down and get onto the golf course. The deep spirituality which is part of this person's psycheology makes them extremely empathetic to anybody in trouble and our white-coated star will scan the universe with all its hidden knowledge to come up with a solution.

In medicine, August 31 may specialise in diseases of the pancreas and immunology, both areas of vulnerability for Virgoans and so there is an innate sympathy with these afflictions. This individual is very likely to make a fortune with some discovery which may benefit mankind medically or in some area to do with pharmaceuticals. The chemistry set was the child August 31's favourite toy, for girls as well as boys. Some react against this component of their psycheology and become pill phobic, reacting with insultomania at any doctorly suggestion that they lose weight and change their lifestyle.

This creature is very fond of its food and drink and would not consider taking even one glass of wine less, or cooking with yoghurt instead of cream. In fact their ideal pudding is strawberries and cream with lots of brown sugar. And since it's almost impossible for August 31 to become addicted, it's possible to understand why they like to be in charge of their own lives.

Although most crave a family and to settle down in their own home - they are sometimes too stringent with their children- a few have explorer lust. They may live abroad, taking up posts in far off places as journalists or as researchers helping a local population learn new farming and engineering techniques.

In Love

In an intimate union, you need a partner who makes you feel cherished and appreciated. Despite your own critical nature, you are sensitive to criticism and your feelings are easily hurt. When you feel insecure, you tend to become anxious and overprotective of your loved ones. Discord and disagreements really bother you. In an attempt to keep your feelings on an even keel, you may try to bury your negative emotions. However, unex-pressed anger can turn into long-term resentment. When you find the contentment and security you seek in a close relationship, you’re an affectionate, considerate, loyal, and caring mate.

In Bed

Initially you may appear somewhat cautious and reserved, but once you feel comfortable with your bedmate you make an amazingly skilled, generous lover. Pleasing your partner is always uppermost in your mind. You’re able to sense how well he or she responds to your lovemaking and then you store the knowledge in your memory banks for future use. A methodical yet inventive lover, you pride yourself on your ability to keep the bedroom activities fresh and interesting.


The high fliers can get weighed down by their responsibilities and the irascible ones, made more so by overeating and drinking, should temper their procrastinophrenic reactions to any suggestions for a healthier lifestyle. Both can be helped in some measure by the famous Bach Flower remedies, discovered for us by Dr Edward Bach earlier this century. Travellers will find them helpful too in times of deadline stress and the simple difficulty of living in a community where they were not born. Rescue Remedy has been found to help nervousness, anxiety and the stress arising from bereavement, great fright, hysteria, arguments, speeches, exams and job interviews.


Getting physical with your lover takes your mind off your mundane worries.

Behind closed doors, you’re able to shed your controlled, responsible image and unwind. You are turned on by the simple pleasures of lovemaking. You enjoy the small touches that help create a serene, harmonious environment free of disturbances and distractions.


Dont exercise too much control with your children, or expect them to reflect your own ambitions. This is common to people born today, and ifs a common source of unhappiness between father, mother and teenagers.

Reality Check

Instinct and intuition combine with your intellect, technical skills, and manual dexterity to help you solve perplexing problems. There is nothing superficial about you; you think and feel deeply. Inherently shrewd and cautious, you cannot be rushed into making important decisions. First you like to think things over very carefully. Then you analyze and reflect on the situation some more, before actually taking action.

August 31 Date Share

Caligula, Roman Emperor with an unfortunate dominating manner and cruel streak. James Coburn, graceful, lithe, Hollywood star of cowboy movies. Richard Gere, another Hollywood idol admired for his sinuous body and lithe walk. Van Morrison, Irish singer, songwriter. Alan Jay Lerner, lyricist. Itzhak Perlman, Israeli violinist. Sir Bernard Lovell, radio astronomer.

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