August 6th High Expectations Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 06, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with routine

☆The way forward is to understand that routine is not always a deadening force; it can provide a safe and secure structure in which creativity can be nurtured.

The Birthday Of High Expectations, The Day Of Unique Happenings

August 6th High Expectations Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 6th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)

Favorable numbers: 5, 6

Lucky days: Sunday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 6 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, pink, green

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 6 have a lust for life, especially things that are uncommon and exciting. Their fascination with what is unique leads them to seek out the extraordinary and attracts interesting experiences their way.

They work hard and play hard, and big projects and grand schemes are their hallmark. If they are allowed to retain decision-making powers and the independence that is so important to them, their sharp mind, ability to take decisive action and unwavering determination augur well for professional success in whatever field they choose to devote their prodigious energies. In their private lives they understand the importance of secure bonds with friends and loved ones, but their commitment to their work may make it hard for them to live up to their ideal of devoting equal time to both work and home.

The urge for people born on this day to participate fully in every area of their lives can make it hard for them to deal with the more mundane aspects of life. This is because, whether they realize it or not, they are forever searching for something extraordinary or unusual. When life does not live up to their expectations they can become moody, despondent and restless. The key to success and happiness for them is to find ways to combine their passion for the unique and unusual with the routine of daily life.

After the age of sixteen and for the next thirty years there is an increased emphasis on order and practical problem solving, and they may become more discriminating with their time and energy. Another turning point occurs after the age of forty-six when they may focus more on relationships and the opportunity to develop any latent artistic, musical, literary, or creative talent. In fact it is in the realm of creative expression that they may eventually find the fulfillment they have always been seeking, as this will give them the opportunity to discover that the fantastic and the extraordinary really can be found in the most ordinary things.

☆ On the dark side:Reckless, obsessive, unfocused

☆ At your best:Exciting, creative, ambitious

Those born on August 6 have a lust for experience. They are particularly drawn to happenings of a very unique or extraordinary sort, perhaps once-in-a-lifetime occurrences, some of which seem impossible, or of an inexplicable or divine source.

August 6 people may perhaps generate these experiences themselves or simply come on them by chance, take direct part in them or just read and write about them; in any case, it is the mental or physical contact with the experience itself, the personal discovery of something long forgotten or even previously unknown which attracts them like a magnet.

Ordinary life does not hold a great fascination for those born on this day, and they quickly become bored by the mundane. In the case of August 6 people tied to ordinary jobs or less-than-stellar family situations, there is a danger that they will retreat into a fantasy world to get their kicks. There is also a good chance that following years of deep frustration and angst they may finally decide to leave their stability behind and set out in search of new horizons. After making such drastic changes, an August 6 person may realize that he/she was never cut out for a settled life after all. Some born on this day may feel a measure of bitterness that they didn't make the discovery sooner.

Only the most successful and highly evolved of August 6 people manage to integrate their love for the unique and unusual into a stable daily life. Those who do are usually themselves creative or enjoy an occupation which is directly related to singular and uncommon occurrences. They may even have the genius to reveal the fantastic in the ordinary, and to share such a unique insight with others.

Because transcending the limits of earthly experience (or at the very least stretching them) holds such a central importance for August 6 people, they may display a rather intense approach to life. Indeed, their choice of lifestyle may be difficult for mates to accept, unless of course their partner shares some measure of interest in their pursuits. August 6 people may also go through changes which occur in a much too rapid fashion for their mates, family or friends to handle.

Those born on this day have a great need for love and all sorts of sensuous and sexual expression. But they may suffer deep disappointments in their search for a perfect mate or an ideal relationship. August 6 people are faithful friends and parents in their own way.

Although they may take their responsibilities very seriously, however, they are often unable to discharge them to the satisfaction of loved ones, again because of the demands of their August 6 lifestyle.

Power Thought:I can see eternity in a grain of sand,It is the unexpected that happens

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 6th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 and by the planet Venus. Ik-cause those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and since Venus is strongly connected with social interaction. August 6 people usually work in a highly social setting. However, clue to the disinterest or disenchantment of those born on this day. a great number of people can pass through their lives—perhaps left behind. A stable social life is therefore most often denied August 6 people. Often love becomes the dominant theme in the life of those ailed by the number 6. The combined influence of Venus and the Sun (ruler of Leo), grants August 6 people charm and sex appeal. (Certainly romance, in all its aspects, figures heavily in the life of an August 6 person.)

