August 7th Undercover Visionary Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onAugust 07, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is declaring how you really feel

☆The way forward is to understand that, unlike you, most people are not mind readers and sometimes things need to be spelled out to make your intentions clear.

The Birthday Of The Undercover Visionary, The Day Of The Double Agent

August 7th Undercover Visionary Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of August 7th Birthdays

Sun sign: Leo

Ruling planet: Sun, the individual

Symbol: The Lion

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable numbers: 6, 7

Lucky days: Sunday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 7 of the month

Lucky colors: Gold, sea blue, orange

Birthstone: Ruby

People born on August 7 have fascinating, many-faceted personalities with many hidden talents which they are often surprisingly reluctant to reveal. Their secretive nature allows them to surprise and amaze people with sudden and unexpected flashes of insight, or outstanding contributions and achievements.

They are attracted to what is secret or unknown, and their own life mirrors this attraction. Not only do they love to uncover mysteries or secrets—they are often fans of detective stories—there is also something secret or enigmatic about them; even their closest friends may find it hard to really get to know them. Although they are sociable, witty and charming they tend to dwell in a realm of private feelings and fantasies that they seldom, and sometimes never, share. When this is taken to extremes they can even become reclusive or antisocial in their behavior, but they are more likely to find a compromise and will assume an outwardly confident and extroverted personality while at the same time enjoying a hidden fantasy life.

After the age of fifteen they are likely to feel an increased need for practical order in their day-to-day existence, and for the next thirty years they will be more inclined to analyze things, looking for ways to restructure and improve their lives. They should take advantage of this opportunity to find a way to integrate their hidden personality into their social world. They also need to guard against lethargy and becoming too closed or fixed, and should avoid resting in some comfortable routine that does not challenge them to achieve their full potential. After the age of forty-five there is a significant turning point which sees them recognizing the growing importance of relationships, creativity and harmony; these are the years during which they are most likely to open up to others about their feelings.

However, the sooner they find the confidence to open up, the better. The hidden but potentially outstanding originality, creativity and intellect of these fascinating people should never, ever be underestimated.

☆ On the dark side:Reclusive, repressed, insecure

☆ At your best:Charming, intelligent, insightful

Those born on August 7 have an irresistible attraction to secretiveness and undercover events of all types. Generally they are somewhat covert in their own behavior but may also display a marked interest in mystery or spy stories, puzzles and the like.

Those more academically or scientifically oriented may wish to master foreign languages, delve into history or decode nature's secrets. Those born on this day are never happier than when uncovering some tidbit of information previously unknown and perhaps revealing it to a close friend or colleague. In a way they are like detectives, ferreting out the truth and putting it to interesting, sometimes lucrative, uses.

August 7 people must beware of arousing antagonism or making enemies by uncovering truths, particularly those persons wounded or compromised by their disclosures. Sometimes those born on this day are well-meaning but fail to foresee the consequences of their actions; they must also take pains to thoroughly research their findings and thus conclusively establish the validity of statements while avoiding hearsay.

Many August 7 people have a desire to reveal their hidden selves, the intimacies of their own private life, yet are afraid to do so and remain reclusive. Sometimes they have only one very special friend or family member to whom they can confide with confidence, but even someone as close as a wife or husband may live for a lifetime with an August 7 person and still not be aware of a secret world which they inhabit. Perhaps this is because those born on this day are often expert at playing two or more roles. They can appear to be the most conventional, upstanding citizen on the surface and indeed function as a model spouse or parent, while at the same time lead a hidden life that no one knows about. Some August 7 people find a kind of balance in such a life and succeed in it for long periods of time before they are discovered, perhaps posthumously.

August 7 people are very adept at using humor and making light of potentially dangerous situations, often to direct suspicion away from themselves. Unfortunately, out of force of habit, they may hide trivialities as well, or stretch the truth when not truly necessary. For some born on this day, it may even become difficult to give a straight answer or relate facts succinctly. Embellishments may also creep into their storytelling along with an accompanying desire to please. This latter trait may come to dominate the lives of those desperate to fit in to the workplace or society at large and above all to be appreciated for what they do.

