August 5th Steely Determination Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 05, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is controlling your temper

☆The way forward is to understand the damage that your loss of control can cause, reminding yourself that you are in charge of your feelings, not the other way around.

The Birthday Of Steely Determination, The Day Of Resolute Composure

August 5th Steely Determination Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 5th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable numbers: 4, 5

Lucky days: Sunday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 5 of the month

Lucky colors: Yellow, sapphire blue, light green

Birthstone: Ruby

The focus and steely determination people born on August 5 are blessed with, combined with their ability to keep their cool, instills in others a sense of admiration. This often turns to awe when their resolute sense of purpose, striking originality and incredible energy help them achieve their goals.

These people dream big dreams, but what makes them stand out is that they are prepared to give everything they have to make these dreams happen. At their happiest and best they are natural optimists and, although their lack of caution can lead them into trouble, they have no problems taking calculated risks or betting against the odds. Not surprisingly their fixity of purpose can antagonize others, but criticism rarely deters them, rather energizing them and spurring them on to prove everybody wrong.

They have the potential to achieve success in any sphere that holds their interest; but more often than not underneath their impressive self-discipline there are intense and powerful emotions which, if they are crossed in any way, can explode in dramatic outbursts of temper. The volatile tendency that is characteristic of these people can be unsettling to those around them, and it is important for them to be gentler with both themselves and others.

After the age of seventeen, and for the next thirty years, there is an increased need for practical order and stability in their lives and they will be more inclined to analyze things practically and look for ways to reshape their lives. The key to their success during these years will be to ease up a little on the expectations they place on both themselves and others. After the age of forty-seven there is a turning point which emphasizes the growing importance of relationships, creativity and harmony. Throughout their lives it is important for these strong and determined personalities to learn to trust rather than repress their feelings. This is because working with their intuition will help them build up the confidence and faith they need to achieve their inspired dreams.

☆ On the dark side:Insensitive, volatile, harsh

☆ At your best:Determined, optimistic, original

Those born on August 5 are able to carry through their decisions with great resolve, steadfastness and determination. Although those born on this day may be of an emotional nature, they display a remarkable mastery over their feelings, and accomplish their ends in a natural and easy fashion.

But though August 5 people maintain a cool and unflappable exterior, it is not as easy as it looks for them to do so: indeed it can be a bit like sitting on a volcano. Most born on this day discover at some point that their level of success is in direct proportion to their ability to control and direct their mental energy and to stay on an even keel.

Although most August 5 people are mentally oriented, there is no denying the tremendous physical prowess granted to these gifted people. Such natural advantages may be squandered or misused, however, if their willpower is lacking. A tendency toward violence that so often accompanies this day must be sublimated into creative endeavors, particularly in the case of August 5 males.

In fact, the aggressions of August 5 people in general should be directed at an early age into competitive sports and physical activities of all kinds. Chess, video, card and word games may serve as an outlet for their combative tendencies. When August 5 people explode in anger, it is not at all pleasant to watch; it is worse yet to be the target of their rage. Usually, however, the more highly evolved born on this day become aware of the damage, both physical and psychological, that their anger inflicts, and evolve to a higher state of consciousness in their thirties or forties, at which time they begin to show more consideration of others.

Particularly in friendships and romance, those born on this day may suffer for many years before learning how to relate to loved ones in a truly caring way.

August 5 people need the freedom to act quickly, to carry out decisions without constraint.

Therefore, they must always retain a measure of independence and individual initiative even in a company or group setting. This is not to suggest that those born on this day are uncooperative or difficult to work with; it is just that they are happiest when leading— excelling and striving for the common good.

Gentleness and kindness ultimately prove very important to the dynamic people born on this day. Perhaps touched by the consideration and generosity of an important figure in their youth, they will so admire that person that they seek to honor or even emulate them. In their early years, August 5 people are usually preoccupied with intense desires and passions but as time passes, realize the importance of affection and begin to express it openly and unashamedly.

Always a bit rough around the edges. August 5 people will nonetheless mellow considerably as they approach old age and those who are cantankerous may become quite lovable.

