August 7th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onAugust 07, 2024

There is an odd belief that achievement requires suffering. However, as you live your life as a Leo, and somebody whose inner light is powerful, you’ll realize that those challenges simply complicate matters. Instead, you will approach things with joy, and both achieve them and love them as well.

Doubts rarely trouble me, and my confidence enables me to overcome others’ doubts

August 7th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on August 7th

You have a natural style and also a determination to do and have everything that you can. However, increasingly you have questions about your goals. On one hand, you’ve been seduced by what others do and seeing what they have, yet at the same time, you are increasingly aware that the deeper you go within, the less you care about them, and the more you want to learn to laugh and to play and to enjoy who you are.

This is the journey of being born a Leo. While on one hand, there is a theatrical side to your nature, and a part that really enjoys being admired. Your style comes naturally with that. However, if you were only your style and nothing more, then it becomes very empty and very hollow.

If, on the other hand, you begin to use the energy of the Sun, which is connected with your deep inner being, and begin to explore it in different ways, you’ll discover ways to laugh, play, and have fun in whatever you’re doing—whether you are in a job, at home, climbing a mountain, or simply relaxing.

The key? It’s to move increasingly closer to the essence of your nature, that sunny being within you. And if you are guided by that, then the choices you make will always be ones that don’t just suit you, they will add new sunshine to your life.

You and others

If you’re still living with a book in your head that tells you what success looks like, then you may not be having a very good time dealing with others. But if, on the other hand, you’re easygoing about things and simply do what makes you happy, you’ll be amazed how others are happy as well.

Health and well-being

There are enough books on health and well-being to fill a large library, but that doesn’t seem to make people more joyous. The secret? Take advantage of your inner Leo child and the joy that comes with that individual. Do that, and you’ll choose naturally to move in a way that makes you feel terrific, and to eat in a way that is good for you. Then there will be absolutely no problem with anything else.

Goals and challenges

There is an odd belief that achievement requires suffering. However, as you live your life as a Leo, and somebody whose inner light is powerful, you’ll realize that those challenges simply complicate matters. Instead, you will approach things with joy, and both achieve them and love them as well.


The last thing you’re in the mood for is a discussion about the tendency of one individual to be careless in certain matters. Ordinarily, it wouldn’t be important, but increasingly, you end up dealing with the details they ignore. If you can disentangle yourself, take over entirely—that’s really the only option.

Zodiac Sign

Leo: JULY 22 – AUGUST 21

Ruler: The Sun

Symbol: The Lion

Element: Fire

Flower: Marigold

Whatever you’re doing, you Leos have style. Being ruled by the Sun, your magnetism comes naturally, and being fire signs, you’re usually juggling your busy calendar while charming others. However, when you’re relaxing, you’ll do it with the conviction of your symbol, the lion. Your flower is marigold; your spice, golden saffron; and your trees are the heady, scented bay and the olive. Your stone is gold topaz, or simply wearing gold.

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