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August 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 03, 2024

Can you pass a shop window without glancing at your reflection, go straight from work to dinner without getting undressed, just changing your shoes and cleaning your teeth? Youegot vanity in hand. (And you'll be on time.)

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 2, 3

August 3rd Birthday Love Astrology

Most Leos are vain because there's lots to be vain about. But August 3 can take vanity to new heights of self-indulgence. Frankly it's amazing anybody sticks around to continue heaping the praise. But these people have enormous sweetness of character. They are intelligent, brave and make excellent captains and captainesses of industry as well as racing drivers. They are also maxibubble lovers and companions, kind to old ladies and dogs and not at all embarrassing dancers.

The one problem is that whenever they go out, it takes ages to get through the front door because they can't decide what to wear. And when they have decided, they change it. And when they reach the finally settled stage of attiring themselves for the evening, they demand comment and praise in sufficient depth to render a companion, who has so far been unable to get to a mirror, demotivated and half-naked. Car journeys to balls and clubs are taken up with discussions about how August 3 looks. Social events may frequently be reviewed later on the basis of the right outfit worn, the right hair, and why.

If August 3 is male, his female companion needs to be extremely patient, but should also point out that so far he has failed to notice what she is wearing. Men born today will then instantly leap to offer praise, mortified by their own self-preoccupation. If August 3 is female, then her companion should adjust his impatience and assuming they will always be late, adjust all clocks half an hour forwards.

It doesn't make August 3 late for work, surprisingly. And here the vanity often just shows as perfectionism. Find this birth date in the ranks of air hostesses, advertising executives, in any kind of travel business, tourism and catering where their perfectionism is invaluable. In the retail trade, they may often own their own shop which will be spectacularly attractive and extremely efficient, with unusual and desirable products.

In Love

People born on this date are vibrant, gregarious, and outgoing. Relationships mean a great deal to you, and you enjoy interacting with others in social gatherings and one-on-one situations. You need to be able to admire and respect your partner, and you expect approbation and fidelity in return.

The intimate union that provides both mental and physical stimulation is your idea of heaven. You tend to think of your life as an epic movie, with you in the lead role. Your ideal costar is the one who shares your many and varied interests, without attempting to hog the spotlight.

In Bed

Your ability to please your partner is exceedingly important to you. By combining passion with romance and imagination, you keep your lovemaking fresh and alive. You pride yourself on remembering the little details that make your mate feel truly loved and appreciated. Flowers, music, and candles add a touch of romance and drama to your bedroom scenario. However, once your lusty libido is inflamed, tenderness and sentimentality quickly give way to torrid sensuality.


August 3 is a great traveller, socialiser and worker. Parties and computer time often mean tired, itchy eyes. Try a soothing compress. Make up a 100ml bottle of floral water, using lavender, neroli, geranium or camomile, and soak two pieces of cotton wool. Squeeze out the excess liquid and apply the moist pads to your eyes. Lie down for at least 20 minutes. A compress soothes the eyes of contact lens wearers (remove them before applying the compress), and is also good for after-party eyes, when smoke has irritated and inflamed your eyes and possibly given you a headache.


Adulation is your biggest turn-on. The lover who never fails to tell you how wonderfully sexy you are knows how to make the lion roar. The erotic, sensual side of your nature responds to both verbal and tactile demonstrations of affection. Because you enjoy being pampered, a sensuous back massage puts you in the mood for lovemaking.


Can you pass a shop window without glancing at your reflection, go straight from work to dinner without getting undressed, just changing your shoes and cleaning your teeth? Youegot vanity in hand. (And you'll be on time.)

Reality Check

Amiable and optimistic on the surface, your sunny façade covers a ton of ambition. Temperamentally, you are an individualist who resists being typecast. A doer as well as thinker and talker, you can master any subject exciting enough to hold your interest. Once you decide what you want to accomplish, you will follow through and stick with it until you reach your goal.

August 3 Date Share

Martin Sheen, film star, Apocalypse Now.Tony Bennett, singer, entertainer, started career as a singing waiter. John Landis, film director, Blues Brothers. Terry Wogan, Irish TV personality, BBC interviewer, radio broadcaster. Rupert Brooke, British war poet, symbol of gifted youth destroyed by World War I, although Brooke died before he actually reached the battle zone.

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