August 6th Birthday Tarot Card

As if to emphasize this last point, the 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecish eness.

☆Luck maker:(Every day’s a lucky day)Lucky people understand that many days will be ordinary. Yet within these regular days there are opportunities for enjoyment, inspiration and fulfillment. Viewed this way, every day’s a lucky day.

Love Intense

You’re drawn to people born on September 24 to October 22:You are both sensual and thrive on mental stimulation, and this can create a passionate and creative relationship.

People born on August 6 are never short of admirers because they have an unquenchable interest in others and the ability to make them feel special. They can be sensual and passionate as well as reliable and kind, but their intensity can become wearing. It is important for them to understand that laughter, fun, silence and just chilling out with the person you love are a crucial part of keeping a relationship spontaneous and alive.

Health Moderation in all things

The lifestyles of people born on this day are likely to be chaotic and they would benefit greatly from more emphasis on the mundane activities of daily life. The key is to maintain a healthy lifestyle routine without getting bored or distracted; they should embrace moderation in all things but allow themselves the odd indulgence or wild night out. As far as their physical health is concerned, they need to be alert to the possibility of hidden health problems, such as undiagnosed high blood pressure or diabetes. Regular health checks are therefore recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will help them to plan, create and imagine with calm self-assurance and control.

Because of their attraction to the highly unusual. August 6 people may be the despair of their families when it comes to their observing the ordinary daily activities that can keep onehealthy. Yet, paradoxically. August 6 people benefit from and frequently partake of tasty and regular meals, sensuous massages, good sex and periodic exercise such as walking, jogging or swimming. The trick for them is of course to maintain such healthy activities without becoming bored. Usually blessed with a sound constitution and a surprisingly successful avoidance of accidents (considering their taste for far-out and possibly dangerous experiences!. August (> people may periodically need to break out of their routine and go off on wild binges of all types

Career Born composers

These people thrive in careers that offer them plenty of travel, variety, networking, and challenge; they might excel in business, merchandising, manufacturing, the travel industry, and banking. Creative and talented, they may also be attracted to design, art, the theater, and the world of music and entertainment, and should they decide to utilize their compassionate instincts they may be drawn to childcare, counseling, healing, or community work. They may also become talented athletes or sporting stars.

Destiny To push the bounds of human endeavor forward

The life path of people born on this day is to learn that they don’t constantly need to seek out new and extraordinary experiences to feel fulfilled. Once they have been able to enjoy both old and new experiences and to prioritize the demands made on their time, their destiny is to push the boundaries of human endeavor forward.

Acknowledge the fact that you will be- laced with the need for compromise. In order to gel love and affection, you may have to give up some ol your craving lor new experiences.Develop the capacity to see things from another person's point of view,

Celebrities Born On August 6th

Robert Mitchum(American actor), Andy Warhol(American artist), Geri Halliwell(British singer),

Alfred Lord Tennyson (British Victonan poet, Poet Laureate, wrote "Charge of the Light Bngade"), Alexander Fleming (Scottish Nobel Prize-winning bacteriologist, penicillin discover), Andy Warhol (pop artist, avant-garde filmmaker, Sleep [six hour film of man sleeping], photographer, novelist, publisher, personality), Lucille Ball (film, TV actress, / Love Lucy), Robert Mitchum (film actor), Charles Cnchton (British film director, The Lavender Hill Mob, A Fish Called Wanda), Piers Anthony (British-US science-fiction writer), Charles Fort (chronicler of bizarre happenings), Charlie Haden (jazz bassist), Abbey Lincoln (jazz singer, songwriter), David Robinson (San Antonio Spurs basketball center, NBA blocked-shot leader, US Olympic "Dream Team" gold medalist), Hank Iba (college basketball coach, 767 career wins in forty one years, US Olympic team coach, two gold medals), Scott Nearing (social scientist, farmer, writer, Leading the Good Life), Sir Freddy Laker (Bntish budget airlines owner), Mirin Dajo (Dutch magician, fakir), Louella Parsons (gossip columnist), Shin Takematsu (Japanese architect), Heinnch Schlusnus (German operatic baritone), Howard Hodgkin (British artist). Prince Alfred (son of Queen Victona)

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