Power Thought:I happily give to life and life lovingly gives back to me,The telephone has become the ultimate symbol of modern mankind's inability to communicate

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 7th day of the month are ailed by the number 7 and by the planet Neptune. Because Neptune is the watery planet ruling visions, dreams and psychic phenomena. August 7 people may be vulnerable to instability. When combined with the Sun's effects (the Sun rules Leo), these Neptunian influences may make for erratic behavior, unrealistic plans or expectations, even association with unsavory characters. Those ruled by the number 7 typically enjoy change and travel; this meets well with the August 7 penchant for excitement.

August 7th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency: the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Be true to yourself)Don’t try to be something you are not but acknowledge what your strengths and weaknesses are. Being true to yourself helps others relax and feel connected to you.

Love Hidden passion

You’re drawn to people born on February 20 to March 20:You are mystical, intuitive and deep individuals, and this can create an intense and spellbinding bond.

Intuitive and reflective, people born on August 7 have the ability to attract others to them but they need to make sure that these people boost rather than drain their energy. They find it hard to express their feelings and vulnerability, and once they start to feel serious about someone it can take forever for them to declare how they feel. Surrounding themselves with trusted friends who give them confidence will help them open up sooner.

Health Hug for health

People born on this day have a tendency to lead a double life and they may be prone to anxiety, stress and depression. Counseling and therapy are recommended if the love and support of friends and family and the respect of co-workers don’t boost their emotional confidence. Receiving hugs from those close to them will be surprisingly therapeutic. They would also benefit from daily exercise, preferably the socially orientated forms such as fitness classes, dancing or training with a partner. As far as diet is concerned, they should make sure they watch their salt and sugar intake to avoid the risk of high blood pressure and blood-sugar swings that can lead to hormone imbalances, low moods and poor concentration. Carrying a rose quartz crystal at all times can help them release pent-up stress, promoting love on all levels; wearing the color orange will encourage feelings of warmth and security.

The most prominent health dangers for August 7 people lie in the psychological realm. Some born on this day lose touch with reality too readily and thus exhibit extremely unstable behavior. Others strive to bring their lives into balance but in doing so subject themselves to enormous stress. The fact is that most people born on this day could benefit from therapy or counseling. Effective treatment will not only allow them to examine their own behavior under objective guidance, but also afford them an opportunity to reveal themselves under conditions of strict confidentiality. Because the physical health of most August 7 people is heavily dependent on their mental state, attending to the health of their psyche should take priority over concerns for their physical appearance. A regular well-balanced diet and moderate exercise are recommended.

Career Born performers

The inclinations and talents of these people suit them to careers in which they can find ways to express themselves freely without fear of disapproval or restriction from others, such as sport, writing, acting, drawing, painting, music, dancing, or the world of entertainment. Other careers that might interest them include business, law, religious ministry, and detective work, as well as charity work and social reform.

Destiny To promote their originality with compelling determination

The life path of people born on this day is to find a way to integrate their dreams and fantasies into their daily lives. Once they are able to be more true to themselves, their destiny is to promote their originality and vision with compelling vigor and determination.

Put your talents for investigation to use in a constructive way. Your fantasy may tx- applied to more than just private satisfaction. Try to be fair and honest with those close to you. and still more important, remain true to yourself.

Celebrities Born On August 7th

Mata Hari(Dutch courtesan and dancer), Bruce Dickinson(British singer-songwriter), Megan Gale(Australian actress),

Louis Leakey (British paleontologist, theorist, discover of remains of early man in Olduvai Gorge, wnter, Human Origins), Mata Hari (Dutch-bom spy, double agent, exotic dancer, executed), Ralph Bunch I (US statesman, Nobel Peace Pnze winner, negotiated Arab-Israeli truce), Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (IWW radical agitator, US communist), Jonathan Jay Pollard (US intelligence worker, delivered classified documents to Israel), Roland Kirk (jazz multi-instrumentalist, manzello and stnch inventor, composer), Nicholas Ray (film director, Rebel Without a Cause, They Live By Night), Emile Nolde (German expressionist painter), Manitas de Plata (flamenco guitarist), Aleksandr Drtyatin (Russian overall world champion gym- nast, Olympic multi-gold medalist), Garrison Keillor (radio writer, Lake Woebegone Days), Alberto Salazar (3x New York Marathon champion), Don Larsen (baseball pitcher, pitched only perfect World Segame).

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