Power Thought:My heart is open. I strive to be more aware of my feelings,Though a milium miles away, the Sun touches our very skin

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 5th day of the month are ruled by the number 5, and by the planet Mercury. Since Mercury represents quickness of thought and change. August 5 people (already affected by the Sun's hot impulses, through its rulership of Leo) may find themselves likely, particularly in their youth, to make rash decisions and to change their minds with great regularity. Whatever hard knocks or pitfalls those ruled by the number 5 encounter in life, they usually recover quickly. The Sun's influence augments this capacity to bounce back.

August 5th Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight; unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism, again emphasizing the need for August 5 people to be more accepting of others.

☆Luck maker:(Set the tone)Lucky people understand that people treat you based on their observations of you. This means that you can influence their decisions greatly. You can be the one who increases your luckmaking power by setting the tone.

Love Your dreams are not mine

You’re drawn to people born on May 22 to June 21:There may be some competition for center stage, but plenty of fast-paced action and debate is guaranteed.

People born on August 5 are often very attractive to others because of their charm, sensuality and optimism, but they can be restless and indecisive about close relationships. Once in a relationship they are loyal and passionate lovers but also a bit controlling. They need to be careful not to become too bossy, understanding that their partner’s dreams may not be the same as theirs.

Health Inner health

People born on this day should be careful not to focus on outer health to the neglect of their emotions or inner health. Generally they are fairly good at making sure they eat healthily and stay in shape, but less good at getting in touch with their feelings and those of others, despite the cool face they present to the world. Emotional confusion can lead to all kinds of health problems from the psychological—stress and depression—to the physical—lowered immunity, fatigue and hormonal imbalances. They should therefore find ways to ease their inner tension, such as meditation, breathing exercises or other stress-management techniques such as spending more time with family and friends, listening to music or pampering themselves. As far as diet is concerned, they should aim for healthy food, steering clear of foods high in salt, sugar, saturated fat, additives, and preservatives. Vigorous exercise that helps them release pent-up emotions is also recommended, as is wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color green.

Generally speaking, August 5 people recognize the importance of keeping their bodies in good shape. Some born on this day. however, are more interested in augmenting strength or beauty than they are in improving their inner health. Smoking, drinking and compulsive eating are the most common pitfalls for them and they must try to exercise the same control in regard to these vices as they do with their emotions. Without compromising their love of eating. August 5 people should be able to make healthier food choices. Taking up cooking is a great help. Most forms of physical exercise are attractive to those born on this day and competitive sports may provide an excellent outlet for aggressive tendencies.

Career Born innovators

The need to act autonomously that characterizes these people suits them to careers in music and film-making as well as to scientific, social or even philosophical innovations. Always aware of their image, they may also be attracted to the theater or the entertainment world. Other career choices that might appeal include law, sales, business, and working for themselves.

Destiny To become impressive agents of change

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to value simple acts of kindness and affection. Once they have learned to manage their emotions positively, their destiny is to use their fierce determination to become impressive agents of change.

Increase your knowledge and understanding of people; come to value affection and kindness.Let up a bit on the demands you make of yourself and others. Learn to express your feelings in a socially acceptable and constructive way.

Celebrities Born On August 5th

Neil Armstrong(American astronaut), Marine Le Pen(French politician), Guy de Maupassant(French writer),

John Huston (Irish-American master film director, The Treasure of Sierra Madre, African Queen, The Man Who Would Be King, actor, producer), Neil Armstrong (US astronaut first man on the moon), Guy de Maupassant (French short-story writer), Conrad Aiken (Pulitzer Prize-winning poet), Ruth Sawyer (children's wnter, storyteller, Roller Skates), Robert Taylor (film actor), Patrick Ewing (New York Knicks basketball center, 3x All-Amencan, US Olympic "Dream Team" gold medalist), Herb Brooks (NHL hockey coach, guided US amateur team to shocking upset and Olympic gold), Roman Gabriel (football quarterback, NFL player of the year, 201 career TD passes), Minam Rothschild (world's leading expert on fleas and defense poisons of insects, biographer, Dear Lord Rothschild), Max Liebman (TV producer), Wendell Berry (poet, novelist, short-story wnter, The Wild Birds), John Saxon (film actor), Princess Irene of the Netherlands, Geraldme Stutz (fashion coordinator I. Magnm, president Henri Bendel), Sidney Omarr (astrologer), Harold Holt (Australian prime minister, sent troops to Vietnam), Jacquetta Hawkes (British archaeologist, writer, A Land), Loni Anderson (TV actress), llya Repm (Russian critical-realist painter)

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