August 4th Rebel Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 04, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is dealing with authority

☆The way forward is to understand that freedom and independence are not automatically superior to acceptance, cooperation and diplomacy.

The Birthday Of The Rebel, The Day Of The Guiding Light

August 4th Rebel Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 4th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable numbers: 3, 4

Lucky days: Sunday, especially when it falls on 3 and 4 of the month

Lucky colors: White, yellow, silver

Birthstone: Ruby

Those born on August 4 are rebellious free spirits who definitely prefer to take the path less traveled, even if there is nothing really wrong with the path everyone else seems to be taking. Their intense dislike of being restrained in any way, combined with their hatred of complacency and the unthinking acceptance of the status quo, often leads them to behave, think, act, or dress somewhat perversely or to defend unconventional opinions.

These people are intelligent, compassionate and strong-willed, and their resistance to any kind of restraint endows them with radical and pioneering potential. When they channel their energies positively they have the ability to enlighten and enliven others, but others should be very careful not to challenge their need for independence because autonomy of thought is of the utmost importance to them. So averse are they to submitting to the authority or directions of others that from an early age they may reject well-intentioned attempts to help them, fearing that some sinister motive lurks behind people’s helpful exterior. Taken to an extreme, this can make them fiercely independent but also incredibly lonely figures.

From childhood, people born on this day are likely to have enjoyed being at the center of things. At the age of eighteen, however, they enter a thirty-year period during which there are opportunities for them to become more conscientious, thoughtful, discriminating, and efficient in their working environment. They need to take advantage of these opportunities to learn the art of diplomacy and compromise, as this will make life much easier.

When they are forty-eight they will reach another turning point that puts the emphasis on creativity and relationships. If, throughout their lives, they can learn to distinguish between independence and self-sabotaging behavior—being perverse for the sake of it—they will find that instead of becoming misunderstood, restless loners, they have the potential to become responsible rebels on whom others know they can depend for inspiration, guidance and radical but always exceptional insight.

☆ On the dark side:Disruptive, perverse, undiplomatic

☆ At your best:Original, courageous, striking

Those born on August 4 are often the guiding light to whatever social group, political movement, family or business they belong. Not always cut out to be leaders they must nevertheless occupy a principal position; indeed, they make their influence felt and philosophy known to all with whom they associate. Often they are useful to their group in a largely symbolic role, as they may perfectly represent its aspirations and embody its ideals in their external appearance or lifestyle.

Being able to go their own way is important to the restless and active people born on August 4. Too often they are hot-headed and somewhat irascible when encountering resistance.

Because of these traits as well as their tendency to be in revolt against established systems they can only remain central to the group for a limited time, unless of course revolution and activity are the business of the group also! Being strong-minded and strong-willed, they do best to establish themselves in a position in which they are free to speak and do as they wish.

August 4 people are quick and clever, and perhaps from childhood have developed an adeptness at avoiding punishment and censure which serves them well as adults. Not getting caught may prove to be a constant theme in their lives—in a sense, avoiding the extinguishing of their light. Being free to shine, to radiate their ideas and ideals to those around them is of the utmost importance to them. They can suffer no greater pain than being ignored by those closest to them.

August 4 people often seek to exert influence through their physical presence, which can be cloaked in anything from outrageous to highly conservative garb, depending on what impression they are trying to effect. Those born on this day are masterful at sizing up their environment; nothing in their surroundings is lost on them and they generally respond to it quickly, as they have a decisive, if not impulsive, mentality. Their tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable, however, can lead them into delicate and dangerous situations.

If they can maintain a precious balance, August 4 people have a determined strength that is formidable. However, if off center they can cause great harm, usually to themselves, but also to the ideals they serve. They must remember to act in a responsible fashion since so many people may be depending on them.

As time passes, August 4 people can learn to channel their rebelliousness in a more constructive direction. As they themselves get older, they are likely to acquire a bit more respect for the elderly than they had when they were young. Learning to accept the onset of seniority with equanimity and grace is perhaps the most challenging lesson for them to learn. Many born on this day display a marked love of nature and of the great outdoors, which only deepens with advancing age.

Power Thought:I choose harmony and loving communication wherever I find myself,To accept and even enjoy advancing age is one of the great arts of living

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 4th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 and by the planet Uranus. Those ruled by the number 4 tend to be difficult and argumentative, and these traits can be magnified in the impulsive people born on August 4. As with most Number 4 people, they are usually more concerned with ideals than money. Uranus indicates sudden changeability and unpredictable actions. A hot quality is emphasized for August 4 people by the strong influence of the Sun (Leo's ruler) and its energetic effects on Uranus; naturally, those born on this day must beware of their explosive feelings.

