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August 4th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 04, 2024

Get into the country. Breathe fresh, clean air, take hikes, wash your face in cold water. Eat simply. Learn about purification from the earth by existing in harmony with nature.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 3, 4

August 4th Birthday Love Astrology

This is a birthdate when the Leo potential preoccupation with privilege and snobbery is turned upon its head. August 4 people always side with the underprivileged, the poor against the rich, worker against employer. In short this baby has revolutionary tendencies. He or she will mock established systems, hierarchies and social cliques. They are dangerously upsetting to puffed-up social toads and if they seduce a partner from a blue blood background, fitting in will not be the aim. Disruption is the game. Handle with care.

Nevertheless, there is no one funnier, or more attractive. They remind others what a simple addiction to right and wrong is like, how uncomfortable it can occasionally be. And there is nobody you would prefer on your side.

It is possible for them to go far. It is usually best when they seek employment in a creative field. August 4 in a dance company, on the stage, putting on any kind of show, has the opportunity for creative innovation. Running his or her own business is also OK-ish, just as long as he can be restrained from hitting late debt payers. (This individual can only grasp the business strategy of tardy payment if he is doing it himself.)

In big corporations they may also rise because of their natural leadership and facility to stay with the cutting-edge of contemporary thinking. But the slightest attempt by those in high places to double-cross the workforce, and appallingly true pieces of gossip about the company chairman's misuse of the company helicopter to entertain the company chairman's mistress will zip its way into everybody's computer screen.

By forty, most August 4 people will be well established, likely to own a home, maybe a couple of cars, a caravan. Even the most rebellious individual has a flare for money-making. But then this person may throw it all up and simply walk away in search of another life.

In Love

Persons celebrating birthdays on this day are intensely dedicated to achieving their personal goals. Because you need to feel liked and respected, you care a great deal about the impression you make on others. Your sunny, magnetic personality gets people’s attention and draws them to you. In love and romance, you’re warmhearted, passionate, and extremely generous.

Despite a strong independent streak, you’re devoted to your friends and family and want the safety and security of a happy home life. When you find the love you crave, you’re not afraid to show your deepest feelings.

However, you expect absolute devotion in return.

In Bed

You want a sexual relationship that is a true partnership—so long as you can be the boss. Although you can’t help assuming the dominant role, your mate’s gratification is always uppermost in your mind. For you, the ability to share your most intense feelings with your bed partner is what makes a relationship special. As a delightfully romantic, imaginative lover, you’ll go to great pains to make sure your bedroom surroundings are as dramatic and opulent as possible.


The women do suffer from cellulite. The men, only rarely. Here is a solution female August 4 can use and male August 4 can tell his friends about. Scrubbing is thought to be one of the best ways to prevent cellulite and it can also help eliminate it. One of the best recipes is the ging/er juice rub- down. Grate one large ginger root, then squeeze the gratings through a cheesecloth. Dip a warm, moist scrubbing cloth in the juice. Ginger is both a stimulant to the circulation and a potent purifier. (Ginger can cause burning or irritation, so test before using it all over.)


You have vivid sexual fantasies and enjoy playing them out with your lover.

Sexy attire turns you on and sets the stage for the sensual pleasures to come.

Acting out erotic love scenes together also appeals to your sense of the theatrical. With a bed partner who appreciates your creativity, you feel free to engage in fanciful games of torrid seduction.


Get into the country. Breathe fresh, clean air, take hikes, wash your face in cold water. Eat simply. Learn about purification from the earth by existing in harmony with nature.

Reality Check

Because you have little trouble organizing your own life, you are confident of your ability to organize other people’s lives as well. The problem is that you can be interfering and bossy. Moreover, you expect people to follow your advice whether or not they’ve asked for it or think they need it.

August 4 Date Share

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, as old as the century. Knut Hamsun, Nobel Prize winning Norwegian novelist, Hunger.Sir Osbert Lancaster, Britbh writer, artist, cartoonist Percy Bysshe Shelley, British Romantic poet, friend of Lord Byron, drowned at twenty-nine. Mary Decker Slaney, US middle-distance runner, held world records at 1500 and 3000 metres.

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