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August 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onAugust 06, 2024

August 6 makes the garden gorgeous, or a window-box, or pots in the backyard, because it's one of the best ways you can find of being nice to other people. While pleasing yourself.

Sun Sign: Leo/Sun

Decanate: Leo/Jupiter; Numbers: 5, 6

August 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Some people are made to create beautiful gardens. There's nothing stuffy about the lawns and flowerbeds that August 6 makes lovely. No little snobberies about not growing flowers at all. No exclusion of a rose because she is a hybrid. Nor will this gardener faint dead away if he finds a gladiolus.

Both sexes generally ignore the U and non-U list of garden plants because they feel that anybody who gets incredibly het up about whether a flower is socially acceptable has probably gone lupins. But it's true to say that August 6 likes to make a garden not only pleasing to the human eye and nose, but pleasing and useful, to all the other creatures who live in it.

They charm butterflies to stay for a while with gorgeous bushes of purple and blue fragrant buddleia. And intertwine roses with honeysuckle, so powerful that bees and wasps, becoming drunk on the nectar, lurch away to doze in the grass, exactly in the path of bare human feet. Cherry trees and vines provide humans with something to pick at, but also sweet things for robin redbreasts and thrushes to steal. There will be plums, some for us and some for the squirrels. And apples for blue tits to swing on and the tiny, dull brown but musically endowed dunnock to peck.

Both sexes like to entertain in their garden, when it will seem strewn with recumbent figures, lying about on cushions and dreamily consuming more chilled wine than you would have thought possible for any human being to do. There will be swinging seats for adults to play on and paddling pools for every age. And elaborate tents to keep the sun off, made from silks, laces and velvets and any old pretty thing, all sewn and safety pinned together that morning to look like the summer garden palace of an eastern potentate. Of course, if you've just got the one window-box, it's more of a challenge.

In Love

Like other Leo natives, lions celebrating birthdays on this date want love and affection in their lives. Companionship matters a great deal to you; you don’t like living alone. However, you rarely need to look for love because it has a way of finding you. You plunge in at the beginning of a relationship in an attempt to sweep your beloved off his or her feet. Since you come across as Mr. or Ms. Wonderful, your magnetic charm is difficult to resist. Once in love, you make a most generous, caring, and enthusiastic partner but also an extremely demanding one.

In Bed

Your lover’s eyes are the mirrors through which you see yourself. Because a happy relationship is so important to you, you invest a lot of energy in pleasing your partner. You are not immune to flattery, and your mate’s good opinion is exceedingly important to you. You thrive with a partner who showers you with attention and approval. The bedroom is your stage, and you like to hear a few words of appreciation after an exceptional performance.


This gorgeous concoction makes guests feel as if they're in a country garden, even if they're not Le Grand Dessert Troisgros: 600ml vanilla ice cream; 300ml strawberry sorbet; 300g strawberries, 12 plums, 500g pears and 500g peaches, poached in syrup, sugar and water, flavoured with vanilla; raspberry syrup, made from jam with a squeeze of lemon or lime to freshen; double cream. Place vanilla ice cream in centre of shallow round dish. Crown it with sorbet. Arrange fresh and poached fruits around outside and pour the syrup over the top. Pipe the outer edges of the plate with whipped cream and serve with petits fours.


The idea of sensual lovemaking in lavish comfort appeals to you a lot more than grabbing a quickie before rushing off to work. You prefer building anticipation for an erotic sexual encounter by setting up the scene in advance. Planning a romantic getaway, instead of hanging around the house doing the same old thing, is guaranteed to turn you on.


August 6 makes the garden gorgeous, or a window-box, or pots in the backyard, because it's one of the best ways you can find of being nice to other people. While pleasing yourself.

Reality Check

Because of your good taste and aesthetic sensibilities, everything beautiful and harmonious appeals to you. Although some born on this day find their life’s work in the arts, others make an art out of living. Your self-confidence and positive turn of mind cause you to seek the best that life has to offer, and you usually find it.

August 6 Date Share

Sir Freddie Laker, airline owner, famous for exquisite gardens at country home. Alfred Lord Tennyson, Victorian poet laureate. The Lady of Shallot. Andy Warhol, pop artist film maker, publisher, gossip monger. Robert Mitchum, film actor.Alexander Fleming, Scottish Nobel Prize-winning discoverer of penicillin.

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