August 4th Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise: the force of his authority cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong will power and steadfast energy-, unfavorable qualities include stubbornness, tyranny, even brutality— the very things that August 4 people despise in others.

☆Luck maker:(Say thank you)The more grateful you are for what you already have, the more good fortune you are likely to attract; this is because the universe responds to your gratitude and appreciation for what you already have by manifesting even more.

Love Love-hate relationships

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 23:You are both clever and elusive individuals, and this can create a powerful and intelligent union.

People born on August 4 tend to have a kind of love-hate relationship with friends and loved ones, resisting their support and love yet also craving them. Despite their restlessness and need for freedom, partnerships are very important for them and they are attracted to people with whom they can share some kind of intellectual activity.

Health Let your stress out

People born on this day will often hide their feelings in an attempt to appear strong, but keeping problems locked inside can isolate them from others, creating unhappiness and distress. It’s important for their physical and emotional health that they learn to open up and share their feelings; if they keep bottling things up it can negatively affect their health. They should ensure they listen to the advice of their doctors, understanding that sometimes it won’t be possible for them to get better on their own. They are likely to have very little interest in diet and exercise, but understanding the links between what they eat, their activity levels and their health will help them make positive lifestyle changes. Carrying a turquoise crystal around will encourage them to communicate and express themselves more, as will wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color orange.

Many born on August 4 turn a deaf ear to warnings of all types. This is often due to their mistrust or dislike for authority. For this reason they must keep healthy on their own. Unfortunately, those born on this day may display little interest in the day-to-day maintenance of the body needed to protect their health. If they wish to function more effectively, however, keeping to a balanced diet, and getting regular sleep and exercise may be sufficient to keep them on track.

Career Born artists

These people are well suited to artistic, sporting or educational careers in which their talents can be used to inspire and guide others. Independent and preferring to give rather than take orders, they are best suited to leadership positions or working on their own; if in a group, they need the freedom to work in their own way. They are also good evaluators and may be drawn to real estate, banking and the stock market. Their humanitarian instincts may draw them to the healing professions, or social and community work.

Destiny To inspire and enlighten others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn that they can be independent within a group. Once they have learned to find a balance between their need for autonomy and their need for support, their destiny is to use their talents to inspire and enlighten others.

Remember your responsibilities. Try to temper your dislike of authority' and be more tactful in dealing with your superiors. Your freedom is not always the most valuable thing. Learn acceptance, concentration, awareness.

Celebrities Born On August 4th

Louis Armstrong(American jazz musician), Barack Obama(44thPresident of the United States), Percy Bysshe Shelley(British Romantic poet),

Percy Bysshe Shelley (British lyric and epic Romantic poet, Prometheus Unbound, expelled from Oxford for writing The Necessity of Atheism, banned from England, drowned in sailboat accident at age twenty-nine), Raoul Wallenberg (Swedish diplomat, negotiator, rescuer of Jews and others from Nazis in WWII), Knut Hamsun (Nobel Pnze-winning Norwegian novelist, Hunger), Sir Harry Lauder (British entertainer), Mary Decker Slaney (US middle distance runner, held seven separate US records, 1,500 and 3,000 meter world champion), Jess Thomas (operatic tenor). Roger Clemens (baseball pitcher, 3x Cy Young Award winner, MVP), Maurice "The Rocket" Richard (hockey right-wing, 8x NHL first team, first to score fifty goals in a season), Dallas Green (baseball player, NL pennant-winning manager), Rudi van Dantzig (Dutch choreographer), Thornton Bradshaw (Harvard business professor, RCA, ARCO president), Queen Mother Elizabeth of Great Britain (consort of George VI), Sir William Hamilton (Insh physicist, mathematician, astronomer, spoke thirteen languages at age twelve), Herb Ellis (jazz guitarist), Ely Culbertson (contract bridge expert, pacifist writer, Total Peace), Peter Desberg (psychologist, wnter, musician, humorist), Sir Osbert Lancaster (British wnter, artist cartoonist), David Russell Lange (New Zealand pnme minister), Anna Heidelberg (nurse), W.H. Hudson (British naturalist, author)

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